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Brand Identity Watermark

Kristiyan Petrov edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 11 revisions

You can set your brand identity in the incoming call view by adding the following style in your style.xml.

The logo will be only visible while connecting. The text has higher priority than the icon (the icon will be small if the text is long). If no text is provided the icon will try fill the full width.

<style name="KaleyraCollaborationSuiteUI.CallWatermark" parent="KaleyraCollaborationSuiteUI.DefaultCallWatermark"> 
     <item name="kaleyra_iconStyle">@style/CallWatermarkIcon</item>
     <item name="kaleyra_titleStyle">@style/CallWatermarkTitle</item>

<style name="CallWatermarkIcon" parent="KaleyraCollaborationSuiteUI.CallWatermarkImageView">
     <item name="android:src">@drawable/logo</item>

<style name="CallWatermarkTitle" parent="KaleyraCollaborationSuiteUI.TextView.CallWatermark">
     <item name="android:text">@string/app_name</item>

Customized Brand Identity

  Logo&Text         Logo           Text