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React.js - typescript - rollup - npm (with Next.js testing)

This repo is a boilerplate/template for React.js component library, using typescript (eg. *.tsx files), rollup.js for builds, ready for deploy on npm, featuring Jest for testing as well as Next.js and Storybook for developing.

CLI is here! - create-lib-react

Painfull process made extremely easy 🦋

$ yarn global add create-lib-react


$ create-lib-react

& follow the instructions


I recommend using yarn but you can change any command to npm for eg.

$ npm i -g create-lib-react


Install this template dependency as npm package and try importing MyComponent

$ yarn add react-typescript-rollup-npm

and then

import React from "react";
import { Example } from "react-typescript-rollup-npm";

export default () => <Example />;


$ npm i --save react-typescript-rollup-npm


Install dependencies

$ yarn


$ yarn build

Developing (using Next.js)

On index page (eg. localhost:3000/) there is a development version of your component (from /src), which will hot-reload while editting the component in /src, while on /build page (eg. localhost:3000/build) there is a builded version preview and finally on /production page (eg. localhost:3000/production) there is a production version of your component (from package on npm)

To change the page names, edit them or add new ones You just need to play around with files in /src/pages.

For further customization check out Next.js!

$ yarn dev

Running tests

$ yarn test

Running Storybook

$ yarn storybook

Deploying on npm

First (after you sing up) log in to your npm account in console

$ npm login

If the name you specified isn't taken You can easily publish your package with

$ npm publish

But, if it is taken there are some options

  • change the name xD

    You can check name availability by running
$ npm search desired-package-name
  • change scope ( @username/package-name )

    Either change name in package.json to @username/package-name


$ npm init --scope=username

Bear in mind that using scope requires You to use

$ npm publish --access public

Updating npm package

I highly recommend using np

$ yarn global add np


$ np

And then just follow the instructions

Note that np is running yarn test (npm run test) command by default, If You don't use tests in Your project, You might have to edit that command to something like that:


"scripts": {
  "test": "echo \"No test specified\""