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Releases: geluk/pass-winmenu


14 Jan 19:38
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New features

  • A commmandline pw.exe application is now additionally supplied. Like pass-winmenu, it expects a pass-winmenu.yaml configuration file telling it where to find passwords and how to decrypt them. It is mainly intended for scripting, as a simple alternative to installing pass on Windows.


  • Pass-winmenu has now been updated to .NET 6 (#82).
  • When editing a password, the save button will be disabled if no changes have been made to the file (#121).
  • The edit window for passwords now has a Replace button allowing you to easily replace the password in a file with a newly generated one (#122).
  • Delay checking for presence of a valid password store directory. This was previously done on startup, but is now done just before the first invocation (#126).


  • Fixed .gpg extension mistakenly being included in the $filename variable (#120)
  • Consistently use \n as line terminator in edited password files (#123)

Thanks to everyone who submitted issues, and especially @scerzh for submitting several PR's for this release.


17 Oct 16:39
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End of support for .NET 4.6.2

Starting from the next major version (1.14), pass-winmenu will be retargeted to .NET 6. Along with this, support for Windows 8.1 and older can no longer be guaranteed, and future releases will require you to have the .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0 installed. If you expect to run into problems as a result of this change, please let me know by opening an issue.


  • Fixed an issue preventing re-encryption of directories that do not contain any password files, when their subdirectories do contain password files (#105).
  • Improved detection of the GPG home directory when updating gpg-agent.conf
  • Fixed 'open shell' option not working if GPG or the GPG home directory is located at a path containing an apostrophe.


  • Removed the pinentry-fix feature, which was meant to work around a bug GPG, where the pinentry window would not appear in the foreground. This workaround only sometimes managed to fix the issue, but it often still failed. If you run into issues with pinentry not appearing in the foreground, the recommended solution is to install Gpg4win instead, in which this issue is not present.


20 Mar 19:03
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New features

  • Added support for generating TOTP codes (thanks @colemickens for the initial PR for this!) To use this feature, add a TOTP code to the password metadata like so:
    TOTP: <secret>
    You can also directly copy an otpauth URL.
    OTPAUTH: otpauth://otp/account?secret=<secret>
    To generate a TOTP code, select generate TOTP code in the right-click menu of the notification area icon, or create a hotkey binding using generate-totp-code as action name.


  • Improved reliability of the hotkey parser (#103)


11 Oct 19:40
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  • Improved the relative path generation algorithm (used to generate relative paths for commit messages) (#97)
  • Percentage dimensions (as used under the style configuration key) are now consistently parsed using a dot as the decimal separator. Previously, the culture-specific separator was used instead.
  • The 'agent responsive' check has been removed. This automated check has been present in pass-winmenu for a long time, and stems from a time when GPG on windows would occasionally lock up, leading to all password operations to hang indefinitely. The automated check would detect this situation and restart GPG when it occurs. As a result of a recent bug in the code (#99), and based on my belief that this bug in GPG has long since been fixed, I have decided to remove it. If you do run into lockups as I have described here, please let me know by opening an issue.
  • Improved error message clarity when the and/or git configuration variables are not set (#100).


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the application to crash when manually checking for updates (#96, thanks @wfdewith!)
  • Fixed an error when setting the configuration key git.ssh-path if the GIT_SSH environment variable is also set (#98)


02 Sep 22:02
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New features

  • Re-encrypting the password store is now possible. When re-encrypting, pass-winmenu will check for any files that need to have their recipients updated. Those files will be re-encrypted for the correct recipients. All other files are left untouched. Re-encryption can be started by right-clicking the notification area icon and selecting More Options -> Re-Encrypt Password Store, and choosing a path to re-encrypt.
  • pass allows the use of the PASSWORD_STORE_KEY environment variable to override the recipients specified in .gpg-id when set. Pass-winmenu now also honours this variable (#86).
  • Custom gpg options can now be configured. These options will be passed to gpg.exe when passwords are encrypted or decrypted. Take a look at the default configuration file to see how you can configure these. (#86).
  • Search hints are now displayed in the search field of the password menu.


