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Development Version .15.06

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@BanditTech BanditTech released this 16 May 07:04
· 201 commits to master since this release

There have been a lot of changes going on since our last release version of the script. I have tried to look through our commit history to get a gist of what was adjusted, but I may have missed some things. It is often difficult for us to find a stable position in the script to make a new release from, since we are constantly adjusting things as we find time. For the last few months we have been feeling pretty confident in how stable the script is operating, and have slowed down on making changes. So I think this is a great time to make this release version!


There are a number of large changes to the item crafting system, crafting base stash tab, and map crafting. Mostly these functions have been improved in their usability and menus made simpler. Crafting or collecting the bases required has never been easier to do. Try it out for yourself and give us feedback!

Item Restock

There is a new item restocking system added which will let you keep specific currency in your inventory at all times, with specific amounts. It will return extra stock when it goes above your max, or restock when you get below a set threshold. You can also assign a custom restock item, which you assign the stash tab and position to fetch from.

One thing to note, you must configure Wisdom and Portal scrolls in this new system in order for the Inventory sort and Quick Portal functions to work.

New hotkeys

Hotkeys added for spamming Ctrl Clicks, Ctrl+Shift clicks, and Shift clicks.

These are very useful for dealing with bulk trades/crafting, and I figured it would be best to include them in the script since not everyone has a mouse with macro functionality.

New CLF file provided

Dan has developed a new system for displaying affix Actual Tier, and is now used in his shared CLF file. If you have not checked that out, it is located within the Files To Use folder in the script!

Situation with vendor panels

The new vendor panels are now supported, but that means the old ones have been phased out. We will try to work on getting all the different panels to work at some point soon. For now, old vendor panels are no longer supported, but heist vendor and the new vendor panels are. (this mostly affects leveling since they are the vendors which have not been updated to the new style of panel)

Other changes/improvements

numerous bugfixes
Improvements for users who do not have any running functions active
new evaluator added for Less than # but greater than 0.
seperated chaos recipe to count ID/UNID seperately
sort the chaos recipe stash tabs order when fetching items to group them better
allow up to 72 sets of chaos recipe at a time
Cluster jewel parsing
Gem parsing
Updated positions for currency tab
Parser additions/changes
Log output is more informative
More item types added to item crafting
DB update buttons added to debug menu
Sentinel specific additions

There are tons of other changes I just cannot list them all here!