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何伟明(Weiming He) committed Jun 20, 2023
1 parent f358b52 commit 1523483
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Showing 18 changed files with 3,632 additions and 0 deletions.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions INSTALL.txt
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VCF2Dis: A new simple and efficient software to calculate p-distance matrix based Variant Call Format

1) Introduction

This software relies on two other library packages [zlib]

---------------------- zlib infomation ----------------------------
If Lib [zlib] do not work
you can download form this website and install it

2) linux/Unix/MacOS INSTALL

Just execute as follows :
tar -zxvf VCF2DisXXX.tar.gz
cd VCF2DisXXX.tar.gz;

#Note: If fail to link,try to re-install the libraries zlib
#if Link do not work ,try Re-install the zlib librarys and copy them to the library Dir


#step3 :
sh # or [make && make clean]

4) Contact
email: /
join the QQ Group : 125293663

######################swimming in the sky and flying in the sea ########################### ##

56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions
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## 安装 PHYLIPNEW 记要

要运行 PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/bin/fconsense 须先安装<b> PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660 </b>,其步骤如下:

### 第一步:下载
cd /public/software/
wget ./
wget ./
#在 里面下载好 EMBOSS-6.6.0.tar.gz 和 PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660.tar.gz

### 第二步:安装EMBOSS ;
tar -xzvf EMBOSS-6.6.0.tar.gz # 解压
cd EMBOSS-6.6.0/
./configure --prefix=/public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0 # [prefix后面接的目录必须是你自己有权限的目录]

## 其中这个软件依赖一些其他包,若系统没有就先安装之,在这打个比如,如报了少 缺*的库的错
## 那么请安装之,若有root: 运行: yum install mysql ; yum install mysql-devel即可以安装,若没有到自行安装
## 现别人已经安装好在这了: /gss1/App_dir/mariadb-10.1.26/bin/mysql 在 /gss1/App_dir/mariadb-10.1.26/lib/里面存在
## libmysqlclient.*的,即可以直接加载环境变量就行 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ;
## 在这运行: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/gss1/App_dir/mariadb-10.1.26/lib/ [可写入: ~/.bashrc 里面,免得每次都要重新加载]

make install

### 第三步:安装好EMBOSS以后,安装PHYLIBNEW

tar -xzvf PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660.tar.gz # 解压
cp -r /public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0/lib/* /public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/lib/
cp -r /public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0/include/* /public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/include/
# 在安装好EMBOSS后 即在 EMBOSS-6.6.0 里面有include 和lib 目录;
# 将EMBOSS-6.60下include里的头文件和lib文件夹copy到 PHYLIBNEW下 [or 加载一些变量 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ; CFLAGS="-I$prefix/include" ; LDFLAGS="-L$prefix/ ]
./configure --prefix=/public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650

## 其中这个软件依赖一些其他包,若系统没有就先安装之,在这打个比例 报了少 LibXaw.soXX的库
## 在 下载里面的 libXaw-1.0.13.tar.gz ;
## #解压 libXaw-1.0.13.tar.gz,./configure --prefix=/public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650 (可以这个目录,免得又重新加载环境变量就行
## export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/lib;
## make ;make install;

make install

### 第四步: 安装后好在 PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660/bin/fconsense
#但运行会报 少了在EMBOSS目录少了 fneighbor.acd 的文件
# 那么在 PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660 找之(find ./ -name fneighbor.acd),正常当在HYLIPNEW-3.69.650/emboss_acd下
mkdir -p /public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0/embassy/phylipnew/ ;
ln -s /public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/emboss_acd /public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0/embassy/phylipnew/emboss_acd
# 创建目录 并链接 or 可以copy

### 其它信息
若后面再运行报少了\.*的话 把这个\*的路径找到并记录下来,直接在 \~/.bashrc加载之,export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$export LD_LIBRARY_PATH:库所在路径
如把 <b><i>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/lib; </i></b>写进 <b>\~/.bashrc</b>

57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions
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</br>To run <b>PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/bin/fconsense</b> software, <b>PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660</b> must be installed first, and the steps are as follows:

### Step 1: Download
cd /public/software/
wget ./
wget ./
#Download EMBOSS-6.6.0.tar.gz and PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660.tar.gz at []

### Step 2: Install EMBOSS
tar -xzvf EMBOSS-6.6.0.tar.gz # Unzip package
cd EMBOSS-6.6.0
./configure --prefix=/public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0 #[You must have read and write permissions for this Dir]

