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A Minecraft Fabric API to cache specific player data when they are offline.


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Offline Player Cache: Directors Cut has moved from being a port to a rewritten mod. It allows the ability to cache player data to the server based on cached keys.

This was developed in mind to have persistent leaderboards for servers for their offline players.


Mods may register keys that provide methods for obtaining data based on a player, and read and write methods based on nbt data.

Upon a player's disconnection from the server, their cached data is stored into the servers level data, and can be accessed.

Upon a player's reconnection to the server, their cached data is deleted, and the cache will prefer using the player's current data.


/opc get <uuid>|<name> <key>

Provides details about the current player value. If they are online, it will provide their current value, but if they are offline, it will provide their cached value.

Notice ✨

If the value is a Number and ran from a command block, the redstone output is the absolute modulus of 16.

/opc remove <uuid>|<name> <key>

If the player with the associated username or UUID is offline, it will remove that players cached value based on the selected key. If the player is online, nothing will occur with this command.

/opc list <uuid>|<name>

Lists all the keys and values this player has stored if they are offline, or if they are online, their current ones.

Developers Guide


Offline Player Cache has a Modrinth and Curseforge page.

In order to develop with the API, please add the following:



repositories {
    maven {
        name = "Modrinth"
        url = ""
        content {
            includeGroup "maven.modrinth"

dependencies {
    modImplementation "maven.modrinth:opc-directors-cut:${project.opc_version}"
    // include this if you do not want to force your users to install the mod.
    include "maven.modrinth:opc-directors-cut:${project.opc_version}"
Alternatively, if you are using Kotlin DSL:


repositories {
    maven {
        name = "Modrinth"
        url = uri("")
        content {

dependencies {
    // include this if you do not want to force your users to install the mod.

Migration to 1.0.0

  • A considerable amount of internal and external changes have happened with the mod.
  • CacheableValue has been transformed into CachedPlayerKey, which better represents its purpose, which is to be a middleman in caching your data into the server.

Using the Cache API

  • In order to utilize the cache, utilize the new OfflinePlayerCacheAPI, which will allow you to register CachedPlayerKeys to the cache, and permit you to obtain data based on the keys provided.
  • You can call the constructor of the API in order to use it, as long as you provide the server as an argument.

The cache and its API should never be used on the client. It requires a server instance to be used.

Registering & Using Keys

A CachedPlayerKey has the important role of being a reference to the data you wish to store on the server.

In order to utilize this key, you must extend from class itself, and override its abstract methods.

Identifiers or ResourceLocations have been elevated to be a must to implement in the base constructor, so you will need to accommodate for this change. Creating one of these keys are relatively simple, all you need to write is the following code:

Expect the values that will be written to your key to not be null, as this is checked for you before calling.


import com.bibireden.opc.api.CachedPlayerKey
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier

class LevelKey : CachedPlayerKey<Int>(Identifier("your-mod-id", "your-key-path")) {
    override fun get(player: ServerPlayerEntity): Int {
        // this would be up to the end user's interpretation, so for now, anything will suffice.
        return 404

    override fun readFromNbt(tag: NbtCompound): Int {
        return tag.getInt("level")

    override fun writeToNbt(tag: NbtCompound, value: Any) {
        // Due to some limitations, type checking cannot be provided for the second argument, but you can almost safely guarantee this value will be associated with your type-parameter.
        if (value is Int) tag.putInt("level", value)
import com.bibireden.opc.api.CachedPlayerKey;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;

public class LevelKey extends CachedPlayerKey<Integer> {
    public LevelKey() {
        super(new Identifier("your-mod-id", "your-key-path"));

    public Integer get(@NotNull ServerPlayerEntity player) {
        // this would be up to the end user's interpretation, so for now, anything will suffice.
        return 404;

    public @NotNull Integer readFromNbt(NbtCompound tag) {
        return tag.getInt("level");

    public void writeToNbt(NbtCompound tag, @NotNull Object value) {
        // Due to some limitations, type checking cannot be provided for the second argument, but you can almost safely guarantee this value will be associated with your type-parameter.
        tag.putInt("level", (Integer) value);


import com.bibireden.opc.api.CachedPlayerKey
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation

class LevelKey : CachedPlayerKey<String>(ResourceLocation("your-mod-id", "your-key-path")) {
    override fun get(player: Player): String {
        // this would be up to the end user's interpretation, so for now, anything will suffice.
        return "playerex in forge when?"

    override fun readFromNbt(tag: CompoundTag): String {
        return tag.getString("message")

    override fun writeToNbt(tag: CompoundTag, value: Any) {
        tag.putString("message", value as String)
import com.bibireden.opc.api.CachedPlayerKey;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag;
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;

public class LevelKey extends CachedPlayerKey<Integer> {
    public LevelKey() {
        super(new ResourceLocation("your-mod-id", "your-key-path"));

    public Integer get(@NotNull Player player) {
        // this would be up to the end user's interpretation, so for now, anything will suffice.
        return 404;

    public @NotNull Integer readFromNbt(CompoundTag tag) {
        return tag.getInt("level");

    public void writeToNbt(CompoundTag tag, @NotNull Object value) {
        // Due to some limitations, type checking cannot be provided for the second argument, but you can almost safely guarantee this value will be associated with your type-parameter.
        tag.putInt("level", (Integer) value);

Registering your key works relatively the same. All you need to do is register the keys you created using OfflinePlayerCacheAPI.register.

Once your key is registered, you are good to go!

Keys will automatically be managed by the cache, and you should be able to see these keys through the commands we provide.



A Minecraft Fabric API to cache specific player data when they are offline.







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