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File metadata and controls

73 lines (50 loc) · 1.74 KB


This project represents web application for uploading memes. It includes the front-end part, made using technologies jQuery, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Back-end part represents REST API, made using C#.

Integration tests performed using technology

Entity Framework (EF) Core is used to access and manipulate data in the database.


You will need:

  • entity framework core. To install, run in PowerShell:
 dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 3.0.0
  • MS SQL Server
  • Microsoft .NET Core SDK 2.2 and more


  1. Clone the repository:
 git clone --recursive
  1. Created database for this project

  2. Find file appsettings.json and change connection string to your database

  3. Create migration in project folder with commands in PowerShell:

 dotnet ef migrations add "name_of_migration"
 dotnet database update
  1. Run .sln file and open Register.html


Using the following example when accessing API on route http://localhost:5000/api/Photos/Description with HTTP method 'POST' you will get as response a collection of pagination images by their description and total number of pages:

  "Description": "Some_description_of_images",
  "PageSize": "8",
  "PageNumber": "1"


Main User Interface features:

  • Registration new user, logout and login:

  • Add and open new image:

  • Update description and delete image:

  • Move to another user’s page and try pagination mode:

  • Try infinite scroll mode:

  • Search on the Home page in whole system and in the Cabinet on the page: