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OpenXmlBinder is a simple binder for Word OpenXml file. It allows easy filling of word template from C# object in the style of ClosedXml.Reports.

OpenXmlBinder targets .net6 and uses Open-XML-SDK and Open-XML-PowerTools

Installing OpenXmlBinder from nuget

OpenXmlBinder is available through Nuget. It can be installed from the nuget packge manager or from the nuget console.

PM> Install-Package OpenXmlBinder


OpenXmlBinder is pretty straightforward to use.

  1. Instantiate a OpenXmlBinder with the path to the word template
  2. Use the method binderInstance.AddVariable() to bind any variables
  3. Call binderInstance.Generate() to get a byte array from the template

AddVariable method

Calling AddVariable(string name, string value) allows creation of named variables.

You can also directly call AddVariable(object obj). Each public property (including nested) of the obj will be parsed.

Complete example

Word document template

Word template sample


OXBinder binder = new OXBinder("Template/WeatherForecastTemplate.docx");

WeatherForecast forecast = new WeatherForecast
    Date = DateTime.Now,
    TemperatureC = Random.Shared.Next(-20, 55),
    Summary = Summaries[Random.Shared.Next(Summaries.Length)],
    Location=new Location("Paris","France")

// Binding full object

// Adding named variable

byte[] package = binder.Generate();

// Do whatever you need with the result
return File(package, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "WeatherForecast.docx");