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MicrobiomePipelines Version 1.0

Semi-automatized pipeline for microbiome data preprocessing, and analysis.


How to use the Pipeline on your local computer

Before you run the pipeline you need to install to your HOME PATH the following softwares in your Linux environment (Debian or Redhat) under Miniconda 1-Sickle 2-Pandaseq 3-R language 4-VSEARCH version 2.15 5-USEARCH versions 9 and 10 6-Deconseq 7-bwa mem 8-Mafft 9-Fastree 10-Qiime2

cd MicrobiomePipelines

mkdir Programs

In the folder Programs you can add the executable softwares like userach 9 and 10

Under the folder Pipelines you see two subfolders

  1. Preprocessing pipeline [Prepro_Pipeline]
  2. OTUs clustering and annotation pipeline [Pipeline_based_Usearch_Vsearch]

##The first subfolder contains the Preprocessing pipeline which is a benchmarking for helping users to decide the parameters of reads merging and the threshold of quality filtration ###The reason of benchmarking is often associated to the bad quality of R2 sequencing by some sequencing platforms, when the R2 is too bad the merging will reduce your reads at 90% ###That is why we want to avoid the massive loss of data, in this case our pipeline suggest an alternative with and without reads merging.

cd Run_Pipelines

  1. Preprocessing and Benchmarking reads filtration parameters For paired-end reads Run the preprocessing pipeline with the option of reads merging with different parameters : quality threshold and length of overlapping segment between R1 and R2

The following script will run automatically the benchmarking with different patrameters You need to edit your filtration parametaers before you the script []

Run now the script


This script will call --> The appropriate scripts in ../Pipelines/Prepro_Pipeline --> --> Run_Stats_Benchmarking_Params.R

Vizualise all the R statistics of benchmarking resumed in plots in pdf outputs the user will decide wether the overlap and quality threshold are fair or unfair regarding the percentage of lost reads You can run the script again with nea parameters by descativating the old code lines corresponding to the old parameters if the overlap seems not good and R2 quality is bad, you can work only with R1 or R2 without merging so you can follow the single scripts

For single end reads:

./ This script will call : --> The appropriate scripts in ../Pipelines/Prepro_Pipeline --> --> Run_Stats_Benchmarking_Params.R

  1. Post-benchamking pipeline : Otus clustering and annotations

After statistics overview we select for example Q=30 bp ; Overlap= 50 bp, so we work in the next steps with this folder: results_Q_30_O_50

Dreplication and samples size filtration which discard samples having less than 10000 reads after filtration []

./../Pipelines/Pipeline_based_Usearch_Vsearch/ /home/bach/Microbiome_Pipelines/Run_Pipelines/results_Q_30_O_50 All_16s_samples_prefix.txt 10000

Install the Reference databases [ ]

./../Pipelines/Pipeline_based_Usearch_Vsearch/ /home/bach/Microbiome_Pipelines Programs

Denovo OTUs clustering and annotations for paired-end results [] This step consists on removing chimeras, cluster otus with different algorithms implemented in vsearch, in case of host micorbiome decontaminattion of otus ir recommended :the user have to set right host reference genome in the script annotate OTUs against RDP or SILVA databases using Usearch or Qiime2 depeding on the size of your data

./../Pipelines/Pipeline_based_Usearch_Vsearch/ /home/bach/Microbiome_Pipelines References_database Run_Pipelines/results_Q_30_O_50 Programs decontam

Denovo OTUs clustering and annotations for single-end results [] This step consists on removing chimeras, cluster otus with different algorithms implemented in vsearch, in case of host micorbiome decontaminattion of otus ir recommended :the user have to set right host reference genome in the script annotate OTUs against RDP or SILVA databases using Usearch or Qiime2 depeding on the size of your data

./../Pipelines/Pipeline_based_Usearch_Vsearch/ /home/bach/Microbiome_Pipelines References_database Run_Pipelines/results_Q_30_O_50 Programs decontam


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