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Badger Spill Website

This repository contains source code for the Badger Spill website!

Project Information

This website was built using Astro. Astro allows us to compile our site to vanilla HTML+CSS with minimal Javascript (except where required for interactivity). Because Astro compiles into a static site, we can host our generated website for free (and without the need for a server to render our website for users on every visit).

This project also makes use of TailwindCSS, a CSS utility library. This allows us to style our website inline without large .css files.

Project Layout

src - contains the website code

src/assets - contains images that Astro compresses at build time

src/components - contains reusable UI components

src/layouts - folder that contains layouts for the website

src/pages - contains source code for the individual pages on the website

A Note For Future Maintainers

This is the frontend portion of the Badger Spill website. It only handles displaying the website to the user. The backend component (handling form submissions, emails) is contained within another repository.

Local Setup

You need to install NodeJS and Git before proceeding. Visual Studio Code is the recommended IDE for working with this project, since it has well-maintained Astro and Typescript plugins.

To work on this project, clone it to your computer, open a terminal in the project directory, and install the required dependencies with npm install.

To run a development server with hot-reloading, run the command npm run dev. To build a copy of the website that is ready for export, run the command npm run build.


This repository uses Github Actions to automatically deploy this website to Github Pages anytime new commmits are received on the main branch. It is highly recommended that you preview your changes locally with npm run dev before pushing code to the main branch of this repository.


Website for Badger Spill organization at UW-Madison







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