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Woundify is a cognitive services (AI) tool used to compare, benchmark, script, demonstrate API calling, and consumption of major AI services. Woundify is written in C# and is compatible with Windows Console, WPF and UWP systems. Woundify supports AI services from ApiAI, ClarifAI, Google Cloud, Houndify, HPE Haven, IBM Watson, Microsoft Cognitive, and Woundify was originally developed as a Windows client for the Houndify intent service but has expanded to include all known AI API providers.



  1. Install Visual Studio 2015. The free Community Edition is fine.
  2. Load this repo into Visual Studio.
  3. Register for the AI services that you'll be using (Bing, Google, Houndify, HPE, IBM, etc.). URLs listed below.
  4. No API access keys are provided. You'll need to add your own API access keys to either WoundifyDefaultSettings.json or WoundifySettings.json. If WoundifySettings.json does not exist, create it by copying WoundifyDefaultSettings.json to WoundifySettings.json. WoundifyDefaultlSettings.json is loaded first and then WoundifySettings.json is loaded overriding the defaults. Recommended practice is to modify WoundifySettings.json and never modifying WoundifyDefaultlSettings.json.

The WoundifyDefaultSettings.json and WoundifySettings.json files contain properties used for each service such as API acccess keys. Services all use differing API access property names (e.g. Key, ClientID, Password, etc.). Register for the following services and insert their API access keys into the "services" section of the settings file. Be careful when modifying these files. Mistakes can cause unpredictable behaviors.


Console Application

The woundify.exe is a console app tool for scripting audio, text and AI services. There are commands for recording audio, converting text-to-speech (TTS), converting speech-to-text (STT), and invoking many of the currently offered AI services.

Usage: woundify.exe [command]*

woundify.exe accepts zero or more commands. See the chart below for an explanation of commands. Each command has zero or one argument. An argument may be text (e.g. "Hello World"), or @filename.ext (e.g. @HelloWorld.txt or @HelloWorld.wav). Files must be either text (.txt) or wave audio recording (.wav). Commands are usually chained together for greatest effect. The command processor is stack oriented; some commands push results on to the stack, others consume the stack. Executing woundify.exe without any argument will cause woundify to enter an internal command mode.


woundify help
Displays a list of commands.

woundify text "What's the weather in Paris?" intent speak
Sends the text to Houndify and speaks the response.

woundify listen intent speak
Listens to the microphone (default timeout), calls intent service, speaks the response.

woundify text @WeatherInParis.txt intent show
Send the contents of file WeatherInParis.txt to Houndify and shows the stack.

woundify speech @WeatherInParis.wav intent show
Sends the wave file to Houndify and shows the stack.

woundify wakeup intent speak loop
Listens for wakeup word(s) (default "computer") and whatever follows, sends to Houndify, speaks response and loops back to wakeup. This is similar to the behavior of Houndify's mobile app or Amazon Echo.

woundify text "What hath God wrought?" parse
Parse into grammatical units.


There is no binary executable file available on this repos. You can create an executable using this repos with Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition (free).



Developers can use Woundify as a standalone tool, as a tool for integrating into projects, or make use of its class libraries to create a custom project. This repos contains the entire source code of Woundify.

The source code for woundify is in C#. The classes contain a wealth of information. In particular, most operations are coded twice for maximum Windows support; Win32 vs WinRT, System.Speech vs Windows.Media, System.IO vs Windows.Storage, System.Net.HTTP vs Windows.Web, System.Security.Cryptography vs Windows.Security.Cryptography, Console and WPF vs UWP. The source code contains the following capabilities:

  • Authenticating to Bing (OAuth 2), Google (OAuth 2), Houndify services (propriatary), IBM Watson (basic) Wit (OAuth 2).
  • Invoking Houndify intent API.
  • Invoking speech-to-text APIs from Bing (Project Oxford), Google, Houndify, IBM Watson, Wit.
  • Parsing JSON responses from intent and STT services.
  • Recording audio from microphone and writing to a stream or file.
  • Playing audio from stream or file.
  • Transcoding audio (WinRT only but can be done with NAudio too).
  • Building audio graphs. (WinRT only).
  • Listening for wakup words.
  • Using JSON for requests, responses, objects, settings.
  • Geolocating (WinRT only).
  • Async/Await programming style for Console, WPF and UWP systems.
  • Using reflection to obtain a list of classes implementing a specific interface.
  • Specifying a preferred ordering of API calls via a JSON settings file.
  • Parse text into Penn Treebank using Linguistic API from Microsoft Cognitive Services
  • No vendor SDKs used. Explicit HTTP calls only.


  • Windows 7+ for Console and WPF. Windows 10+ for UWP.
  • Visual Studio 2015. Compatible with the free community edition. Needed for development only.
  • Newtonsoft JSON available from Nuget.
  • NAudio available from Nuget (only used for Console and WPF).

Development Notes:

  • WoundifyUWP (UWP version only) needs a few app capabilities to be granted. Go to Package.appxmanifest->Capabilities and enable the following: Internet (Client), Location, Microphone
  • Microsoft.Speech doesn't offer a grammar for dictation input, that's why System.Speech is used.
  • When compiling source code, it is safe to ignore the Visual Studio warning CS1998 "This async method lacks await operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the await operator to await non-blocking API calls, or await Task.Run(...) TODO CPU-bound work on a background thread."

