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Backbase Liquibase Integration Maven Plugin

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The Backbase Liquibase Integration Maven Plugin is here to eliminate the boilerplate <execution/> elements needed to generate the SQL create/update scripts.

Goal "blimp:generate"

Generates all SQL scripts for all specified databases.

This mojo executes the following actions

  1. generates the full creation script
  2. collects all groups of changesets
  3. for each group, generates one script containing all changes in that group

What is a group?

A group is a collection of changesets that are supposed to included in a release; they can be either the labels of the changes or the contexts depending on the groupingStrategy configuration.

Available parameters


Whether to add the SQL scripts as a resource of the project.

Default: false

User property: blimp.addResource


Whether to add the SQL scripts as a test resource of the project. Use it when the generated SQL should be visible to the testing classpath, but not to the artifact classpath.

Default: false

User property: blimp.addTestResource


The base directory of the changelog files.

Default: ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.changeLogDirectory


The location of the changelog to execute. Usually a file name relative to the input directory but it can also point to a classpath resource.

User property: blimp.changeLogFile

Required: Yes

Default: db.changelog-main.xml


The database list for which SQL scripts are generated.

Default: mysql

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.databases


The file encoding used for SQL files.

Default: UTF-8

User property: blimp.encoding


Controls how to group the changesets to generate one SQL script for a given context or label.

The following options are available

  • CONTEXTS: use the changeset context to group changes.
  • LABELS: use the changeset label to group changes.
  • AUTO: tries to identify if the changes use contexts or labels; if both are present, then contexts is preferred.

Note that when a context or label contains multiple values, only the first one is considered.

Default: AUTO

User property: blimp.groupingStrategy


List of glob patterns specifing the changelog files. Not needed by Liquibase, but used by the plugin to avoid unnecessary executions of the goal.

Default: **/*.sql,**/db.changelog*.xml,**/db.changelog*.yml

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.inputPatterns


Specifies a map of properties you want to pass to Liquibase.

User property:


The location of the output directory.

Default: ${}/generated-resources/blimp

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.scriptsDirectory


The name of the service.

Default: ${project.artifactId}

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.serviceName


Skip the execution.

Default: false

User property: blimp.skip


Specifies how to generate the name of SQL script.

The following placeholders are available:

  • database: the database type
  • group: the name of the group for which the goal generates the SQL script.
  • service: the service name taken from the serviceName parameter.

The group name of the creation script is create.

Default: @{database}/@{group}/@{service}.sql

User property: blimp.sqlFileNameFormat


Set to true to remove comments from SQL scripts.

Default: false

User property: blimp.stripComments


Generates a script for the initial version when there is more than one group. Having more than one group means a database has been already created for the initial version, so only the upgrade scripts should be generated.

Default: false

User property: blimp.withInitialVersion

Full Configuration with default values


Goal blimp:lint

Verifies the changelog compliance with a predefined set of rules.

By default, the linter comes with a very relaxed set of rules that can be customised using a file described in the Lint Rules page..

Available parameters


The base directory of the changelog files.

Default: ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.changeLogDirectory


The location of the changelog to execute. This is the path of the changelog file relative to the changeLogDirectory parameter.

NOTE: this is not a classpath resource but a local file; the execution of the goal is skipped otherwise.

Default: db.changelog-main.xml

User property: blimp.changeLogFile

Required: Yes


The database list for which changelogs are checked.

Default: mysql

User property: blimp.databases

Required: Yes


Causes an build failure if a rule with the specified severity is violated.

User property: blimp.lint.failOnSeverity


Verifies the changelogs only for the specified database; if this configuration is missing, all changelogs specified by the <databases/> configuration are checked.

If the changelogs are not database dependent, specify one of the supported databases here to avoid running lint for each database.

User property: blimp.lint.database


Specifies a map of properties you want to pass to Liquibase.

User property:


The location of the lint report file.

User property: blimp.lint.reportFile

Required: Yes

Default: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/blimp.csv


The location of the rules definitions; it can be the full path of a local file or a classpath resource.

User property: blimp.lint.rules

Overriding rules

There are cases when the rules provided by the rules parameter must be overriden. In such cases the behaviour of any rule can be modified by specifying the associated Liquibase properties.

