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Cleanup GetExportMidiB (#202)
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* Minor cleanup, GetExportMidiB is not used.
  • Loading branch information
Meowchestra committed Jan 19, 2023
1 parent e2971f4 commit 7077d73
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 293 deletions.
293 changes: 0 additions & 293 deletions BardMusicPlayer.Transmogrify/Song/BmpSong.cs
Expand Up @@ -745,298 +745,5 @@ public MemoryStream GetExportMidi()

return stream;

/// <summary>
/// Exports the song to a midi file
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public MemoryStream GetExportMidiB()
List<TrackChunk> c = new List<TrackChunk>();
foreach (var tc in TrackContainers.Values)

var midiFile = new MidiFile(c);

Console.WriteLine("Exporting... ");
var loaderWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var newTrackChunks = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, TrackChunk>();
var tempoMap = midiFile.GetTempoMap().Clone();
long firstNote = midiFile.GetTrackChunks().GetNotes().First().GetTimedNoteOnEvent().TimeAs<MetricTimeSpan>(tempoMap).TotalMicroseconds / 1000;

var originalTrackChunks = new List<TrackChunk>();

foreach (var trackChunk in midiFile.GetTrackChunks())
var thisTrack = new TrackChunk(new SequenceTrackNameEvent(trackChunk.Events.OfType<SequenceTrackNameEvent>().FirstOrDefault()?.Text));

Parallel.ForEach(originalTrackChunks.Where(x => x.GetNotes().Any()), (originalChunk, loopState, index) =>
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var tempoMap = midiFile.GetTempoMap().Clone();
int noteVelocity = int.Parse(index.ToString()) + 1;
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<long, Note>> allNoteEvents = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<long, Note>>();
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) allNoteEvents.Add(i, new Dictionary<long, Note>());
foreach (Note note in originalChunk.GetNotes())
long noteOnMS;
long noteOffMS;
noteOnMS = 5000 + (note.GetTimedNoteOnEvent().TimeAs<MetricTimeSpan>(tempoMap).TotalMicroseconds / 1000) - firstNote;
noteOffMS = 5000 + (note.GetTimedNoteOffEvent().TimeAs<MetricTimeSpan>(tempoMap).TotalMicroseconds / 1000) - firstNote;
catch (Exception) { continue; }
int noteNumber = note.NoteNumber;
Note newNote = new Note((SevenBitNumber)noteNumber,
time: noteOnMS,
length: noteOffMS - noteOnMS
Channel = (FourBitNumber)index,
Velocity = (SevenBitNumber)126,
OffVelocity = (SevenBitNumber)126
if (allNoteEvents[noteNumber].ContainsKey(noteOnMS))
Note previousNote = allNoteEvents[noteNumber][noteOnMS];
if (previousNote.Length < note.Length) allNoteEvents[noteNumber][noteOnMS] = newNote;
else allNoteEvents[noteNumber].Add(noteOnMS, newNote);
Debug.WriteLine("step 1: " + noteVelocity + ": " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
TrackChunk newChunk = new TrackChunk();
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
long lastNoteTimeStamp = -1;
foreach (var noteEvent in allNoteEvents[i])
if (lastNoteTimeStamp >= 0 && allNoteEvents[i][lastNoteTimeStamp].Length + lastNoteTimeStamp >= noteEvent.Key)
allNoteEvents[i][lastNoteTimeStamp].Length = allNoteEvents[i][lastNoteTimeStamp].Length - (allNoteEvents[i][lastNoteTimeStamp].Length + lastNoteTimeStamp + 1 - noteEvent.Key);
lastNoteTimeStamp = noteEvent.Key;
newChunk.AddObjects(allNoteEvents.SelectMany(s => s.Value).Select(s => s.Value).ToArray());
allNoteEvents = null;
Debug.WriteLine("step 2: " + noteVelocity + ": " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Note[] notesToFix = newChunk.GetNotes().Reverse().ToArray();
for (int i = 1; i < notesToFix.Count(); i++)
int noteNum = notesToFix[i].NoteNumber;
long time = (notesToFix[i].GetTimedNoteOnEvent().Time);
long dur = notesToFix[i].Length;
int velocity = notesToFix[i].Velocity;
long lowestParent = notesToFix[0].GetTimedNoteOnEvent().Time;
for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--)
long lastOn = notesToFix[k].GetTimedNoteOnEvent().Time;
if (lastOn < lowestParent) lowestParent = lastOn;
if (lowestParent <= time + 50)
time = lowestParent - 50;
if (time < 0) continue;
notesToFix[i].Time = time;
dur = 25;
notesToFix[i].Length = dur;
Debug.WriteLine("step 3: " + noteVelocity + ": " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
notesToFix = notesToFix.Reverse().ToArray();
List<Note> fixedNotes = new List<Note>();
for (int j = 0; j < notesToFix.Count(); j++)
var noteNum = notesToFix[j].NoteNumber;
var time = notesToFix[j].Time;
var dur = notesToFix[j].Length;
var channel = notesToFix[j].Channel;
var velocity = notesToFix[j].Velocity;
if (j + 1 < notesToFix.Count())
switch (notesToFix[j].Length)
// Bandaid fix: If sustained note is 100ms or greater, ensure 60ms between the end of that note and the beginning of the next note.
// Otherwise, leave the behavior as it was before.
case >= 100 when notesToFix[j + 1].Time <= notesToFix[j].Time + notesToFix[j].Length + 60:
dur = notesToFix[j + 1].Time - notesToFix[j].Time - 60;
dur = dur < 60 ? 60 : dur;
case < 100 when notesToFix[j + 1].Time <= notesToFix[j].Time + notesToFix[j].Length + 25:
dur = notesToFix[j + 1].Time - notesToFix[j].Time - 25;
dur = dur < 25 ? 25 : dur;
fixedNotes.Add(new Note(noteNum, dur, time)
Channel = channel,
Velocity = velocity,
OffVelocity = velocity
notesToFix = null;
Debug.WriteLine("step 4: " + noteVelocity + ": " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
#region Tracknaming and octave shifting
int octaveShift = 0;
string trackName = originalChunk.Events.OfType<SequenceTrackNameEvent>().FirstOrDefault()?.Text;
if (trackName == null) trackName = "";
trackName = trackName.ToLower().Trim().Replace(" ", String.Empty);
string o_trackName = trackName;
Regex rex = new Regex(@"^([A-Za-z]+)([-+]\d)?");
if (rex.Match(trackName) is Match match)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[1].Value))
trackName = Instrument.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value).Name;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[2].Value))
if (int.TryParse(match.Groups[2].Value, out int os))
octaveShift = os;
if (octaveShift > 0)
trackName = trackName + "+" + octaveShift;
else if (octaveShift < 0)
trackName = trackName + octaveShift;
//last try with the program number
if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[1].Value)) || trackName.Equals("Unknown") || trackName.Equals("None"))
ProgramChangeEvent prog = originalChunk.Events.OfType<ProgramChangeEvent>().FirstOrDefault();
if (prog != null)
trackName = Instrument.ParseByProgramChange(prog.ProgramNumber).Name;
newChunk = new TrackChunk(new SequenceTrackNameEvent(trackName));
#endregion Tracknaming and octave shifting
//Create Progchange Event
foreach (var timedEvent in originalChunk.GetTimedEvents())
var programChangeEvent = timedEvent.Event as ProgramChangeEvent;
if (programChangeEvent == null)
//Skip all except guitar | implement if we need this again
if ((programChangeEvent.ProgramNumber < 27) || (programChangeEvent.ProgramNumber > 31))
var channel = programChangeEvent.Channel;
using (var manager = new TimedObjectsManager<TimedEvent>(newChunk.Events))
TimedObjectsCollection<TimedEvent> timedEvents = manager.Objects;
timedEvents.Add(new TimedEvent(new ProgramChangeEvent(programChangeEvent.ProgramNumber), 5000 + (timedEvent.TimeAs<MetricTimeSpan>(tempoMap).TotalMicroseconds / 1000) - firstNote/* Absolute time too */));
Debug.WriteLine("step 5: " + noteVelocity + ": " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
newTrackChunks.TryAdd(noteVelocity, newChunk);
Debug.WriteLine("step 6: " + noteVelocity + ": " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

