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A web-based research prototype showcasing a combo of Linked Data + IoT + Data Interrogation + Knowledge Representation Learning.

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CoolOpt | DEV

⚠️ In development

A web-based research prototype showcasing a combo of Linked Data + IoT + Data Interrogation + Knowledge Representation Learning.

Development Stack

Core Tool
Linked Building Data Model Resource Description Framework (RDF)
Linked Building Data API Python (flask)
Knowledge Representation Learning Python (pykg2vec, ampligraph)
IoT-MQTT Database MongoDB
Reinforcement Learning Model Pytorch (Policy-based Agent)
Client-side React JS
Server-side Express, NodeJS
API-backend GraphQL (capable of consuming REST) w/ Apollo
Database Neo4j
Authentication Auth0
External BIM APIs Autodesk Forge

Getting started locally

Clone this github repository on your local machine in any directory.

git clone

Go to the coolopt/client directory and then install the client dependencies by running the command below in your terminal.

npm install

Make sure to provide a .env file for the client environment variables in the coolopt/client directory. The required variables are summarized below.

Variable Name Default Value Usage
REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_URI /api/graphql GraphQL endpoint
LOCAL_GQL_PROXY Proxy for the GraphQL endpoint
SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK true Disabling preflight check
REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN <undefined> Your Auth0 domain
REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID <undefined> Your Auth0 Client ID
REACT_APP_AUTH0_AUDIENCE <undefined> Your Auth0 Audience URL
REACT_APP_AUTH0_ROLES_NAMESPACE <undefined> Your Auth0 roles namespace.
REACT_APP_IO_PORT 5001 Port for connection to the backend
REACT_APP_PORT 3000 Port for the react-app

Then go to the coolopt/server directory and install the server dependencies by running the command below in your terminal.

npm install

Make sure to provide a .env file for the server environment variables in the coolopt/server directory. The required variables are summarized below.

Variable Name Default Value Usage
NEO4J_URI <undefined> Your Neo4h Database URI
NEO4J_USER <undefined> Your neo4j database auth user
NEO4J_PASSWORD <undefined> Your neo4j database password
MONGO_URI <undefined> Your Mongo DB connection string
MQTT_HOST <undefined> Your MQTT Server host name
MQTT_PORT <undefined> Your MQTT Server Access Port name
MQTT_USERNAME <undefined> Your MQTT Server auth username
MQTT_PASSWORD <undefined> Your MQTT Password auth username
HOST_URL Your GraphQL host URL
HOST_PORT 5000 Your GraphQL host port
HOST_PATH /api/graphql Your GraphQL host path
JWT_SECRET <undefined> Your Auth0 JWT secret
GCP_TYPE <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Type
GCP_PROJECT_ID <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Project ID
GCP_PRIVATE_KEY_ID <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Private Key ID
GCP_PRIVATE_KEY <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Private Key
GCP_CLIENT_EMAIL <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Client Email
GCP_CLIENT_ID <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Client ID
GCP_AUTH_URI <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Auth URI
GCP_TOKEN_URI <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Token URI
GCP_AUTH_PROVIDER_X509_CERT_URL <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Auth Provider X509 Cert URL
GCP_CLIENT_X509_CERT_URL <undefined> Google Cloud Platform Client X509 Cert URL

Then go to the coolopt/lbd directory and create a virtual environment for the encapsulated research_modules API to run in. Make sure you have python 3.6 already installed and use the command below to create a virtual environment called venv

python3 -m venv

When the vitual environment has been created, start it using the the instructions below.

For windows

First open PowerShell as administrator and run the command below

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force

Then go back to your project folder coolopt/lbd and run the comman below to activate the virtual environment


For mac


source venv/bin/activate

When activation is successful your terminal should show (venv) just before your directory as shown below.

(venv) PS E:\your-projects\coolopt\lbd>

Then install all the project dependencies listed in coolopt/lbd/requirements.txt using this command

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the project

Starting the client: Go to the coolopt/client directory and start the react development server using the command below in your terminal.:

npm start

Starting the server: Go to the coolopt/server directory and start the development server hosting the GraphQL API using the command below in a new terminal.:

npm run server

Starting the LBD API server: Go to the coolopt/lbd directory and start the development flask server hosting the LBD research_modules API using the command below in a new terminal.:


For details related to using Google Cloud Storage visit You are free to use any other storage mechanism as you see fit

For MQTT related information, please visit our our github repository at to see how to setup your own.

For Auth0 related configurations, please visit the Auth0 documentation on how to setup a tenant at

For Neo4j related configurations, please visit the Neo4j documentation on how to set up a database instance locally or on the cloud at

For Forge related configurations, please visit the Autodesk Forge Getting Started page for how to setup an Application with the Forge APIs at


  • Setup base GraphQL API for the app logic
  • Setup Neo4j Database for persistence
  • Setup base Webpack and Babel configuration
  • Setup microservices and REST routes for fetching and sending building information from Autodesk Forge API
  • Setup Model-Derivative API forge viewer setup.
  • Setup up Authentication and necessary context management
  • Setup role based authentication.
  • Setup local file upload to Data Management API.
  • Setup Linked Building Data API for translation of COBie files into semantically enriched knowledge graphs.
  • Setup IoT MQTT Broker config UI and sensor Data retrieval logic
  • Setup API gateway for talking to Reinforcement learning Model from Python.

⚠️Disclaimer: Please note that this is still an ongoing project and is under heavy development prone to constant breaking changes.


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