## This software depends on some other packages. If your system does not have one, install them first. For example, Error with a report missing [*] library
## then please install it, if you have root: Run:[ yum install mysql; yum install mysql-devel ] can be installed, if not, install it yourself.
## Now others have installed mysqlclient here: [/gss1/App_dir/mariadb-10.1.26/bin/mysql] and [libmysqlclient.*] exists in [/gss1/App_dir/mariadb-10.1.26/lib/]
## That is, you can load the environment variables directly [export LD_LIBRARY_PATH]
## Run here: [export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/gss1/App_dir/mariadb-10.1.26/lib/] [Writable: ~/.bashrc inside, so as not to reload every time]

make install

### Step 3: After installing EMBOSS, install PHYLIBNEW
tar -xzvf PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660.tar.gz #Unzip package
cp -r /public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0/lib/* /public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/lib/
cp -r /public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0/include/* /public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/include/
# After successfully installing EMBOSS, there are [include] and [lib] directories in EMBOSS-6.6.0;
# Copy the header file and lib folder in include under EMBOSS-6.60 to PHYLIBNEW [or load some variables :export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; CFLAGS="-I$prefix/include"; LDFLAGS="-L$prefix/]
./configure --prefix=/public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650

## This software depends on some other library. If the system does not have it, install them first. Let’s make an analogy here. reporting less [*] library.
## Then download [libXaw-1.0.13.tar.gz] in [];
## tar -zxvf libXaw-1.0.13.tar.gz; cd libXaw-1.0.13 ; ./configure --prefix=/public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650 (This directory can be used to avoid reloading environment variables)
## export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/lib;
## make ;make install;

make install

### Step 4: Run PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660/bin/fconsense
# After installation, the first run [PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660/bin/fconsense] will report that the [fneighbor.acd] file is missing in the EMBOSS directory.
# Then find it in PHYLIPNEW-3.69.660 Dir [find ./ -name fneighbor.acd], normally it will under Dir [HYLIPNEW-3.69.650/emboss_acd]
mkdir -p /public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0/embassy/phylipnew/ ;
ln -s /public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/emboss_acd /public/software/EMBOSS-6.6.0/embassy/phylipnew/emboss_acd
# Create directory and link or copy

### Other Info:
</br> If [\*] missing is report after running the software later, find and record the path of this [\*] and load it directly in \~/.bashrc, <i> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$export LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Dir_Path_For_Thislibrary_located/;</i>
</br> such writing info <b><i>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/public/software/PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/lib;</i></b> to file <b>[\~/.bashrc]</b>; Avoid reloading every time you use it

127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions
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# VCF2Dis
<b>VCF2Dis: A new simple and efficient software to calculate p-distance matrix based Variant Call Format</b>

### 1) Install
The <b>new version</b> will be updated and maintained in <b>[hewm2008/VCF2Dis](</b>, please click below Link to download the latest version
</br><p align="center"><b>[hewm2008/VCF2Dis](</b></p>
<b> [Download]( </b>

</br> Just [make] or [sh ] to compile this software.the final software can be found in the Dir <b>[bin/VCF2Dis]</b>
</br> For <b>linux /Unix </b> and <b>macOS</b>
tar -zxvf VCF2DisXXX.tar.gz # if Link do not work ,Try <b>re-install</b> [zlib]library
cd VCF2DisXXX; # [zlib] and copy them to the library Dir
sh; # VCF2Dis-xx/src/include/zlib

**Note:** If fail to link,try to <b>re-install</b> the libraries [**_zlib_**](

### 2) an Example of nj-tree with no boostrap
* 1) Parameter description:
Usage: VCF2Dis -InPut <in.vcf> -OutPut <p_dis.mat>

-InPut <str> Input one or muti GATK VCF genotype File
-OutPut <str> OutPut Sample p-Distance matrix

-InList <str> Input GATK muti-chr VCF Path List
-SubPop <str> SubGroup SampleList of VCFFile [ALLsample]
-Rand <float> Probability (0-1] for each site to join Calculation [1]
-KeepMF Keep the Middle File diff & Use matrix

-help Show more help [hewm2008 v1.50]


* 2) To Create the p_distance matrix

# 2.1) To new all the sample p_distance matrix based VCF, run VCF2Dis directly
./bin/VCF2Dis -InPut in.vcf.gz -OutPut p_dis.mat
# ./bin/VCF2Dis -InPut in.fa.gz -OutPut p_dis.mat -InFormat FA
# 2.2) To new sub group sample p_distance matrix ; put their sample name into File sample.list
./bin/VCF2Dis -InPut chr1.vcf.gz chr2.vcf.gz -OutPut p_dis.mat -SubPop sample.list

* 3) construct nj-tree and present it (need deal with Other software)

#### method 1
Choose one of **A/B**
</br> **A.** Upload the web [fneighbor(]( ,the Click the **Run fneighbor** bottom . then you can get the output file **datafile.treefile**
</br> **B.** Upload the <b>p_dis.mat</b> to the website [fastme (](, select <b>Data Type</b> to the <b>Distance matrix </b>,Click the bottom twist <b>execute & email results</b>. you will get the <b>p_dis_mat_fastme-tree.nwk</b> , and Email not mandatory;

Run MEGA # The MEGA ( was used to present the phylogenetic tree based this file [p_dis_mat_fastme-tree.nwk]

