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Setting up the quickstart environment

Michael Andersen edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 6 revisions

Now, we will set up the quickstart environment so that the commands know how to find and communicate with your servers.


We assume you have completed Stage 1, or are running this installer on your own Ubuntu 16.04 servers/VMs that have public-key based SSH and passwordless sudo.

Get the tools

To get the environment, run the following command on your local computer.

$ curl | tar xz

This will create a directory named "smartgridstore". The rest of the guide assumes that you are in the root of this directory, and most of the commands will not work from a different directory.

Configure your cluster info

In the tools' root directory, there is a file named that defines the environment variables expected by the quickstart commands. Before you can run proceed, you need to edit this file and source it. It is fairly well commented. After modifying it to describe the servers we created in Stage 1, our file looked like below:

After creating this file, and before running any commands, you need to source it so that the environment variables are defined.

$ source

Note that if you switch to a new terminal, you will need to re-run the above command to set the environment variables again.

What's next

Next, you will prepare your servers by installing Docker, etcd and fleet.