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Experimental and optional features

Mads Ynddal edited this page Mar 16, 2024 · 15 revisions

You can always run pyboy --help to find an overview of available features and options:

$ python -m pyboy --help
usage: [-h] [-b BOOTROM_FILE] [--log-level {ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,DISABLE}]
                   [--color-palette COLOR_PALETTE] [--cgb-color-palette CGB_COLOR_PALETTE] [-l [LOADSTATE]]
                   [-w {SDL2,OpenGL,null}] [-s SCALE] [--sound] [--no-renderer] [--dmg | --cgb] [-d]
                   [--no-input] [--autopause] [--record-input] [--rewind] [--breakpoints BREAKPOINTS]

PyBoy -- Game Boy emulator written in Python

positional arguments:
  ROM                   Path to a Game Boy compatible ROM file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to a boot-ROM file
                        Set logging level
Warning: Features marked with (internal use) might be subject to change.

Game Windows

PyBoy is bundled with several window implementations. The recommended is SDL2, and its installation is described in the installation instructions.

The installations instructions here, will be sparse, as they are mostly for the technically interested.

  1. SDL2 : Covered by the default installation.
  2. OpenGL : Install OpenGL and FreeGLUT through the system's package manager. Install pyopengl and optionally pyopengl-accelerate through pip.
  3. null : No installation required. Doesn't show anything on the screen.

The "window" can be chosen via the arguments supplied to Python. For example:

python3 -m pyboy --window SDL2

Screen Recording

If the pillow package is available, PyBoy can record video from the screen and save it in a .gif file. This requires the following additional dependencies:

# Linux
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev

# Mac
brew install libjpeg libtiff

Install the pillow package with pip:

python3 -m pip install pillow

PyBoy will detect whether pillow is present, and screen recording can be triggered with the I key.

Rewind Time

By providing the --rewind flag when starting PyBoy, you'll be able to pause the emulation, and rewind the game (for example before you lost the game).

Use the , and . keys to wind backwards and forwards.


By providing the --debug flag when starting PyBoy, you'll be presented with multiple windows showing the inner workings of the graphics of PyBoy.

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