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KTouch Course Generator

docker hub codecov


  • Generate courses for keyboard layouts
  • Generate custom courses
  • Combine both
  • Include local or online ressources
  • Equip lessons with words from text files
  • Or text scraped from websites of your choice
  • Limit word length
  • Individual lesson length
  • Individual average line length

Basic use

Use keyboard layouts or create custom courses via lesson specifications.

Generate courses for keyboard layouts

Example: a course for the german neo 2 keyboard layout referenced by GitHub link, containing words from the website, written to the file ktgen_course.xml.

docker run --rm barbiecue/ktgen:latest \ \
-web \
-o > ktgen_course.xml

Generate custom courses

1. Design the lessons you want to learn

ab cd ef gh ij kl mn op qr st uv wx yz
[sch] [ein] [ion]
WW,. WW!? WW:;
(WW) {WW} [WW] <WW>
"WW" 'WW' `WW`
~ +* #$ |& ^-
01 23 45 67 89

2. Run ktgen

docker run --rm barbiecue/ktgen:latest \
"ab cd ef gh ij kl mn op qr st uv wx yz" \
"[sch] [ein] [ion]" \
"WW,. WW\!? WW:;" \
"(WW) {WW} [WW] <WW>" \
"\"WW\" 'WW' \`WW\`" \
"~ +* #$ |& ^-" \
"01 23 45 67 89" -o > ktgen_course.xml

3. Done

Your KTouch course has been generated and written to ktgen_course.xml. You can import it into KTouch.

Here are some more examples.


Provide dictionaries to add words to your course. The first lessons are mostly generated with random combinations of letters, because there are not enough letters to find meaningful words. As the number of letters increases, more and more words can be found. The word order will be preserved by default, making it possible to build meaningful sentences automatically.

There are two ways to equip ktgen with a dictionary. They can be combined with each other.

Text file

Use -file <path> to point to a dictionary file. No matter if it contains continuous text or one word per line.

docker run --rm -v $PWD/:/files barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/lesson_specification.ktgen -file /files/ -o > ktgen_course.xml


Link a website of your choice with -web <url> and let ktgen extract text from it.

docker run --rm -v $PWD/:/files barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/lesson_specification.ktgen \
-web -o > ktgen_course.xml


Lesson specification

As mentioned above, the lesson specification describes the lessons for your course. The following format applies here.

Separation with whitespace characters

Each segment separated by whitespace characters defines new symbols for which lessons are generated. The read order is left to right and top down. It can be a single line.

ab cdef gh

Here we have 8 segments of new symbols to learn: ab, cdef, gh, AB, CD, EFGH, 123, ,..

This example leads to the following lessons:

  • Random permutations of ab
  • Random permutations of ab mixed with words consisting of ab
  • Words consisting of ab
  • Random permutations of cdef
  • Random permutations of cdef mixed with words consisting of abcdef where each word contains at least one of the symbols cdef
  • Such words only
  • Random permutations of gh
  • Random permutations of gh mixed with words consisting of abcdefgh where each word contains at least one of the symbols gh
  • Such words only
  • So on for AB, CD and EFGH ...
  • Random permutations of 123
  • Random permutations of ,.
  • Words consisting of abcdefghABCDEFGH where , or . is prefixed or appended randomly

In between, additional summary lessons are generated for the last 3 segments of new symbols to be learned.

  • No word lessons are generated if no matching words can be found in the dictionary
  • Some lessons might be optimized out when they are too similar or when they are not diverse enough

Allowed symbols

Allowed symbols are A-Z, ÄÖÜ, ß in lowercase and uppercase, 0-9 and !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~\.

Punctuation marks

If the side does not matter so that a punctuation mark can be to the left or to the right of the word, you can just write it down.

\/ +- ,;

This leads to lessons containing words like \pear, barbie/, +pear, -apple, ,barbie, pear;.

But, if the side matters, so that the punctuation mark can only be to the left or only to the right of a word, then use the WW pattern (WW stands for word).

WW., [(WW)] {WW}

This leads to lessons containing words like (pear), [barbie], {pear}, apple., barbie,.

Letter groups

In most languages, some letters often appear in fixed groups. For example, "ion", "ss", "ch", "ght" or "sch". Lessons for such groups are generated with square brackets.

[ch] [tt] [ion] [ght]

This leads to lessons containing words like china, chemie, letter, mission, compression, eight, fight.

Courses for keyboard layouts

Let ktgen generate courses for a keyboard layout of your choice.

