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Biomedical Natural Language Processing Benchmarks


The datasets are biomedical natural language processing (BioNLP) benchmarks commonly adopted for benchmarking BioNLP lanuage models. It consists of the following:

  • The original full dataset: For each dataset_name, the original complete training (train), development (dev), and testing (test) datasets are located in the benchmarks/{dataset_name}/datasets/full_set/ directory. These datasets have been prepared based on existing studies. The train and dev files were used to fine-tune models.
  • Prompts: For each dataset_name, zero-shot and one-shot prompts are located in the benchmarks/{dataset_name}/ directory. We selected one fixed example from the train file for one-shot learning.

Fine-tuning for Llama models

Please adhere to the instructions in the LLMindCraft submodule folder, which provides both the preprocessing scripts and fine-tuning docker images. All 24 fine-tuned models (Llama-2-13b / PMC-LLaMA-13b for 12 datasets) are posted here: fine-tuned models.

We also provide the preprocessed datasets for fine-tuning:


For NER and RE tasks, run:




The models arguement could be set to any huggingface-based LLaMA models.

Running the prediction script for GPT models

To generate predictions for 6 generative tasks ([QA]MedQA(5-option), [QA]PubMedQA, [Summarization]PubMed, [Summarization]MS^2, [Simplification]Cochrane, [Simplification]PLOS), please use the following command:

python generative_tasks/ \
 --dataset {medqa5 | pubmedqa | pubmed | ms2 | cochrane | plos} \
 --model {gpt-35-turbo-16k | gpt-4-32k } \
 --setting {zero_shot | one_shot}

Predictions and corresponding gold labels are saved in JSON format, for example, ms2_gpt-4-32k_one_shot.json. The JSON files include both the predicted outputs and the gold standard labels for all examples within this dataset.

To generate predictions for 6 extractive tasks ([NER]BC5CDR-chemical, [NER]NCBI Disease, [RE]ChemProt, [RE]DDI2013, [MLC]HoC, [MLC]LitCovid), please use the following command:

python extractive_tasks/


python extractive_tasks/

to generate all predictions (6 extractive tasks for GPT-3.5 / 4, zero_shot / one_shot) all together. Predictions and corresponding gold labels are saved in JSON format, for example, Hoc_gpt4_os.json. The JSON files include both the predicted outputs and the gold standard labels for all examples within this dataset.

Running the prediction script for Llama models

Please adhere to the instructions in the llama folder. Note that the evaluation script within this folder serves merely as a reference. For consistent results across all models — including Llama models and GPT models — we used for evaluations.

Predictions and corresponding gold labels are saved in JSON format, for example, ms2_llama2_13b_chat_one_shot.json. The JSON files include both the predicted outputs and the gold standard labels for all examples within this dataset.


Before evaluation, please download BART checkpoint (for BART metrics evaluation).

To evaluate on various datasets or tasks, please use the following command:

python \
 --json_file {ms2_gpt-4-32k_one_shot.json | ms2_llama2_13b_chat_one_shot.json | ...} \
 --format_type {gpt | llama} \ 
 --task {NER | RE | MLC | QA | summarization | simplification}


Main metrics SOTA results before LLMs GPT-3.5 zero-shot GPT-4 zero-shot LLAMA2 13B zero-shot GPT-3.5 one-shot GPT-4 one-shot LLAMA2 13B one-shot LLAMA2 13B fine-tuned PMC LLAMA 13B fine-tuned
[NER]BC5CDR-chemical Entity F1 0.9500 0.6274 0.7993* 0.3944 0.7133 0.8327* 0.6276 0.9149 0.9063
[NER]NCBI Disease Entity F1 0.9090 0.4060 0.5827* 0.2211 0.4817 0.5988* 0.3811 0.8682* 0.8353
[RE]ChemProt Macro F1 0.7344 0.1345 0.3250* 0.1392 0.1280 0.3391* 0.0718 0.4612* 0.3111
[RE]DDI2013 Macro F1 0.7919 0.2004 0.2968* 0.1305 0.2126 0.3312* 0.1779 0.6218 0.5700
[MLC]HoC Macro F1 0.8882 0.6722 0.7109* 0.1285 0.6671 0.7093* 0.3072 0.6957* 0.4221
[MLC]LitCovid Macro F1 0.8921 0.5967 0.5883 0.3825 0.6009 0.5901 0.4808 0.5725* 0.4273
[QA]MedQA(5-option) Accuracy 0.4195 0.4988 0.7156* 0.2522 0.5161 0.7439* 0.2899 0.4462* 0.3975
[QA]PubMedQA Accuracy 0.7340 0.6560* 0.6280 0.5520 0.4600 0.7100* 0.2660 0.8040* 0.7680
[Summarization]PubMed Rouge-L 0.4316 0.2274 0.2419* 0.1190 0.2351 0.2427* 0.0989 0.1857* 0.1684
[Summarization]MS^2 Rouge-L 0.2080 0.0889 0.1224* 0.0948 0.1132 0.1248* 0.0320 0.0934* 0.0059
[Simplification]Cochrane Rouge-L 0.4476 0.2365 0.2375 0.2081 0.2447* 0.2385 0.2207 0.2355 0.2370*
[Simplification]PLOS Rouge-L 0.4368 0.2323* 0.2253 0.2121 0.2449* 0.2386 0.1836 0.2583 0.2577
Macro-average 0.6536 0.3814 0.4561 0.2362 0.3848 0.4750 0.2614 0.5131 0.4422

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