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Haigutus edited this page Jun 28, 2023 · 4 revisions


Logging setup

  • Each module needs to have logger initiated
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  • Modules themselves shall not configure logger in the main code, for testing it is recommended to configure logger in the end of the module
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
        format='%(levelname)-10s %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(name)-30s %(funcName)-35s %(lineno)-5d: %(message)s',
  • Main services and processes should use custom logger class and initiate logging as follows

TODO - update to more relevant example

if __name__ == '__main__':

    time_horizon = settings.cgm_time_horizon
    scenario_date = settings.cgm_scenario_date
    version = settings.cgm_version

    import custom_logger

                               extra={"time_horizon": time_horizon,
                                      "scenario_date": scenario_date,
                                      "version": version,
                                      "merge_type": settings.cgm_area,
                                      "task_id": str(uuid4())})

It is possible to add additional metadata to custom_logger:

  1. On initialization, pass dictionary to extra [example: Above]
  2. Once initialised [example: log_handler.extra["scenario_date"] = scenario_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")]
  3. On each log entry, passing dictionary to extra

Business process monitoring

Business metadata

All metadata from task object should be added to the logging as extra

Lifecycle monitoring

  • process_id:

    • persistent in time and fixed in settings
    • Definition: Process is the root structure and common denominator for configuration activity
    • Example: CGM Creation
  • run_id:

    • persistent in time and fixed in settings
    • Example: D-1
    • Purpose: Aggregate all logs pertaining to a run within a process
  • job_id:

    • generated on the go, UUID4.
    • Definition: Job is a concrete instance of a run.
    • Example: D-1 run for a given day is a job.
    • Purpose: Aggregate all logs pertaining to an instance of a run of a specific period
  • task_id:

    • generated on the go, UUID4.
    • Example: All activity for a single Scenario Time within a given job is a task
    • Purpose: Get all logs for a specific task
    • TODO: Should we have parent_task_id(s) to link tasks with each other (replicate OpenTelemetry span and parent span logic)