#### method 2
Use the PHYLIPNEW to construct nj-tree
</br>How to Install PHYLIPNEW please Click on <b> [here](</b> or Click on <b>[here(Chinese)](</b>
# 3.1 Run PHYLIP
# After p_distance done , software PHYLIPNEW 3.69 ( ,with neighbor-joining method can was used to construct the phylogenetic tree on the basis of this p_distance matrix;
PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/bin/fneighbor -datafile p_dis.matrix -outfile tree.out1.txt -matrixtype s -treetype n -outtreefile tree.out2.tre
# 3.2 Run MEGA
# The MEGA6 ( was used to present the phylogenetic tree based this file [tree.out2.tre]
* 4) you can see the neighbor-joining tree and save it as PDF format

### 3) an Example of nj-tree with boostrap

* 1) muti-run the nj-tree by using put back sampling.
To using the the part of the sites and new the nj-tree as above. Repeat For the <b>NN</b> times. X=(1,2....NN);

./bin/VCF2Dis -InPut in.vcf.gz -OutPut p_dis_X.mat -Rand 0.25
PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/bin/fneighbor -datafile p_dis_X.matrix -outfile tree.out1_X.txt -matrixtype s -treetype n -outtreefile tree.out2_X.tre

* 2) merge the all the put back sampling NJ-tree and construct boostrap nj-tree.

cat tree.out2_*.tre > ALLtree_merge.tre
PHYLIPNEW-3.69.650/bin/fconsense -intreefile ALLtree_merge.tre -outfile out -treeprint Y
perl ./bin/ ALLtree_merge.treefile NN Final_boostrap.tre
* 3) construct nj-tree and present it (need deal with Other software)
# The MEGA6 ( was used to present the phylogenetic tree based this file Final_boostrap.tre]
### 4) Introduction
To new the p_distance matrix besed the VCF file. the more infomation about the p_distance matrix, see <b>[this website.](</b>
The VCF SNPs datasets were used to calculate p-distance between individuals, according to the follow formula to operate the sample i and sample j genetic distance:

D_ij=(1/L) * [(sum(d(l)_ij))]

</br> Where L is the length of regions where SNPs can be identified, and given the alleles at position l are A/C:
d(l)_ij=0.0 if the genotypes of the two individuals were AA and AA;
d(l)_ij=0.5 if the genotypes of the two individuals were AA and AC;
d(l)_ij=0.0 if the genotypes of the two individuals were AC and AC;
d(l)_ij=1.0 if the genotypes of the two individuals were AA and CC;
d(l)_ij=0.0 if the genotypes of the two individuals were CC and CC;

### 5) Results
some NJ-tree images which I draw in the paper before.

* [50 Rices NBT](
* [31 soybeans NG](

### 6) Discussing
- [:email:]( /
- join the<b><i> QQ Group : 125293663</b></i>

######################swimming in the sky and flying in the sea ########################### ##
Binary file added bin/VCF2Dis
Binary file not shown.
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions bin/
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
#explanation:this program is edited to
#edit by hewm; Wed Feb 20 11:02:07 HKT 2019
#Version 1.0

die "Version 1.0\t2019-02-20;\nUsage: $0 <merge.tre><RepeatTime><boostrap.tre>\n" unless (@ARGV ==3);

#############Befor Start , open the files ####################

open (IA,"$ARGV[0]") || die "input file can't open $!";
my $TotalRepeat=$ARGV[1];
open (OA,">$ARGV[2]") || die "output file can't open $!" ;

################ Do what you want to do #######################

next if ($_ eq "");
my $Start=0;
my $Now=$Start;
my $Ttue=1;
my $Str=$_ ;

if ($Now==-1)
my $Length=$Now-$Start;
my $AAA=substr($Str,$Start,$Length);
my $NowA=index($Str,",",$Start);
my $NowB=index($Str,")",$Start);
if ($NowA!=-1 && $NowB!=-1)
if ($NowA>$NowB)
elsif ($NowA==-1 && $NowB==-1)
print "bad Format,some thing wrong!!!\n";
elsif ($NowA==-1 && $NowB!=-1)
elsif ($NowA!=-1 && $NowB==-1)
my $BBB=substr($Str,$Start,$Length);
$BBB=sprintf ("%.1f",$BBB*100.0/$TotalRepeat);
print OA "$AAA:$BBB"
my $Length=length($Str);
my $BBB=substr($Str,$Start,$Length);
print OA "$BBB\n";
close IA;
close OA ;

######################swimming in the sky and flying in the sea ###########################
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions exemple/
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#$ -S /bin/sh
#Version1.0 2017-06-13
echo Start Time :
../bin/VCF2Dis -InPut in.vcf.gz -OutPut p_dis.mat
#../bin/VCF2Dis -InPut in.vcf.gz -OutPut p_dis.mat -SubPop sample.list
echo End Time :
Binary file added exemple/in.vcf.gz
Binary file not shown.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions exemple/sample.list
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

0 comments on commit 1523483

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