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(BITS-VIB) geek-tools

These scripts are meant to help advanced users better use CLI programs and build workflows for their research.

Application monitoring

Bash and R plotting scripts to monitor a demanding application and plot the results to 'png' or 'pdf'. Working with BIG data often requires to estimate and optimize CPU and or memory usage. This pair of tools records a running application to evaluate its needs and create a plot to visualize the results.

Creating a monitoring file with logmyapp

Start your favorite CLI program (or scrip running it) and monitor cpu and ram with logmyapp

REM: The bash script is only functional under Unix, the Apple Darwin top command lacking the -b option does not allow running it (if you know how to fix this, please let me know!!).

Usage: logmyapp [name of the app to monitor] [interval (sec|default=5)]

Plotting from the log file with log2plot.R

Then use the logmyapp text log file is used as input by log2plot.R.

In order to use this script, you will need [R] and RScript installed on your computer (done by most package installers including yum and apt-get). You will also need the [R] package optparse to handle command line arguments.

Installing the dependencies is documented on the top of the code. Please read the respective package documentations if you wish to improve these scripts.

log2plot.R -h

Usage: ./log2plot.R [options]

	-i INFILE, --infile=INFILE
		input file name

	-r TOTRAM, --totram=TOTRAM
		total RAM available on the computer [default: 4]

	-m MAXRAM, --maxram=MAXRAM
		max RAM value on y-scale [default: totram]

	-t TITLE, --title=TITLE
		Graph Main Title

	-o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
		base name for output [default: monitoring_plot]

	-f OUTFORMAT, --outformat=OUTFORMAT
		file format for output 1:PNG, 2:PDF [default: 1]

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit

Example screenshots

The output of a 15 million paired end reads bowtie2 mapping job to the human reference genome (hg19) is shown as example (bowtie2_usage1401561413.log):

#time pid %cpu %MEM App
11 1223 7.8 0.2 bowtie2-align-s
16 1223 7.8 2.8 bowtie2-align-s
22 1223 7.8 5.4 bowtie2-align-s
27 1223 9.8 8.0 bowtie2-align-s

... many more lines here

980 1223 685.0 22.6 bowtie2-align-s
985 1223 756.6 22.6 bowtie2-align-s
991 1223 780.5 22.6 bowtie2-align-s

The monitoring data was fed to the accompanying R script with the following command:

log2plot.R -i bowtie2_usage1401561413.log \
    -r 16 \
    -m 6 \
    -f 1 \
    -t "bowtie2 monitoring" \
    -o bowtie2_monitoring

The resulting picture reports bowtie2 activity and RAM usage (here in png format)

monitoring results

logging all outputs to a file for inspection with runandlog

Uses tee to copy all output, including standard error messages to a log file. After completion, the script reports the time spent by the command.

Log temperature in the server room for plotting or simply controlling

A basic Perl script is used to monitor the Temper-1F measures to file. A simple example of gnuplot code is added to generate images. This is very basic and heavily relies on the python package temper-python used to master the cheap USB device.

The customized bash/gnupot script takes care of making a nice image from the log results. -h

 Usage: < output file>
 # script version 1.0, 2016_08_05
 #  -i <inputfile|templog.txt>
 ## optional parameters (|default value)
 #  -s <from time|0>
 #  -e <until time|default to last recorded>
 #  -b <min scale temp|0>
 #  -t <max scale temp|40>


The output of ambiant temperature logging in our computer server room is shown as example (templog.txt).

Feeding the text file to the gnuplot tool with the command: -i templog.txt -s 80000 -e 110000 -b 18 -t 24

produced the following picture

temperature log results

come back later for more

Please send comments and feedback to


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


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