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APKCTL: CLI for API Platform for K8s

Command Line Tool for APK, API Management Platform for Kubernetes to address the evergrowing industrial need to have a native experience when it comes to API Management in Kubernetes.

Getting Started

To get started with APKCTL, you will need to have the prerequisites listed below. Once, that's sorted out you are good to use APKCTL.


  1. Make sure you have Rancher Desktop, Minikube or any other container orchestration platform installed in your machine.

  2. Install the following (note that the tested versions are mentioned)

  • Go: tested using version 1.19.1
  • Kubernetes: tested using v1.24.3 (envoy gateway tested version - 1.24.1)
  • Docker: tested using Docker version 20.10.17-rd
  • Kubectl
  • Helm: version v3.10.0
  • NGINX Ingress Controller
    • If you are using Minikube you can install ingress by running minikube addons enable ingress
    • If you are using Rancher Desktop, use the folllowing guide

Clone and Setup APKCTL

  • Fork and clone/directly clone this repo.

  • Change directory to <APKCTL_HOME> (i.e. APKCTL-Demo/CTL) of cloned repo

  • Execute go mod vendor or go mod download to download all the dependencies

  • Run the following command to build the ctl.

go build apkctl.go

  • In order to try out the basic scenarios within APKCTL, you’ll need to deploy a sample service. You can simply deploy a sample service by executing the following command with the necessary Deployment & Service configurations included. To build the petstore image, refer to the Swagger README.

kubectl apply -f sample-resources/BackendService.yaml

We have considered the swagger-petstore repository to build the docker image. To build the docker image locally, try following steps.

  • Command to install the platform.

./apkctl install platform

API Create and Deploy using API Definition

Use the following command to create an API using the sample petstore swagger and deploy to a particular namespace (deployed to default namespace if not provided).

./apkctl create api swaggertest -f sample-resources/swagger.yaml --version 1.0.0 -n default

API Create and Deploy using Service URL

Use the following command to create an API using the service URL (note that an API definition need not be provided for this scenario).

./apkctl create api serviceurltest --service-url http://httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local:80

Invoking the Deployed API

Once the deployment is succesful, you can try out the deployed API. First, look for the external IP of the gateway service (execute kubectl get all --all-namespaces command and look for the external IP of the service with name envoy-eg). Then invoke the API using the external IP as shown below.

If you're using minikube, run minikube tunnel in a separate terminal window to receive an external IP for the service.

curl --verbose --header "Host:" http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:8080/api/v3/pet/3

API Create Command with Dry Run Option

You can use the API create command with --dry-run option to generate the API project and store it in your file system. Note that the API does not get deployed with this command.

./apkctl create api swaggertest -f sample-resources/swagger.yaml --version 1.0.0 -n default --dry-run

API Delete

Use the following command to delete an API.

./apkctl delete api swaggertest --version 1.0.0

Get APIs

You can list down the APIs that are deployed using the below command.

./apkctl get apis -n default

Clean up

Clean up by executing the following commands once you are done.

  • Command to delete the sample service.

kubectl delete -f sample-resources/BackendService.yaml

  • Command to uninstall the platform.

./apkctl uninstall platform

List of Commands

  • apkctl install platform --profile <Name of Profile: cp or dp> -n <Namespace> --helm-version <Helm Version>
  • apkctl create api <API Name> --version <API Version> -n <Namespace> -f <API Definition File> --service-url <Service URL> --dry-run
  • apkctl delete api <API Name> --version <API Version> -n <Namespace>
  • apkctl get apis -n <Namespace> -o <Outptut Format>
  • apkctl uninstall platform

Execute Integration tests

Related doc can be found in here


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