Recommended Settings File Customization:

  • It's best to create a WoundifySettings.json file to contain your customizations. The file will override any settings obtained from the WoundifyDefaultSettings.json file. Use the SETTINGS command to verify that your settings are correct.
  • Geolocation is only implemented in UWP, and not implmented in Console and WPF app. To create a default geolocation, enter your location into the WoundifySettings.json file.
  • Recommended to add authorizations for Google into the IdentifyLanguage Google section of the settings file. Google provides the fastest and arguably the best STT. See
  • Sign up at to get a subscription key. Use the subscription key, called Primary Key, as the ClientSecret in IdentifyLanguage Bing section of the settings file.

Program Usage: Woundify first tries to load WoundifyDefaultSettings.json file, followed by WoundifySettings.json. Settings files can be either in the same directory as the executable or the local directory. The first settings file loaded will initialize setting values. Subbsequent loading of settings files will override existing values.


  • Microsoft's System.Speech APIs, their legacy STT APIs, do a pretty bad job of speech-to-text (STT), thus Woundify tries to use Google's STT instead. Microsoft seems to be on the verge of updating their STT engine so something better should be available in 2016. It may be in the form of local machine software or it may only work over the Internet.
  • Services all work with audio files in wave format (.wav), and mono (one channel), bit depth of 16, and sample rate of 16000.


  • Make sure Houndify ClientKey and ClientSecret are entered into a customized WoundifySettings.json file (best) or just modify the WoundifyDefaultSettings.json file.

Description of commands

Command Description
ANNOTATE Pops stack and sends audio/text to annotate service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
END End program. Same as QUIT.
ENTITIES Pops stack and sends audio/text to entities service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
HELP Show help.
IDENTIFY Pops stack and sends audio/text to language identification service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageAgeGenderEthnicity Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageApparel Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageCelebrity Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageColor Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageCropHints Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageDescribe Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageEmotion Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageFaceAnnotate Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageFaceDetection Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageFocus Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageFood Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageGeneral Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageInsight Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageLLL Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageNSFW Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageOcr Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageProperties Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageRecognition Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageSafe Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageSearch Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageTag Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageThumbnail Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageTravel Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageThumbnail Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
ImageWedding Pops stack and sends image to image analysis service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
INTENT Pops stack and sends audio/text to intent service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
JSONPATH Apply a JsonPath to the previous response.
LISTEN Record audio and push utterance onto stack.
LOOP Loop back to first command and continue execution.
PAUSE Pause for seconds specified in argument (or uses default).
PARSE Pops stack and sends audio/text to parse service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
PERSONALITY Pops stack and sends audio/text to personality characteristics service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
PRONOUNCE Convert text at top of stack into spelled pronounciations.
QUIT Quit program. Same as END.
REPLAY Replay TOS. If TOS is text, display text. If audio, it plays the audio.
RESPONSE Push the last intent's response, always text, onto the stack.
SETTINGS Show or update settings. Use this command to verify settings such as defaults or authentication info.
SHOW Shows everything on the stack.
SPEAK Pops stack and speaks it.
SPEECH Push audio onto stack.
TEXT Push text onto stack.
TONE Pops stack and sends audio/text to tone of voice (happy, angry) service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
TRANSLATE Pops stack and sends audio/text to language translation service. The response is pushed onto the stack.
WAKEUP Wait for wakeup word(s), convert rest of audio to text, push as text onto stack.

Chart of Command Actions Based on Arguments

Command No args TOS is .txt No args TOS is .wav Text arg @File.txt arg @File.wav Argument
ANNOTATE Pop, send text Pop, send audio Send text Send text Send audio
ENTITIES Pop, send text Pop, send audio Send text Send text Send audio
IDENTIFY Pop, send text Pop, send audio Send text Send text Send audio
INTENT Pop, send text Pop, send audio Send text Send text Send audio
JSONPATH Apply JsonPath push
LISTEN TTS, push audio TTS, push audio Push audio
PARSE Pop, send text Pop, STT, send Text Send text Send text STT, send text
PAUSE Seconds to pause
PERSONALITY Pop, send text Pop, send audio Send text Send text Send audio
PRONOUNCE Pop, push pronounce Pop, STT, push pronounce Push pronounce Push pronounce STT, push pronounce
REPLAY Display TOS text Play TOS audio
RESPONSE Push text response
SETTINGS JSON override JSON override
SHOW Display TOS text Play TOS audio
SPEAK Pop, TTS, play audio Pop, play audio TTS, play audio TTS, play audio Play audio
SPEECH Pop, TTS, push audio no change TTS, push audio TTS, push audio Push audio
TEXT Push text Pop, STT, push text Push text STT, push text STT, push text
TONE Pop, send text Pop, send audio Send text Send text Send audio
TRANSLATE Pop, send text Pop, send audio Send text Send text Send audio
WAKEUP Use as wakeup words Use as wakeup words

Table Notes:

  • Blank cells means no change
  • TOS means Top Of Stack
  • TTS means converts Text-To-Speech
  • STT means converts Speech-To-Text
  • Listen pushes a wave file (audio) whereas WakeUp first converts to text before pushing. This is because WakeUp needs to convert to text to understand the wakeup word.