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Idea of pages

Vladislav Banykin edited this page Feb 24, 2024 · 3 revisions

Initial idea of pages

Here's a breakdown of how your app's pages might look:



Display a high-level summary of the user's financial health, including: * Total balance: Across all accounts. * Recent transactions: A list of the latest income and expenses. * Budget progress: Visual representation of how close user is to their budget goals.

Quick actions

Buttons for adding new transactions, creating shopping lists, or setting budgets.


  • List of accounts: Show all user's accounts with their balances and types.
  • Account details: Allow users to view individual account transactions and manage settings.
  • Adding/removing accounts: Provide options to add new accounts or remove existing ones.


  • Transaction list: Show all income and expense transactions with details like date, amount, category, and payee.
  • Adding transactions: Allow users to easily add new transactions with relevant information.
  • Filtering/searching: Enable filtering and searching transactions by date, category, or keyword.


  • List of categories: Show all available expense categories (predefined and custom).
  • Adding/editing categories: Allow users to create new categories or edit existing ones.
  • Budgeting: Link categories to budgets for easier tracking and management.


  • List of budgets: Display all user's budgets for different categories or periods.
  • Setting/editing budgets: Allow users to create new budgets, adjust existing ones, and set budget goals.
  • Progress tracking: Visualize budget progress towards goals with clear indicators.

Shopping List

  • List of items: Show all items added to the shopping list with their quantities.
  • Adding/editing items: Allow users to easily add, edit, or remove items from the list.
  • Marking as purchased: Enable users to mark items as purchased to keep track of their shopping progress.
  • Sharing (optional): Consider a future feature to share shopping lists with others.

Additional Consideration

  • Navigation: Ensure intuitive and consistent navigation across all pages.
  • Design: Use Tailwind CSS effectively for clean and responsive layouts.
  • Accessibility: Make the app accessible to users with diverse needs.
  • Integrations (future): Consider potential integrations with financial institutions, budgeting tools, or shopping services for added value.