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Merge pull request #14773 from RaananW/preparingForExternalDependencies
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Preparation for the external dependencies package
  • Loading branch information
RaananW committed Feb 28, 2024
2 parents 3c470d5 + b9f46fc commit 7e708fa
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Showing 18 changed files with 988 additions and 771 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ export class _KTXTextureLoader implements IInternalTextureLoader {
} else if (KhronosTextureContainer2.IsValid(data)) {
const ktx2 = new KhronosTextureContainer2(texture.getEngine());
ktx2.uploadAsync(data, texture, options).then(
ktx2._uploadAsync(data, texture, options).then(
() => {
callback(texture.width, texture.height, texture.generateMipMaps, true, () => {}, false);
Expand Down
503 changes: 145 additions & 358 deletions packages/dev/core/src/Meshes/Compression/dracoCompression.ts

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

261 changes: 261 additions & 0 deletions packages/dev/core/src/Meshes/Compression/dracoCompressionWorker.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
import type { Nullable } from "core/types";
import type { DecoderModule, DecoderBuffer, Decoder, Mesh, PointCloud, Status } from "draco3dgltf";
import { DracoDecoderModule } from "draco3dgltf";

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
declare let DracoDecoderModule: DracoDecoderModule;

export interface AttributeData {
kind: string;
data: ArrayBufferView;
size: number;
byteOffset: number;
byteStride: number;
normalized: boolean;

interface InitDoneMessage {
id: "initDone";

interface DecodeMeshDoneMessage {
id: "decodeMeshDone";
totalVertices: number;

interface IndicesMessage {
id: "indices";
data: Uint16Array | Uint32Array;

interface AttributeMessage extends AttributeData {
id: "attribute";
export type Message = InitDoneMessage | DecodeMeshDoneMessage | IndicesMessage | AttributeMessage;
// WorkerGlobalScope
declare function importScripts(...urls: string[]): void;
declare function postMessage(message: Message, transfer?: any[]): void;

* @internal
export function decodeMesh(
decoderModule: DecoderModule,
data: Int8Array,
attributes: { [kind: string]: number } | undefined,
onIndicesData: (indices: Uint16Array | Uint32Array) => void,
onAttributeData: (kind: string, data: ArrayBufferView, size: number, offset: number, stride: number, normalized: boolean) => void
): number {
let decoder: Nullable<Decoder> = null;
let buffer: Nullable<DecoderBuffer> = null;
let geometry: Nullable<Mesh | PointCloud> = null;

try {
decoder = new decoderModule.Decoder();

buffer = new decoderModule.DecoderBuffer();
buffer.Init(data, data.byteLength);

let status: Status;
const type = decoder.GetEncodedGeometryType(buffer);
switch (type) {
case decoderModule.TRIANGULAR_MESH: {
const mesh = new decoderModule.Mesh();
status = decoder.DecodeBufferToMesh(buffer, mesh);
if (!status.ok() || mesh.ptr === 0) {
throw new Error(status.error_msg());

const numFaces = mesh.num_faces();
const numIndices = numFaces * 3;
const byteLength = numIndices * 4;

const ptr = decoderModule._malloc(byteLength);
try {
decoder.GetTrianglesUInt32Array(mesh, byteLength, ptr);
const indices = new Uint32Array(numIndices);
indices.set(new Uint32Array(decoderModule.HEAPF32.buffer, ptr, numIndices));
} finally {

geometry = mesh;
case decoderModule.POINT_CLOUD: {
const pointCloud = new decoderModule.PointCloud();
status = decoder.DecodeBufferToPointCloud(buffer, pointCloud);
if (!status.ok() || !pointCloud.ptr) {
throw new Error(status.error_msg());

geometry = pointCloud;
default: {
throw new Error(`Invalid geometry type ${type}`);

const numPoints = geometry.num_points();

const processAttribute = (decoder: Decoder, geometry: Mesh | PointCloud, kind: string, attribute: any) => {
const dataType = attribute.data_type();
const numComponents = attribute.num_components();
const normalized = attribute.normalized();
const byteStride = attribute.byte_stride();
const byteOffset = attribute.byte_offset();

