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Add basic chat API client
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This client implements V1 of the CAPI spec, outlined in the Chat Bot API Alpha v1.pdf document. A sample implementation is included at the bottom of the file and can be run by calling that file with your API key as the first and only argument.

More information on the API can be found in this thread on the forums:
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Davnit committed Aug 24, 2018
1 parent 10dceb6 commit a3d180d
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import ssl, json, websocket, sys
from threading import Thread

status_codes = {
0: {
0: None # Success
6: {
5: "Request timed out",
8: "Hit rate limit"
8: {
1: "Not connected to chat",
2: "Bad request"

class capi_client(object):
def __init__(self, api_key, id=None, endpoint=None):
self.api_key = api_key
self.client_id = id # Unique name or identifier for this client instance.
self.endpoint = endpoint or "wss://"

self.debug_mode = False # Set to True to print debugging information (packets, commands, etc)
self.hide_chat = False # Set to True to hide chat messages.
self.hide_channel = False # Set to True to hide user join, leave, and update messages.

self.connected = False = None # The name of the current chat channel, or None if not in one.
self.last_request_id = 0 # The ID of the last request sent.

self.handlers = { # Message received handlers
"Botapiauth.AuthenticateResponse": self.__handle_auth_response,
"Botapichat.ConnectResponse": self.__handle_connect_response,
"Botapichat.ConnectEventRequest": self.__handle_connect_event,
"Botapichat.DisconnectRequest": self.__handle_disconnect_response,
"Botapichat.DisconnectEventRequest": self.__handle_disconnect_event,
"Botapichat.UserUpdateEventRequest": self.__handle_user_update_event,
"Botapichat.UserLeaveEventRequest": self.__handle_user_leave_event,
"Botapichat.MessageEventRequest": self.__handle_message_event,
"Botapichat.SendMessageResponse": self.__handle_send_message_event,
"Botapichat.SendWhisperResponse": self.__handle_send_whisper_response,
"Botapichat.SendEmoteResponse": self.__handle_send_emote_response

self.open_requests = { } # Tracks sent messages that haven't received a response.
self.users = { } # Maps user ID's to toon names
self.received_users = False # True if the entire list of present users should've been received.

self.socket = websocket.WebSocket(sslopt={"cert_reqs": ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL})
self.thread = Thread(target = self.__receive)

def get_toon_name(self, user_id):
return self.users[user_id]["toon_name"] if user_id in self.users else None

def get_user_id(self, toon_name):
for id, name in self.users.items():
if name["toon_name"].lower() == toon_name.lower():
return id
return None

def connect(self):
self.__print("Connecting to %s ..." % self.endpoint)
self.connected = True
self.__print("Connected. Authenticating ...")

# Send the API key to authenticate
self.send_command("Botapiauth.AuthenticateRequest", { "api_key": self.api_key })

# Start receiving messages.

def disconnect(self, force=False):

if force:
self.__print("Connection forcibly closed.")

def send_command(self, command, payload=None):
id = self.last_request_id = (self.last_request_id + 1)

# Build the header
msg = {
"command": command, # Name of the command
"request_id": id, # Unique ID for the message
"payload": payload or { } # Message contents (optional)

# Send the message
self.socket.send(json.dumps(msg), websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT)
if self.debug_mode:
self.__print("DEBUG - SENT: %s" % msg)

# Add the message to be tracked.
self.open_requests[id] = msg
return id

def send_chat(self, message):
return self.send_command("Botapichat.SendMessageRequest", { "message": message })

def send_emote(self, text):
return self.send_command("Botapichat.SendEmoteRequest", { "message": text })

def send_whisper(self, message, toon_name=None, user_id=None):
id = user_id if user_id else self.get_user_id(toon_name)
return self.send_command("Botapichat.SendWhisperRequest", { "message": message, "user_id": id }) if id > 0 else False

def __print(self, text):
print((("[%i] " % self.client_id) if self.client_id else '') + text)

def __disconnect_internal(self):
self.connected = False = None
self.users = { }
self.open_requests = { }

def __receive(self):
global status_codes

while self.socket.connected:
msg = self.socket.recv()
if self.debug_mode:
self.__print("DEBUG - RECV: %s" % msg)

obj = json.loads(msg)

# Verify the message was decoded successfully.
if not (obj and isinstance(obj, dict)):
self.__print("ERROR: Received message could not be decoded. (%s)" % type(obj))
# Parse the message
id = obj.get("request_id", -1)
command = obj.get("command")
status = obj.get("status")
payload = obj.get("payload")

# If a status code was received, parse it, look it up, and replace it with the string form.
if status:
area = status.get("area")
code = status.get("code")

status = status_codes.get(area)
status = status and status.get(code)
if not status:
status = "Unknown (%i-%i)" % (area, code)

