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Self-Organizing-Maps and Image classification

Bándi Nándor

January 1, 2021

A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing feature map (SOFM) is a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional (typically two-dimensional), representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map, and is therefore a method to do dimensionality reduction. My project aims to not only provide a means to do dimensionality reduction, but also to classify images. As demonstration the MNIST handwritten digit dataset is being used. The project also aims to visualize the training progress of the model by saving intermediate map states.

Theoretical details

The software enables the use of two types of initialization, random and random sampling. The model is being trained in a stepwise approximating fashion, that is at every iteration a random sample is selected from the training dataset. The learning rateαstarts with a value of 0.9 in every case, and decreases along the slope of a Gaussian withμ0 andσof the third of the number of maximum iterations. The neighbourhood function is also a Gaussian whose radius is initialized in proportion to the size of the map and decreases in a linear fashion to a minimum of 0.05. The euclidean distance is used as a distance metric. In order to avoid the phenomenon of exploding gradient the images are being normalized with respect to the maximal value of their features. Classification is carried out by training a map for each class. I have experimented with using a single map but it proved to be inefficient as the different classes are not being properly separated. After training unseen images are being labeled as their best matching map. For proper testing I used 5 fold cross-validation. After each validation a confusion matrix is derived based on which quality metrics such as accuracy, f-score, specificity, sensitivity, precision and AUC are calculated. Finally confidence intervals with 95% confidence are provided for these values. The implementation reaches an accuracy of 0.96 ± 0. 0049 with 95% confidence in the 8x8 case, and an accuracy of 0.9019± 0. 017 in the 28x28 case of the MNIST dataset.

Available flags

imagew, imageh dimensions of the input data
mapw, maph dimensions of the self organizing map
gen training generation count
input, test, classCount input and test filename, label count
outputPath output file that will contain the resulting SOM (som.txt)

animation, framecount enable animation, frame save rate
animationPath path to the directory in which to save the intermediary SOMs.

Usage examples

./a.out imagew=8 imageh=8 input=optdigits.tra mapw=10 maph=10 generates a 10x10 SOM in som.txt
./a.out imagew=8 imageh=8 input=optdigits.tra mapw=10 maph=10 animationPath=./ framecount=100 will save 100 intermediate SOMs to .
./a.out imagew=8 imageh=8 input=optdigits.tra test=optdigits.tes mapw=3 maph=3 classCount=10 for classification

Implementation details


The C++ language was chosen due to its high performance and easy CUDA interoperability. CUDA is being used to parallelize the calculation of distances of a sample to all of the representative nodes, and to update each representative node according to the weight update rule. After performing some benchmark tests, I have found that the CUDA version gains a speedup of a factor of 2. The points are stored on the device during training to reduce memory traffic, thus further gaining speed.


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