For instance, a team may consider that the rule for foreign key names enforced by rules parameter is too restrictive for a legacy project and may want to relax it:

      severity: ERROR
      required: true
      matches: FK_.+

There are two options

  • disable the rule
  • change the rule severity

Goal blimp:test-generate

The equivalent of blimp:generate, but bound to the Maven testing lifecycle.

Available parameters


Whether to add the SQL scripts as a test resource of the project.

Default: false

User property: blimp.addTestResource


The database list for which SQL scripts are generated.

Default: mysql

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.databases


The file encoding used for SQL files.

Default: UTF-8

User property: blimp.encoding


Controls how to group the changesets to generate one SQL script for a given context or label.

The following options are available

  • CONTEXTS: use the changeset context to group changes.
  • LABELS: use the changeset label to group changes.
  • AUTO: tries to identify if the changes use contexts or labels; if both are present, then contexts is preferred.

Note that when a context or label contains multiple values, only the first one is considered.

Default: AUTO

User property: blimp.groupingStrategy


List of glob patterns specifing the changelog files. Not needed by Liquibase, but used by the plugin to avoid unnecessary executions of the goal.

Default: **/*.sql,**/db.changelog*.xml,**/db.changelog*.yml

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.inputPatterns


Specifies a map of properties you want to pass to Liquibase.

User property:


The name of the service.

Default: ${project.artifactId}

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.serviceName


Skip the execution.

Default: false

User property: blimp.skip


Specifies how to generate the name of SQL script.

The following placeholders are available:

  • database: the database type
  • group: the name of the group for which the goal generates the SQL script.
  • service: the service name taken from the serviceName parameter.

The group name of the creation script is create.

Default: @{database}/@{group}/@{service}.sql

User property: blimp.sqlFileNameFormat


Set to true to remove comments from SQL scripts.

Default: false

User property: blimp.stripComments


The base directory of the changelog files.

Default: ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.testChangeLogDirectory


The location of the changelog to execute. Usually a file name relative to the input directory but it can also point to a classpath resource.

Default: db.changelog-test.xml

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.testChangeLogFile


The location of the test output directory.

Default: ${}/generated-test-resources/blimp

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.testScriptsDirectory


Generates a script for the initial version when there is more than one group. Having more than one group means a database has been already created for the initial version, so only the upgrade scripts should be generated.

Default: false

User property: blimp.withInitialVersion

Full Configuration with default values


Goal blimp:assemble

Creates an archive containing the generated SQL files.

Available parameters


Whether to attach the produced archives as artifacts.

Default: true

User property: blimp.attach


The classifier of the archive artifact.

Default: sql

User property: blimp.classifier


Specifies the formats of the archive.

Multiple formats can be supplied and the goal assemble will generate an archive for each desired formats.

A format is specified by supplying one of the following values in a <format/> subelement:

  • zip creates a ZIP file format
  • tar creates a TAR file format
  • tar.gz creates a Gzip TAR file format
  • tar.xz creates a Xz TAR file format
  • tar.bz2 creates a Bzip2 TAR file format

Default: zip

User property: blimp.formats


Location of the output directory.

Default: ${}/generated-resources/blimp

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.scriptsDirectory


The name of the service.

Default: ${project.artifactId}

Required: Yes

User property: blimp.serviceName


Skip the execution.

Default: false

User property: blimp.skip

Full Configuration with default values


Goal "blimp:help"

Display help information on backbase-blimp-plugin.

Call mvn blimp:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.

Available parameters


If true, display all settable properties for each goal.

Default: false

User property: detail


The name of the goal for which to show help. If unspecified, all goals will be displayed.

User property: goal


The number of spaces per indentation level, should be positive.

Default: 2

User property: indentSize


The maximum length of a display line, should be positive.

Default: 80

User property: lineLength

SQL Formatting

The plugin by default formats the SQL generated by Liquibase. The formatter can disabled by setting the property blimp.formatter.enabled to false in the [properties[(#properties) configuration of the plugin.


Configuration Examples

The most concise example:


More examples can be found in the integration test resources folder.