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Build/Push Docker Images

A simple kafka environment in docker containers


Kafka is a messaging and broker system that allows to send and receive real-time events/data. Such system is used widely in several projects like Sentry. Kafka is distinguished for its ability to run as a distributed system and storing large amounts of data without losing performance. This demo project demonstrates kafka in action in a simple way by deploying services in side docker containers using different methods. Since this demo is part of the Projects initiative of the Suse Challenge Udacity Course, every collaborator is welcome to contribute using his own code.

Services in the project

  • Zookeeper: Credits to wurstmeister.
  • Kafka: Credits to wurstmeister.
  • python-producer: Combination of flask to handle the frontend and a kafka producer to publish data to kafka.
  • python-consumer: Retrives new messages from kafka and sends them to python-producer endpoint to be viewed.

Build Docker Images Manually

docker build -t <tag> -f Dockerfile ./python/kafka-prod/
docker build -t <tag> -f Dockerfile ./python/kafka-cons/

Methods of deployment


  1. Use docker-compose with building images locally
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up
  1. Use docker-compose with pre-built images
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prebuilt.yaml up

Access the application on http://localhost:5000


Under Manifests directory, each service has its own manifests that are statically configured. To use the manifests:

kubectl apply -f manifests/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests/ --recursive
kubectl port-forward svc/kafka-prod-service -n kafka-demo 5000:5000

Access the application on http://localhost:5000


  1. To use the chart:
helm install kafka-demo-chart ./helm --values ./values-python-only-on-pi.yaml --debug
kubectl port-forward svc/kafka-prod-service -n kafka-demo 5000:5000

Access the application on http://localhost:5000

  1. To stop the app and delete the chart"
helm delete kafka-demo-chart
  1. To use raspberry pi nodes, these nodes must be tainted with the taint arch=armv7, then values files available can be used.


  1. Start ArgoCD on your cluster in the name space argocd
  2. Forward ArgoCD server service's port to local host on anyport Ex: 8080
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:80
  1. Apply the ArgoCD CRD on the cluster
kubectl -n argocd apply -f argocd/kafka-demo.yaml
  1. Forward the kafka producer service's port to local 5000
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server 5000:5000


Badr Ibrahim:


Please, fork this repo and work on your copy. You can make a pull request, which will be reviewed before merging.


A demo about kafka producers and consumers







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