const dataTypeInfo = {
[decoderModule.DT_FLOAT32]: { typedArrayConstructor: Float32Array, heap: decoderModule.HEAPF32 },
[decoderModule.DT_INT8]: { typedArrayConstructor: Int8Array, heap: decoderModule.HEAP8 },
[decoderModule.DT_INT16]: { typedArrayConstructor: Int16Array, heap: decoderModule.HEAP16 },
[decoderModule.DT_INT32]: { typedArrayConstructor: Int32Array, heap: decoderModule.HEAP32 },
[decoderModule.DT_UINT8]: { typedArrayConstructor: Uint8Array, heap: decoderModule.HEAPU8 },
[decoderModule.DT_UINT16]: { typedArrayConstructor: Uint16Array, heap: decoderModule.HEAPU16 },
[decoderModule.DT_UINT32]: { typedArrayConstructor: Uint32Array, heap: decoderModule.HEAPU32 },

const info = dataTypeInfo[dataType];
if (!info) {
throw new Error(`Invalid data type ${dataType}`);

const numValues = numPoints * numComponents;
const byteLength = numValues * info.typedArrayConstructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;

const ptr = decoderModule._malloc(byteLength);
try {
decoder.GetAttributeDataArrayForAllPoints(geometry, attribute, dataType, byteLength, ptr);
const data = new info.typedArrayConstructor(info.heap.buffer, ptr, numValues);
onAttributeData(kind, data.slice(), numComponents, byteOffset, byteStride, normalized);
} finally {

if (attributes) {
for (const kind in attributes) {
const id = attributes[kind];
const attribute = decoder.GetAttributeByUniqueId(geometry, id);
processAttribute(decoder, geometry, kind, attribute);
} else {
const dracoAttributeTypes: { [kind: string]: number } = {
position: decoderModule.POSITION,
normal: decoderModule.NORMAL,
color: decoderModule.COLOR,
uv: decoderModule.TEX_COORD,

for (const kind in dracoAttributeTypes) {
const id = decoder.GetAttributeId(geometry, dracoAttributeTypes[kind]);
if (id !== -1) {
const attribute = decoder.GetAttribute(geometry, id);
processAttribute(decoder, geometry, kind, attribute);

return numPoints;
} finally {
if (geometry) {

if (buffer) {

if (decoder) {

* The worker function that gets converted to a blob url to pass into a worker.
* To be used if a developer wants to create their own worker instance and inject it instead of using the default worker.
export function workerFunction(): void {
let decoderPromise: PromiseLike<any> | undefined;

onmessage = (event) => {
const message =;
switch ( {
case "init": {
const decoder = message.decoder;
// if URL is provided then load the script. Otherwise expect the script to be loaded already
if (decoder.url) {
decoderPromise = DracoDecoderModule({ wasmBinary: decoder.wasmBinary });
postMessage({ id: "initDone" });
case "decodeMesh": {
if (!decoderPromise) {
throw new Error("Draco decoder module is not available");
decoderPromise.then((decoder) => {
const numPoints = decodeMesh(
(indices) => {
postMessage({ id: "indices", data: indices }, [indices.buffer]);
(kind, data, size, offset, stride, normalized) => {
postMessage({ id: "attribute", kind, data, size, byteOffset: offset, byteStride: stride, normalized }, [data.buffer]);
postMessage({ id: "decodeMeshDone", totalVertices: numPoints });

* Initializes a worker that was created for the draco agent pool
* @param worker The worker to initialize
* @param decoderWasmBinary The wasm binary to load into the worker
* @param moduleUrl The url to the draco decoder module (optional)
* @returns A promise that resolves when the worker is initialized
export function initializeWebWorker(worker: Worker, decoderWasmBinary: ArrayBuffer, moduleUrl?: string): Promise<Worker> {
return new Promise<Worker>((resolve, reject) => {
const onError = (error: ErrorEvent) => {
worker.removeEventListener("error", onError);
worker.removeEventListener("message", onMessage);

const onMessage = (event: MessageEvent<Message>) => {
if ( === "initDone") {
worker.removeEventListener("error", onError);
worker.removeEventListener("message", onMessage);

worker.addEventListener("error", onError);
worker.addEventListener("message", onMessage);

// clone the array buffer to make it transferable
const clone = decoderWasmBinary.slice(0);
id: "init",
decoder: {
url: moduleUrl,
wasmBinary: clone,
// note: no transfer list as the ArrayBuffer is shared across main thread and pool workers

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