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A standalone ETL tool to generate advanced features for your Machine Learning projects


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Pacarana was created because of the need of extracting more information from datasets to create more powerful ones for our machine learning projects. Due the sequential nature of the data, we tried to build a stand alone software that gives additional features for the training processes. For example, in a bank operations dataset we could get new features like time interval between operations for each card or the exponential moving average of one company´s value in the stock market. It´s based on Akka Stream and offers a built-in Akka Source Stage to read from the standard input and print the output using the Scalaz IO.

At the moment it only accepts comma delimited CSV input files, and requires MongoDB. Events that get in Pacarana must enter sequentially ordered by some field.


Build the artifact using SBT and import in your project as dependence.

sbt 'set test in assembly := {}' assembly

Examples are included. For a quick start execute run MongoDB using Docker an run the examples from the src/main/scala/examples:

docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo

Application Example

To show how it works, we start from a CSV dataset with some labeled fraudulent or not fraudulent card operations:


From this dataset we need to calcule three additional features between two operations of the same card:

  • The amount diference.
  • The location distance.
  • The elapsed time.

These are steps to follow to configure the stream:

  1. Create two data types . Pacarana needs that the information to be represented as two Scala case clases, the first is to represent the incoming event and must have as many members as columns has the CSV. The second one is for the new info which is going to be created as long the stream progresses. Both data types must extend from Model and DeltaType traits respectively.
case class Transaction(id: String, amount: Double, timestamp: Long, long: Double, lat: Double, center: Int, label: Option[Double]) extends Model  
case class TemporalFeaturesByCard(amountDiff: Double, timeBetweenOp: Double, diffPos: Double) extends DeltaType  

The main sequences are created by the id member. In this case, the id must be in the first place which corresponds to the card id. Note that the label field is declared as an Option. The CSV parser will ignore this field in running mode.

  1. Pacarana uses type class derivation from shapeless for the CSV parser and for the MongoDB codecs so you need to declare three implicits in scope:
// You must import this  
object Codecs {  
 implicit val modelparser = CSVConverter[Transaction]
 implicit val modeltomongo : BSONDocumentHandler[Transaction] = derived.codec[Transaction]
 implicit val deltatomongo : BSONDocumentHandler[TemporalFeaturesByCard] = derived.codec[TemporalFeaturesByCard]
  1. Declare a Sequence Handler. To make the things easier there are several traits you can extend from to implement the required functions: SimpleDelta, Aggregate, SimpleAppend, SimpleAppendWithSerie. In this example we will use SimpleAppend and Output traits:
object SequenceHandlerFunctions extends SimpleAppend[Transaction, TemporalFeaturesByCard] with Output[Transaction, TemporalFeaturesByCard] {  
  import math._  
  case class Location(lat: Double, lon: Double)  
  private val AVERAGE_RADIUS_OF_EARTH_KM = 6371  
  /* Taken from */  
  private def calculateDistanceInKilometer(userLocation: Location, warehouseLocation: Location): Int = {  
    val latDistance = Math.toRadians( -  
    val lngDistance = Math.toRadians(userLocation.lon - warehouseLocation.lon)  
    val sinLat = Math.sin(latDistance / 2)  
    val sinLng = Math.sin(lngDistance / 2)  
    val a = sinLat * sinLat +  
        * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(  
        * sinLng * sinLng)  
    val c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a))  
  implicit class calculateDistance(in: (Double, Double)) {  
    def - (that: (Double, Double)): Double = {  
      calculateDistanceInKilometer(Location(in._2, in._1), Location(that._2, that._1))  
  /** Implement this!! **/  
  override def fullAppend(_newTuple: (Transaction, TemporalFeaturesByCard),  
                          lastTuple: (Transaction, TemporalFeaturesByCard))  
    : (Transaction, TemporalFeaturesByCard) =  
    (_newTuple, lastTuple) match {  
      case ((newModel, newDelta), (lastModel, lastDelta)) => {  
        (newModel, {  
          // Calculate the new dynamic data  
          val newPosition   = (newModel.long,  
          val lastPosition  = (lastModel.long,  
          val diffAmount    = newModel.amount - lastModel.amount  
          val diffTimestamp = newModel.timestamp - lastModel.timestamp  
          val diffLocation  = newPosition - lastPosition  
          // Return a new object with the these new fields to be sent to the output stream  
          TemporalFeaturesByCard(diffAmount, diffTimestamp, diffLocation)  
  /** This is your sequence handler output **/
  override def output(_new: (Transaction, TemporalFeaturesByCard)): String =  

For configuring the sequence you must include:

  • One shapeless lens for your id field.
  • One model name which is going to be the MongoDB collection name.
  • One TemporalFeaturesByCard instance for initialization.
  • The output for this sequence handler is configured by the Scalaz IO. In this case it just print the new enriched event to the console.
  • And finally one Settings instance which is used to configure some stream features. You can declare your own setting extending the Settings class and overriding the values otherwise it will use the aggregator section from the application.conf file.
object SequenceHandlerConf {  
 import shapeless._   // field for which the sequence is going to be created  
 implicit val _lens = lens[Transaction] >> 'id  
 // Mongo collection to store the collection implicit val model : String = "sq"  
 // Init delta value implicit val initDelta = TemporalFeaturesByCard(0,0,0)  
 implicit def io: String => IO[Unit] = str => IO { println(str) }
 implicit val settings = new Settings  

Then define your sequence handler:

object SequenceHandlerDefinition {  
 val sh: Future[SequenceHandler[Transaction, TemporalFeaturesByCard]] =  SequenceHandler[Transaction, TemporalFeaturesByCard]}  

Because this software was created thinking in machine learning projects some of the terminology is closely related to the ML ecosystem. To declare the stream you can choose if you want to start in training mode or in running mode. The only difference between the two is that the running mode expects a transaction identifier as the first field and bypass it to the output. This mode allows to include Pacarana in a prediction pipeline.

