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Fixed errors when generating other worlds for islands are ignored (#1376
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OmerBenGera committed Sep 30, 2022
1 parent f863340 commit 9fa101d
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Showing 11 changed files with 14 additions and 0 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ public enum Message {
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Expand Up @@ -231,6 +231,10 @@ public boolean preventPlayerPortal(Player player, Location portalLocation, Playe

}, error -> {

} catch (NullPointerException ignored) {
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/lang/de-DE.yml
Expand Up @@ -382,6 +382,7 @@ COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lFehler | &7Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Koop-Spielern
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lInsel | &7Neue Insel bei {0} in {1}ms erstellt.'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7Beim Erstellen deiner Insel ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
Bitte wende dich an den Administrator, um das Problem zu untersuchen.'
CREATE_WORLD_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while generating your world. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Debug-Modus umgeschaltet &cOFF&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Debug-Modus &aON&7 umgeschaltet.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&lDebug | &7Debug-Filter erfolgreich aktualisiert!'
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/lang/en-US.yml
Expand Up @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lError | &7This player is banned from the island and can
COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lError | &7You reached the maximum amount of coop players the island can have.'
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lIsland | &7Created a new island at {0} in {1}ms.'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while creating your island. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
CREATE_WORLD_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while generating your world. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Toggled debug mode &cOFF&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Toggled debug mode &aON&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&lDebug | &7Successfully updated the debug filter!'
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/lang/es-ES.yml
Expand Up @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lError | &7Este jugador está prohibido de la isla y no
COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lError | &7Alcanzaste la cantidad máxima de jugadores cooperativos que puede tener la isla.'
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lIsla | &7Creó una nueva isla en {0} en {1}ms.'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7Se produjo un error al crear su isla. Comuníquese con el administrador para investigar el problema.'
CREATE_WORLD_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while generating your world. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Modo de depuración &cAPAGADO&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Modo de depuración &aENCENDIDO&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&lDebug | &7Se actualizó correctamente el filtro de depuración.!'
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/lang/fr-FR.yml
Expand Up @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lErreur | &7Ce joueur est banni de l''île et ne peut pa
COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lErreur | &7Vous avez atteint le nombre maximal de coopérateurs d''île.'
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lIle | &7Création d''une nouvelle île aux coordonnées {0} en {1}ms.'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&lErreur | &7Une erreur est survenue ors de la création de votre île. Veuillez contacter un administrateur et le notifier de ce problème.'
CREATE_WORLD_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while generating your world. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Débogage &cDÉSACTIVÉ&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Débogage &aACTIVÉ&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&lDebug | &7Filtres de débogage mis à jour !!'
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/lang/it-IT.yml
Expand Up @@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lErrore | &7Questo giocatore è bannato dall''isola e no
COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lErrore | &7Hai raggiunto il numero massimo di giocatori coop che l''isola può avere.'
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lIsola | &7Creata una nuova isola a {0} in {1}ms.'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&lErrore | &7Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione della tua isola. Si prega di contattare l''amministratore per indagare sul problema.'
CREATE_WORLD_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while generating your world. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Debug mode &cOFF&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Debug mode &aON&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&lDebug | &7Aggiornato il filtro di debug con successo!'
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/lang/iw-IL.yml
Expand Up @@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lהאיגש | &7הלועפ ףתשמכ ףסוותהל ל
COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lError | &7You reached the maximum amount of coop players the island can have.'
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lיא | &7היינשה תופילא {1} ךות {0} ב שדח יא תרצי.'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while creating your island. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
CREATE_WORLD_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while generating your world. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Toggled debug mode &cOFF&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Toggled debug mode &aON&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&lDebug | &7Successfully updated the debug filter!'
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/lang/pl-PL.yml
Expand Up @@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lBlad | &7Ten gracz jest zablokowany na wyspie i nie moz
COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lBlad | &7Osiagnales maksymalna liczbe czlonków co-op na wyspie.'
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lWyspa | &7Stworzono wyspe na {0} w {1}ms.'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&lBlad | &7Wystapil blad ze stworzeniem wyspy. Skontaktuj sie z administracja.'
CREATE_WORLD_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while generating your world. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Tryb debug mode &cWylaczony&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&lDebug | &7Tryb debug mode &aWlaczony&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&lDebug | &7Pomyslnie zaktualizowano debug filter!'
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/lang/vi-VN.yml
Expand Up @@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&lLỗi | &7Người chơi này đang bị cấm khỏi
COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lLỗi | &7Bạn đã đạt số lượng người chơi co-op tối đa mà hòn đảo có thể có.'
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&lĐảo | &7Tạo một hòn đảo mới tại {0} trong {1}ms.'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&lLỗi | &7Đã xảy ra lỗi khi tạo đảo của bạn. Vui lòng liên hệ với quản trị viên để điều tra vấn đề.'
CREATE_WORLD_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while generating your world. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&lGỡ Lỗi | &7Chế độ gỡ lỗi đã được &cTẮT&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&lGỡ Lỗi | &7Chế độ gỡ lỗi đã được &aBẬT&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&lGỡ Lỗi | &7Đã cập nhật thành công bộ lọc gỡ lỗi!'
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/main/resources/lang/zh-CN.yml
Expand Up @@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ COOP_BANNED_PLAYER: '&c&l错误 | &7这个玩家被岛屿禁封了,不能成
COOP_LIMIT_EXCEED: '&c&lError | &7You reached the maximum amount of coop players the island can have.'
CREATE_ISLAND: '&e&l岛屿 | &7已为你创建新岛屿,耗时 &b{1}ms &7开始冒险吧!'
CREATE_ISLAND_FAILURE: '&c&l错误 | &7在为你创建岛屿时出现了问题,请联系管理员.'
CREATE_WORLD_FAILURE: '&c&lError | &7An error occurred while generating your world. Please contact the administrator to investigate the issue.'
DEBUG_MODE_DISABLED: '&e&l调试 | &7除错模式 &c关闭&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED: '&e&l调试 | &7除错模式 &a开启&7.'
DEBUG_MODE_FILTER: '&e&l调试 | &7已更新除错模式筛选器!'
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