Such a course consists of finger-to-finger lessons that focus on the key neighbors. This results in an intuitive path through the layout, which begins with the basic finger position.

keyboard path

The input section explains how to instruct ktgen to generate courses for keyboard layouts.

Combining lesson specifications

Multiple lesson specifications (and keyboard layouts) can be combined to a single course, simply by passing them as arguments to ktgen. They are applied in order. For example:

docker run --rm -v $PWD/:/files barbiecue/ktgen:latest \ \
/files/docs/examples/german-layout.xml \
"[ion] [sh] [str] [sch]" -o > ktgen_course.xml
  • The first lessons are generated from lesson_specification.ktgen
  • Lessons mapping the german keyboard layout follow
  • At the end of the course are lessons for the letter groups


There are different ways to input lesson specifications.

String arguments

Specify a custom course definition as program argument(s). Remember to escape appropriate characters so that they are not interpreted by the shell.

docker run --rm barbiecue/ktgen:latest "ab cd ef 12 34 WW?\!" -o > ktgen_course.xml


A ktgen lesson specification file passed via bind mount

docker run --rm -v $PWD/:/files barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/lesson_specification.ktgen -o > ktgen_course.xml

A keyboard XML file passed via bind mount

  1. Export a keyboard layout from KTouch (e.g german-layout.xml)
  2. Pass it as argument to ktgen
docker run --rm -v $PWD/docs/examples/:/files barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/german-layout.xml -o > ktgen_course.xml


Simply reference a ktgen lesson specification or a keyboard XML via HTTP URL. The URL must start with http or https. Make sure that the response is plain text.

A ktgen lesson specification via HTTP link

The URL must end with .ktgen. For example, use the Raw version of the GitHub ktgen lesson_specification.ktgen file.

docker run --rm barbiecue/ktgen:latest -o > ktgen_course.xml

A keyboard layout via HTTP link

The URL must end with .xml. For example, use one of the official KTouch keyboard layouts from GitHub: Make sure to reference the Raw version.

docker run --rm barbiecue/ktgen:latest -o > ktgen_course.xml


You can write the course to stdout -o or to a file -of <file> or to both. The course will be written to the ktgen_course.xml file by default if none of the options are set. However, this file remains in the docker container. Consequently -of <file> may be useful when running ktgen locally via Java.


  • A course for the lesson specification file of the ktgen GitHub Repository referenced by link, containing words from the website, written to the file ktgen_course.xml.

    docker run --rm barbiecue/ktgen:latest \ \
    -web \
    -o > ktgen_course.xml
  • A course for the lesson specification passed as string argument, containing words from the website, written to the file ktgen_course.xml.

    docker run --rm barbiecue/ktgen:latest \
    "ab cd ef gh ij kl mn op qr st uv wx yz" \
    -web \
    -o > ktgen_course.xml

The following examples include sample input files and work immediately when you check out this repository and navigate into it.

  • A course that starts with lessons for letters.ktgen and ends with lessons for digits.ktgen written to ktgen_course.xml.

    docker run --rm -v $PWD/docs/examples/:/files \
    barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/letters.ktgen /files/digits.ktgen \
    -o > ktgen_course.xml
  • A course with lessons from letters.ktgen containing words from the file mydict.txt and from the website written to ktgen_course.xml.

    docker run --rm -v $PWD/docs/examples/:/files \
    barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/letters.ktgen \
    -file /files/mydict.txt \
    -web \
    -o > ktgen_course.xml
  • A course for the german keyboard layout containing words from the website written to ktgen_course.xml.

    docker run --rm -v $PWD/docs/examples/:/files \
    barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/german-layout.xml \
    -web \
    -o > ktgen_course.xml
  • A course for the german keyboard layout containing words from the website where each word is max 10 characters long and each lesson has a length of 500 characters. Written to ktgen_course.xml.

    docker run --rm -v $PWD/docs/examples/:/files \
    barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/german-layout.xml \
    -web \
    -max 10 \
    -length 500 \
    -o > ktgen_course.xml
  • A course for the german keyboard layout written to the file my_ktouch_course.xml.

    docker run --rm -v $PWD/docs/examples/:/files \
    barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/german-layout.xml \
    -o > my_ktouch_course.xml
  • A course for lesson_specification.ktgen written to stdout.

    docker run --rm -v $PWD/lesson_specification.ktgen:/files/lesson_specification.ktgen \
    barbiecue/ktgen:latest /files/lesson_specification.ktgen -o


docker run --rm barbiecue/ktgen:latest --help