Before the stream starts, it is needed to define additional properties for it:

  • Your label function which takes one field of your model and put it at the output's end.
  • The sortBy function wich indicates what field from the Model is used to short the incoming events. It is necessary if you configure your groupedBy property > 1 to avoid a possible event disorder.
  • The parameters needed for starting the stream are the handlers list(in this case only one), the built in stdinSource available, and the label function.

The two parameter types correspond to the Transaction and the field type from which the order is performed, in this case the field timestamp type, a Long .

The SequenceHandler constructor returns a Scala Future which completes once it is initialized and connected with the MongoDB database. When it is ready you can start the stream invoking the stream constructor with the following parameters:

object InitStream extends App {  
 import SequenceHandlerConf._
 import SequenceHandlerDefinition._
 def label(_new: Transaction): String = _new.label.get.toString
 implicit def sortBy(_new: Transaction): Double = _new.timestamp  
 sh onComplete { 
    case Success(handler) => {
       SequenceHandlerStreamTrainer[Transaction, Long](handler :: Nil, Sources.stdinSource, label _)  
    case _ => System.exit(-1) 

Once the stream is created it reads from the Stdin. For example if the incoming events are:


in our example the output configured by the output function will be:


Building another Sequence Handler

Pacarana allows to add another sequence handler that will process in parallel the incoming events for a different field. In this example we sequence by the merchantid to obtain what is the fraud average in the last n transactions. Just configure another sequence handler:

case class FraudIndexByMerchantId(fraudList: List[Double], average: Double) extends DeltaType
implicit val deltatomongo0 : BSONDocumentHandler[FraudIndexByMerchantId] = derived.codec[FraudIndexByMerchantId]   

object  SequenceHandlerForMerchantFunctions extends SimpleAppend[Transaction, FraudIndexByMerchantId] with Output[Transaction, FraudIndexByMerchantId] {  
  override def fullAppend(_newTuple: (Transaction, FraudIndexByMerchantId), lastTuple: (Transaction, FraudIndexByMerchantId)): (Transaction, FraudIndexByMerchantId) = {  
    val newTransaction = _newTuple._1  
    val storedFraudList = lastTuple._2.fraudList  
    val updatedWindow = newTransaction.label.get :: storedFraudList  
    val rotateWindow = if (updatedWindow.length > 100) {  
    } else updatedWindow  
    val fraudIndex = rotateWindow.sum / rotateWindow.size  
    (newTransaction, FraudIndexByMerchantId(rotateWindow, fraudIndex.toFloat))  
  override def output(_new: (Transaction, FraudIndexByMerchantId)): String = _new._2.average.toString  
object  SequenceHandlerConfForMerchantId {  
  // field for which the sequence is going to be created  
  implicit val _lens = lens[Transaction] >> 'center  
  // Mongo collection to store the collection  
  implicit val model : String = "sq1"  
  // Init delta value  
  implicit val initDelta = FraudIndexByMerchantId(Nil, 0.0)  
  implicit def io: String => IO[Unit] =  
    str =>  
      IO {  
  implicit val settings = new Settings  

object  SequenceHandlerDefinitionForMerchantId {  
  import Codecs._  
  import SequenceHandlerForMerchantFunctions._  
  import SequenceHandlerConfForMerchantId._  
  val sh1: Future[SequenceHandler[Transaction, FraudIndexByMerchantId]] =  
    SequenceHandler[Transaction, FraudIndexByMerchantId]  

And start the stream with the two Sequence Handlers:

object  InitStream extends App {  
  import SequenceHandlerConf._  
  import SequenceHandlerDefinition._  
  import SequenceHandlerDefinitionForMerchantId._  
  def label(_new: Transaction): String = _new.label.get.toString  
  implicit def sortBy(_new: Transaction): Long = _new.timestamp  
  sh zip sh1 onComplete {  
     case Success((handler, handler1)) => {  
        SequenceHandlerStreamTrainer[Transaction, Long](handler :: handler1 :: Nil, Sources.stdinSource, label _) }
     case _ => System.exit(-1)  

For an input like this:


the result is the following:


Mini-batching the output

If you need that your output has more than a single event, you can use the aggregator.entries property. For example if this value is fixed to 5 the output will be:


Running Mode

This mode expects an operation id as first field. For example:


gives an output like:


The following code starts the stream in the running mode:

sh onComplete {  
  case Success(handler) =>  
    SequenceHandlerStreamRunner(handler :: Nil, Sources.stdinSource)  

This code does not need a label function it just applies the function and outputs the transformed event with the ID.

Configuration Notes

The application.conf includes how to configure the MongoDB connection and how the stream ingests data:

aggregator {
  # How many events store for eac sequence. It is useful mini-batching the outpue
  entries = 1

  # How many elements reads at time
  groupedBy = 1

  # How much time to wait to push down stream
  milliseconds = 1

Check the Akka groupedWithin documentation to see how it works more in detail.


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