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SatView™ Installation Guide

Installing Satview™ and customizing it to your needs is a challenging task and requires deep knowledge of the Microsoft® Windows® platform and the related development tools.
Feel free to get in touch with BINARY SPACE in case of questions.

Here is a short list to get started with the installation:

  • Install Microsoft® Windows® 10 Professional/Enterprise or Microsoft® Windows® Server 2019 (en-US).
  • Install Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2022 (Version 17.6.5 or later) with at least the following features:
    '.NET desktop development' and 'Desktop development with C++' (make sure that the options 'Windows 10 SDK (10.0.20348.0)', 'Visual C++ MFC for x86 and x64' & 'Visual C++ ATL for x86 and x64' are checked).
  • Open Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2022 and select 'Clone a repository' ( or install the 'GitHub Extension for Visual Studio' via the 'Tools'->'Extensions and Updates...' menu item and clone it that way.
  • Install Microsoft® SQL Server® 2022 (the 'Database Engine Services' feature is sufficient) with mixed-mode authentication where the 'sa' account shares the same password as the 'Administrator' account for SatView™ that will be created afterwards.
  • Download and install the SQL Server® Management Studio 19.1 (SSMS):
  • Install the fonts located in the 'Fonts' directory.
  • Add the following environment variables to the 'System Variables' (for 64-bit):
    Include=\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.XX.XXXXX\include
            \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.XX.XXXXX\atlmfc\include
            \Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.XXXXX.0\shared
            \Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.XXXXX.0\ucrt
            \Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.XXXXX.0\um
    Lib=\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.XX.XXXXX\lib\x64
            C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\XX.XX.XXXXX\atlmfc\lib\x64
            \Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.XXXXX.0\ucrt\x64
            \Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.XXXXX.0\um\x64
    Note: XX.XX.XXXXX = Microsoft® Visual Studio® Version (e.g. 14.36.32532), XXXXX = Windows® 10 SDK Version (e.g. 20348)
  • Close Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2022 and reopen it with 'Administrator' privileges (right-click and select 'Run as administrator').
  • Open the downloaded repository and load the available solution file 'SatView (GitHub)' inside the 'Source' folder.
  • It is stronly advised to contact BINARY SPACE at this point for further instructions.
  • Exclude either the projects 'SCOS-2000' & 'Satellite (SCOS-2000)' or 'ALTEL' & 'Satellite (ALTEL)' from the solution depending on the database standard selected (read the coding guidelines). If neither standard is applicable for the project then refer to the document 'SatView™ Database Driver Development' in the 'Documents' folder on how to develop a custom database standard. Consult the 'ALTEL' project as an example for such a database standard implementation.
  • Rename the project 'Satellite (SCOS-2000)' or 'Satellite (ALTEL)' (as well as all files contained in that project directory) to the name of the satellite to be supported, rename all the C++ classes appropriately (e.g. 'CSatelliteDatabase ImplementationDatabaseEngine' to CXXXXXDatabaseEngine where XXXXX is name of the satellite) and add the code related to the telemetry data processing as well as all other services required. In addition, change the following version information entries in the associated resource file: 'FileDescription' from 'Satellite Database Driver (Database Implementation)' to 'XXXXX Database Driver', 'InternalName' from 'Satellite (Database Implementation)' to 'XXXXX' and 'OriginalFilename' from 'Satellite (Database Implementation).dll' to 'XXXXX.dll'.
  • Develop a data I/O device driver as outlined in the document 'SatView™ Data I/O Device Driver Development' in order to handle the telemetry & telecommand data exchange with the ground segment. Consult the 'ENERTEC' project as an example of such an implementation.
  • Compile the solution.
  • Open the file called '' in the 'Library' project and modify the absolute paths associated with the 'resourceFileName' and 'messageFileName' entries to point to the resulting output file 'SatView.dll' (e.g. 'resourceFileName="..\SatView\Library\x64\Release\SatView.dll"') and compile again.
  • Launch the 'SatView™ Editor' for the first time, register the satellite name and enter the password for the 'Administrator' account (Note: The password for the 'Administrator' account of SatView™ must be identical to the one for the OS and the SQL Server® 'sa' account).
  • Start building the database (consult the help file 'Editor.chm' in order to learn how to create & modify databases).
  • Launch and configure the 'SatView™ Desktop' in order to monitor & control the spacecraft.