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Barnard Theme

Custom visual design and template logic for Barnard Digital Collections. Developed by Discovery Garden with additional contributions from Dillon Savage.


Template logic

The theme implements preprocess functions to generate output for corresponding templates:

  • barnard_theme_preprocess_page()
    • If bc_islandora exists and the page is the front page, invokes _bc_islandora_featured() to generate footer text.
    • If bc_islandora exists and the page is not the front page or a search result, invokes theme_bc_islandora_breadcrumb().
    • If service_links exists, invokes service_links_render() to generate social media links.
    • If bc_islandora exists and the page is an exhibit node, adds exhibit JavaScript and CSS.
  • barnard_theme_preprocess_node()
    • If bc_islandora exists and the node is an exhibit, invokes theme_bc_islandora_exhibition().
  • barnard_theme_preprocess_islandora_basic_collection_wrapper()
    • If the object is a student publication, sets a special variable.
  • barnard_theme_preprocess_islandora_book_book()
    • If bc_islandora exists, provides alternate download links via _bc_islandora_dl_links().
    • Unused feature: checks whether the book is actually a "document" (_bc_islandora_is_document()) and themes as a newspaper issue if so.
  • barnard_theme_preprocess_islandora_book_page()
    • If bc_islandora exists, provides alternate download links via _bc_islandora_dl_links().
  • barnard_theme_preprocess_islandora_large_image()
    • If bc_islandora exists, provides alternate download links via _bc_islandora_dl_links().
  • barnard_theme_islandora_newspaperpagecmodel_islandora_solr_object_result_alter()
    • Prevents a long list of query parameters from being included in search result URLs.
  • barnard_theme_islandora_bookCModel_islandora_solr_object_result_alter()
    • Add page viewing fragment and search term to show all search results within book on page load.
  • barnard_theme_islandora_pageCModel_islandora_solr_object_result_alter()
    • Replaces the url for the search result to be the book's url, not the page. The page is added as a fragment at the end of the book url.

To do

  • Improve this document
  • Improve mobile/responsive behavior