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The Azure IoT Edge Dev Tool enables you to do all of the following with simple one-line CLI commands.

  1. Start Container:

    docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v c:/temp/iotedge:/home/iotedge microsoft/iotedgedev

    This container includes all of the dependencies you need for IoT Edge development, including:

    You can also directly install with: pip install iotedgedev

  2. Create Solution: Create a new IoT Edge Solution that includes a sample module and all the the required configuration files.

    iotedgedev new edgesolution`
    cd edgesolution
  3. Setup Azure: Creates or selects your Azure IoT Hub and Edge Device and updates your Environment Variables.

    iotedgedev iothub setup

    This must be run from the root of your solution, so make sure you cd into the edgesolution1 folder before you run this command.

  4. Build, Push & Deploy: Build, Push and Deploy modules:

    iotedgedev push --deploy

    This will run iotedgedev build, iotedgedev push, and iotedgedev deploy on deployment.template.json targeting amd64 platform. You can use the --file and --platform parameters to change this behavior.

    If your module is included in the BYPASS_MODULES environment variable, or not included in the deployment manifest template, then the iotedgedev build and iotedgedev push steps will be skipped.

  5. Setup: Setup the IoT Edge Simulator (provided by the iotedgehubdev tool):

    iotedgedev setup

  6. Start: Start IoT Edge Simulator:

    iotedgedev start -f config/deployment.amd64.json

  7. View Messages: View Messages Sent from IoT Edge to IoT Hub:

    iotedgedev monitor

  8. View Logs: View and Save Docker log files:

    iotedgedev docker log

  9. Setup Custom Registry: Use a Custom Container Registry:

    iotedgedev docker setup-registry

Please see Azure IoT Edge Dev Resources for links to official docs and other IoT Edge dev information.