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Clément MARTY edited this page Nov 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

#Localization XrmSignature use the User's LCID to display the correct language.

In embedded mode, you only need to check the Pass record object-type code and unique identifier as parameters checkbox in the Web Resources properties dialog on the Form editor.

In standalone mode, you'll need to edit the UserLCID URL parameter.

To date these localization are included in the last release:

Language name Language name (English) LCID Language code Author
English English 1033 en Clément MARTY
Français French 1036 fr Clément MARTY

If no matching language is found then the English localization will be used by default.

#Custom localization To add your own language follow these steps:

  • Create a new JavaScript file named bttc_/scripts/lang/signature.[Language code].js. For example, for english language : bttc_/scripts/lang/signature.en.js.
  • Paste the following code snippet:
(function ($) {
    $.extend(true, window, {
        "BackToTheCrm": {
            "Signature": {
                "messages": {
                    en: {
                        title: "Signature",
                        description: "Sign above",
                        clear: "Clear",
                        save: "Save",
                        saveSignatureAlert: "Please sign before clicking Save.",
                        saveCreateAlert: "The record must be created before saving the signature.",
                        paramError: "The parameters contains error. Please contact your administrator.",
                        saveError: "An error has occured while saving."
  • Replace the en property name by your language code (check this link if you don't know it).
  • Replace each message by a message translated in your language.
  • Upload your file, make sure that the complete filename (including the prefix) is bttc_/scripts/lang/signature.[Language code].js. You can use Web Resources Manager tool from the XrmToolBox to do this easily.

Once your custom localization uploded, the users with this language will have a translated signature component!

Do not hesitate to share your localization 😃

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