var newMidiFile = new MidiFile();
newTrackChunks.TryRemove(newTrackChunks.Count, out TrackChunk trackZero);
newMidiFile.TimeDivision = new TicksPerQuarterNoteTimeDivision(600);
using (TempoMapManager tempoManager = newMidiFile.ManageTempoMap()) tempoManager.SetTempo(0, Tempo.FromBeatsPerMinute(100));

tempoMap = newMidiFile.GetTempoMap();
long delta = newMidiFile.GetTrackChunks().GetNotes().First().GetTimedNoteOnEvent().TimeAs<MetricTimeSpan>(tempoMap).TotalMicroseconds / 1000;

Parallel.ForEach(newMidiFile.GetTrackChunks(), chunk =>
var te = chunk.Events.OfType<SequenceTrackNameEvent>().FirstOrDefault()?.Text;
var channel = chunk.Events.OfType<NoteOnEvent>().FirstOrDefault()?.Channel;
using (var manager = chunk.ManageTimedEvents())
var prog = new ProgramChangeEvent((SevenBitNumber)Instrument.Parse(te).MidiProgramChangeCode);
prog.Channel = (FourBitNumber)channel;
manager.Objects.Add(new TimedEvent(prog, 5000));
using (var notesManager = chunk.ManageNotes())
foreach (Note note in notesManager.Objects)
long newStart = note.Time - delta;
note.Time = newStart;
using (var manager = chunk.ManageTimedEvents())
foreach (TimedEvent _event in manager.Objects)
var programChangeEvent = _event.Event as ProgramChangeEvent;
if (programChangeEvent == null)
long newStart = _event.Time - delta;
if (newStart <= -1)
_event.Time = newStart;

var stream = new MemoryStream();

using (var manager = new TimedObjectsManager<TimedEvent>(newMidiFile.GetTrackChunks().First().Events))
manager.Objects.Add(new TimedEvent(new MarkerEvent(), (newMidiFile.GetDuration<MetricTimeSpan>().TotalMicroseconds / 1000)));

newMidiFile.Write(stream, MidiFileFormat.MultiTrack, new WritingSettings { });
stream.Position = 0;

Console.WriteLine("Export finished MS: " + loaderWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

return stream;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;

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