# Find the request associated with this response, if there should be one.
request = None
if not "Event" in command:
if id in self.open_requests:
request = self.open_requests[id].get("payload")
del self.open_requests[id]
self.__print("NOTICE! Received an unexpected response to a request that wasn't tracked - ID: %i, Command: %s" % (id, command))

# Find a handler for this command and pass off the payload.
if command in self.handlers:
self.handlers[command](request, payload, status)
self.__print("Received unsupported server command: %s" % command)

# Message handlers
def __handle_auth_response(self, request, payload, status):
if status:
self.__print("Authentication failed: %s" % status)
self.__print("Authentication successful.")


def __handle_connect_response(self, request, payload, status):
if status:
self.__print("Chat connection failed: %s" % status)
self.__print("Connected to chat.")

def __handle_connect_event(self, request, payload, status): = payload.get("channel")
if not
self.__print("ERROR! Received connect event with no channel name.")
if not self.hide_channel: self.__print("Joined channel: %s" %

def __handle_disconnect_response(self, request, payload, status):
self.__print("Connection closed.")

def __handle_disconnect_event(self, request, payload, status):
if status: self.__print("Disconnected: %s" % status)
self.__print("Server closed the connection.")

def __handle_user_update_event(self, request, payload, status):
user_id = payload.get("user_id", -1)
toon_name = payload.get("toon_name")

# Are we in a channel?
if not
# We aren't in a channel so this is our identity.
self.__print("You are identified as '%s'." % toon_name)
if not self.hide_channel:
# Is this user already in the channel?
if user_id in self.users:
# Does this update have new information?
if self.users[user_id] != payload:
# The only update I'm aware of is flags so if that's there, show it.
if "flag" in payload:
old = self.users[user_id].get("flag", [])
new = [ f for f in payload.get("flag") if not f in old ]
self.__print("'%s' has been given flag(s): %s" % (toon_name, ', '.join(new)))
elif user_id == 1:
# It's us, so we should've received all the present users by now.
self.__print("Users in channel: %s" % ', '.join([ self.get_toon_name(u) for u in self.users.keys() ]))
self.received_users = True
# Only show the join message if we've already received our own join event.
if self.received_users:
self.__print("%s has joined." % toon_name)

self.users[user_id] = payload

def __handle_user_leave_event(self, request, payload, status):
user_id = payload.get("user_id", -1)
toon_name = self.get_toon_name(user_id)
if not self.hide_channel: self.__print("%s has left." % toon_name)
del self.users[user_id]

def __handle_message_event(self, request, payload, status):
if self.hide_chat: return

user_id = payload.get("user_id")
mtype = payload.get("type")
name = self.get_toon_name(user_id)

if mtype.lower() == "whisper": name = "From " + name
if mtype.lower() == "emote" and user_id == 1: return # Ignore our own emotes (we use the command confirmation)

self.__print("(%s) %s: %s" % (mtype, name, payload.get("message", "")))

def __handle_send_message_event(self, request, payload, status):
if self.hide_chat: return
self.__print("(Channel) %s: %s" % (self.get_toon_name(1), request.get("message")))

def __handle_send_whisper_response(self, request, payload, status):
if self.hide_chat: return
self.__print("(Whisper) To %s: %s" % (self.get_toon_name(request.get("user_id")), request.get("message")))

def __handle_send_emote_response(self, request, payload, status):
if self.hide_chat: return
self.__print("(Emote) %s: %s" % (self.get_toon_name(1), request.get("message")))

if __name__ == "__main__":
api_key = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
api_key = sys.argv[1]
print("You must specify an API key.")

client = capi_client(api_key)

print("Type /disconnect at any time to disconnect.")

while client.connected:
msg = input()
cmd = msg.lower().split(' ')[0]

if cmd == "/disconnect":
elif cmd == "/debug":
client.debug_mode = not client.debug_mode
print("Debug mode: %s" % "Enabled" if client.debug_mode else "Disabled")
elif cmd in [ "/w", "/msg", "/whisper", "/message" ]:
m = msg.split(maxsplit=2)
if len(m) != 3:
print("You must specify a user and a message to whisper.")
client.send_whisper(m[2], m[1])
elif cmd in [ "/me", "/emote" ]:
m = msg.split(maxsplit=1)
if len(m) != 2:
print("You must specify an action to emote.")
elif cmd == "/send":
m = msg.split(maxsplit=2)
if len(m) < 2:
print("You must specify a command to send.")
client.send_command(m[1], json.loads(m[2]) if len(m) > 2 else { })

print("All connections closed. Press RETURN to close the program.")

Binary file added docs/Chat+Bot+API+Alpha+v1.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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