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Bananarchist edited this page Sep 21, 2012 · 2 revisions

The GMP file format is a container format for GIM and GMO files. In Gungnir, it is used to hold textures and model files to construct 3D environments for battles and cutscenes.


GMP files start with an 8 byte header, padding, and then a set of 32 byte file descriptors, and then each file as described in the list. Data is stored in little-endian ordering.


0x00-0x03: File count
0x04-0x07: Offset to file descriptors

File Descriptor

0x00-0x13: Filename
0x14-0x17: File run length
0x18-0x1B: File start offset
0x1C-0x1F: Layer


The last entry in the File Descriptor structure seems to indicate the ordering of the composition of assets into the full scene. So far, eight layers have been seen to be referenced, 0-6 and 8.

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