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Provider configuration

github-actions edited this page Sep 6, 2022 · 1 revision

The module makes use of both AzureRM and AzAPI providers.

Also see required permissions for more information.

AzureRM provider

The AzureRM provider is used to manage the following resources:

AzureRM configuration

The AzureRM provider must be configured with a subscription_id. This must be an EXISTING subscription id, one that has not been created by this module.

The tenant_id property must also be set, and should reflect the tenant that any created subscriptions will be associated with.

For more information, including how to authenticate the provider, see the AzureRM provider documentation.

AzAPI provider

The AzAPI provider is used to manage the following resources:

  • Resource locks
  • Role assignments
  • Virtual network
  • Virtual network peering
  • Virtual WAN hub virtual network connection

If you use az cli authentication, it is possible to not specify a subscription id for the provider using the --allow-no-subscriptions flag of az login. A subscription id is not required as this module makes use of the parent_id property to deploy resources at different scopes. This is also possible using the GitHub Actions Azure/login action. However, if you must specify a subscription id, then use an existing subscription id, one that has not been created by this module.

For more information, including how to authenticate the provider, see the AzureRM provider documentation.