  • The 'type password' feature now generates direct character input, instead of simulating key presses. This greatly improves compatibility with many keyboard layouts, especially those that have their own input methods. If you experienced issues with pass-winmenu typing the wrong characters, they have hopefully been resolved by this change. As a result of this change, the dead-keys option has become redundant and can be removed from the configuration file (#80).
  • When commiting a new or changed password, commit messages will now specify a path relative to the root of the password file instead of the full path (#89, #92, thanks @sbu-WBT!)
  • Error reporting has been improved in a few places.


  • Fixed an issue causing decryption to hang when decrypting very large files (#90, thanks @batchmode!).
  • Password files are no longer deleted when encryption fails after editing.
  • Signed commits previously generated inconsistent line endings, which caused issues with some applications. This has been fixed (#94).


06 Feb 13:03
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  • Fixed an issue resulting in a detached head when using signed commits
  • Fixed a few stability issues causing the application to crash when creating a new commit


  • Some small improvements to error handling and reporting


10 Nov 18:22
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Important announcement

Starting from this release, the default configuration file location will be the same directory as the one pass-winmenu.exe is located in.
In previous versions, the configuration file location was set to the current working directory.

In the vast majority of cases, these two locations will point to the same directory, but in certain cases, they may differ. For instance, if you start pass-winmenu via a shortcut and modify the Start in: field of the shortcut, the configuration file would formerly be created in the directory specified there, but would now be created next to pass-winmenu.exe.

If you'd like the configuration file to be located in a different directory, you can make use of the newly-added feature that lets you modify the configuration file location (see below).

New features

  • The notifcation area icon will now show an indicator to inform you about the status of your password repository (behind/ahead/up to date/diverged).
  • To ensure these indicators are up to date, git fetch will now be run periodically, once an hour by default. The interval can be changed (or the feature can be disabled completely) in the configuration file. See here for details.
  • Pass-winmenu will now sign your commits if your repository is configured to do so (git config commit.gpgsign is true) (#69).
  • Added a new sync-mode (auto), this will automatically make use of native-git if it's available. On new installations, this will be the default (#68).
  • It is now possible to override the default location (and name) of the configuration file, by passing --config-file <path-to-file> as an argument to pass-winmenu. Probably the easiest way to do this is by creating a shortcut to pass-winmenu.exe, and adding the argument to the Target: field of the shortcut (#60, #61).


  • The notification area icon has been redrawn, and support for many new resolutions has been added. It should look more crisp now, especially on high DPI screens.
  • If saving an edited password fails, the edit window and its contents are restored, allowing you to try again.
  • The password shell now displays a banner explaining what the shell can be used for.
  • Left-clicking the notification area icon will now also open the context menu (#67).
  • Many error messages have been reworked to provide a clearer explanation of what went wrong, and how to fix it (#68, #61, and others).
  • The log viewer now uses a monospace font.


  • Fixed an issue preventing the username from being placed on line 2 or 3 when using username-detection: line-number (#66).
  • Disabling the automatic update check will no longer produce an error (#70)


30 Mar 14:59
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  • Fixed an error on startup causing pass-winmenu to crash when Git support is disabled.
  • Fixed an error being shown when trying to edit the configuration file when no default application is chosen for .yaml files.
  • The notification area icon now gets removed correctly when pass-winmenu exits after a startup error.


27 Mar 21:32
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  • Improved the clarity of several error messages


  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented passwords from being placed on the clipboard

Known issues

  • If you have disabled Git support in the configuration file and/or by removing the Git DLLs, pass-winmenu will fail to start. As a workaround, you can temporarily re-enable Git support, use a newer development build (see issue #57 for a link), or postpone updating until v1.10.1 gets released (which will be within a few days).


09 Jun 22:44
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The current implementation of the GPG agent configuration file updater (which is enabled when you have allow-config-management set to true) has a bug, causing it to remove any non-configuration (comment) lines from your configuration file while updating it.
As v1.10 is still some time away, and this bug is too significant to leave unresolved until then, this release bridges the gap.


  • Fixed the gpg-agent configuration file updater removing non-configuration key lines.