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Manage Custom 7 segment Display using leds

Using this library for Arduino, you will be able to manage a 7-segment display created using LEDs or WS2812 LED strips. If you have built a 7-segment display for example with LED strips, you can define a series of strings that contain the sequence of LEDs for each segment and then use the functions of this library to easily view the digits on the display or the individual segments that compose it


// Assign object library
BTDisplay disp;

// .init(a,b,c)
// a = number of digit (eg. 8=one digit, 888=three digit
// b = signal pin of microcontroller
// c = total number of leds in one digit
disp.init(2, D3, 22); // (TotDisplays, Pin, TotLedPerDisplay)

// Init segment display schema
// each segment need sequence led number separated by comma
disp._a = "3,4,5";
disp._b = "0,1,2";
disp._c = "12,13,14";
disp._d = "16,17,18";
disp._e = "19,20,21";
disp._f = "6,7,8";
disp._g = "9,10,11";
disp._dp = "15";

disp.digit_Brightness = 50; // leds brightness (0:255)
disp.digit_Color = 3000; // leds color in HSV format
disp.digit_Active = 1; // Active digit. Next actions will be done only on active digit (0:x)


disp.digit_ALL_off(); // light off all digits

disp.ShowSeg(disp._a,1); // show/hide specific segment
// 1st param: segment
// 2nd param: 0 = led off
// 1 = led on

// .digit("x") (0:9 null)
// Show specific number of digit_Active

pls watch this video: to see how this Stream Deck has been created.