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The aim of this paper is to develop a multiple-index latent factor modeling (MILFM) framework to build an accurate prediction model for clinical outcomes based on a massive number of features. We develop a three-stage estimation procedure to build the prediction model. MILFM uses an independent screening method to select a set of informative features, which may have a complex nonlinear relationship with the outcome variables. Moreover, we develop a latent factor model to project all informative predictors onto a small number of local subspaces, which lead to a few key features that capture reliable and informative covariate information. Finally, we fit the regularized empirical estimate to those key features in order to accurately predict clinical outcomes.

Data analysis

generate dataset and split dataset into train and test

data1 = dataset(v.nonsparse=c( 300, 300), n.sparse=2500 , level= 0.02, N= 200 )

X = data1[[1]];

Y = data1[[2]];

N= dim(X)[1];

T.row=seq( N );

Test=sort( sample(N)[1:(N*0.5)] );

Train=sort( T.row[-Test] );

X.train=X[Train, ] ;

X.test=X[Test, ] ;

Y.train=Y[Train ];

Y.test=Y[Test ];




stage 1

stage1 = fit_stage1( X.train , Y.train);

SET_HS = order(stage1,decreasing=TRUE);

plot( stage1, xlab="X", ylab="signals");

(suppose cut-off to be the first 450 features! and focus on reduced matrix)

G.NUM = 450

RX.train =X.train[, sort(SET_HS[1:G.NUM]) ]

RX.test = X.test [, sort(SET_HS[1:G.NUM]) ]

stage 2

stage2 = fit_stage2( RX.train , RX.test, thetas = c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 ) , groups = c( 1, 2, 4, 8, 10) )

f2_out_train= stage2$factors_train

f2_out_test= stage2$factors_test

stage 3

stage3_1 = fit_stage3(input.x=f2_out_train, output.y= Y.train, test.x=f2_out_test,test.y=Y.test, type= 1 )

stage3_2 = fit_stage3(input.x=f2_out_train, output.y= Y.train, test.x=f2_out_test,test.y=Y.test, type= 2 )



Summary statistics

stage 1

fit_stage1(x, y) -- how to compute non-parametric correlation measure based on the reproducing kernel. Input x (matrix): X represents n x p matrix. y (vector): Y represents n x 1 vector. Output vector: represents marginal HSIC norm based on the RBF kernel.

stage 2

fit_stage2( train.x, test.x, thetas , groups)-- how to conduct aggregation procedure based on the output of 1st stage. Input train.x (matrix): reduced feature training matrix (X) represents n x q matrix. test.x (matrix): reduced feature test matrix (X) represents n x q matrix (default: NULL ). thetas (vector): represents thresholdings for the correlation matrix (default: c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 ) ). groups (vector): represents the number of the group correponding to the thetas (default: c( 1, 2, 4, 8, 10) ). Output factors_train (list[[1]): represents the latent factor loadings for the training reduced matrix. factors_train (list[[2]): represents the latent factor loadings for the test reduced matrix.

stage 3

fit_stage3(input.x, output.y , keropt=1 , penalty,test.x, test.y, type= 2)-- fit nonparametric regression based on the repreducing kernel approach. Input input.x (matrix): the latent factor loadings for the training reduced matrix based on the output of 2nd stage. output.y (vector): the outcome Y. keropt (scalar): means the reproducing kernel. Specifically, there are options as 1=rbf, 2=linear, and 3= polynomial (default: 1 ). enalty (scalar): means regularized constant (default: 0:001 X n^(-2/3) ). test.x (matrix): the latent factor loadings for the test reduced matrix based on the output of 2nd stage (default: NULL ). test.y (vector): the outcome Y test. type (scalar): means the fitting model type. Specifically, there are options as 1=kernel ridge regression and 2=support vector regression (required field ). Output fx (vector): represents the fitted value for the training. alpha (vector: represents the primal solution in the reproducing kernel space when the kernel ridge was used. ybar (scalar): represents the average of the output. labmda (scalar): number used as the regularized constant when the kernel ridge was used. residual (vector): produces the residual for the training. sigma2 (list[[2]): estimates the conditional variance of the outcome. T_fx (vector): predicted values for the test. T_residual (vector): produces the prediction error for the test dataset.


multiple-index latent factor modeling






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