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Barty authored and Barty committed Mar 12, 2020
2 parents 760048e + 62e5e70 commit ffb7808
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion OpenCvCode/
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Expand Up @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ def SnapShotAndPossition():
Attempt2 = (SnapShotAndPossition())
if board1 == Attempt2:
i , j = where_is_the_new_disk(board1,board2)
Expand Down
312 changes: 312 additions & 0 deletions OpenCvCode/
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@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
Created on Mon Feb 3 22:19:24 2020
@author: aidam
@author: Barty Pitt
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def ImageInlineShow(Image):
Run = True
A function to show the images in line instead of as sperate images designed for Jupyter Notepad.'''
if Run:
plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(Image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) # to hide tick values on X and Y axis

def get_x_and_y_coord_from_contours(coordinates):
'''Takes in information about the contours in the form of [[cX ,cY],[area]], and keeps
[cX, cY], which are the pixel coordinates of the centre of each disk.'''
counter = -1
coords = []
for i in coordinates:
counter += 1
y_coord = coordinates[counter][0][1]
x_coord = coordinates[counter][0][0]
coords.append([x_coord, y_coord])
return coords

def get_row_and_col(coordinates):
'''Takes pixel coordinates in the form of [cX ,cY], and returns the row for cX, and column for cY'''
Tolerance = 20 #a tolerance is added to check the coordinate in the row/column are within a range.
xList = []
yList = []
KeyX = [55 , 155 , 250 , 345 , 450 , 545 , 640] #these are the estimated pixels in which the coordinates for each column lie in
KeyY = [200 , 330 , 430 , 530 , 650 , 760] #these are the estimated pixels in which the coordinates for each row lie in
for i in coordinates:
y_coord = i[1]
x_coord = i[0]
for n,x in enumerate(KeyX):
if abs(x_coord - x) < Tolerance:
print("x out" , x_coord)
for n,y in enumerate(KeyY):
if abs(y_coord - y) < Tolerance:
print("Y out" , y_coord)
return [cord for cord in zip(xList , yList)]

def find_top_and_bottom_coord_of_each_col(col_no, row_no, new_lst, points):
'''Function that finds the top and bottom disk coordinates of each column.
Returns an array for each column with the coordinate of the top and bottom disk'''
col_1 = []
col_2 = []
col_3 = []
col_4 = []
col_5 = []
col_6 = []

for i in range(len(row_no)):

if new_lst[i][1] == 0 and new_lst[i][0] == 0:
print('found top disk of column 1', new_lst[i], points[i])

if new_lst[i][1] == 0 and new_lst[i][0] == 5:
#print('found bottom disk of column 1', new_lst[i], points[i])

if new_lst[i][1] == 1 and new_lst[i][0] == 0:

if new_lst[i][1] == 1 and new_lst[i][0] == 5:

if new_lst[i][1] == 2 and new_lst[i][0] == 0:

if new_lst[i][1] == 2 and new_lst[i][0] == 5:

if new_lst[i][1] == 3 and new_lst[i][0] == 0:

if new_lst[i][1] == 3 and new_lst[i][0] == 5:

if new_lst[i][1] == 4 and new_lst[i][0] == 0:

if new_lst[i][1] == 4 and new_lst[i][0] == 5:

if new_lst[i][1] == 5 and new_lst[i][0] == 0:

if new_lst[i][1] == 5 and new_lst[i][0] == 5:
return col_1, col_2, col_3, col_4, col_5, col_6

def disks_to_array(board):
'''Function takes in the positions of all the disks on the board and returns a numpy
array with -1 for the bot disks and 1 for the player disks'''

for x in np.nditer(board, op_flags=['readwrite']):
if x[...] == 1:
x[...] = -1
if x[...] == 2:
x[...] = 1
return board

def where_is_the_new_disk(board1, board2):
'''this function takes in the board state before the human plays (board1) and after they play
(board2), and subtracts them from each other. Where the result is not 0 it returns the column
and row of that position, which is where the new disk has been played'''
board_before = disks_to_array(board1)
board_after = disks_to_array(board2)
result = np.subtract(board_before, board_after)
for x in np.nditer(result):
if x[...] != 0:
i, j = np.where(result != 0)
return i, j #i is row, j is col

def ConvectionFunction(Image ,LowerBounds , UpperBounds):
Takes in an Image,
the lower bounds and the upper bounds
and returns the contours for the image and the thresholds, as well as the processed image.

hsv = cv2.cvtColor(Image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # Convert to hsv
for LowerMask,UpperMask in zip(LowerBounds,UpperBounds):
LowerBound = np.array(LowerMask) # Remove if ALL of the code inputs a numpy array into the function
UpperBound = np.array(UpperMask)
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv , LowerBound,UpperBound) # Creates the mask
outputMask = outputMask | mask
except NameError:
outputMask = mask
kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8)
outputMask = cv2.morphologyEx(outputMask,cv2.MORPH_OPEN,kernel)

contours , _ = cv2.findContours(outputMask , cv2.RETR_TREE , cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # Creates contours from the mask
print("Length of contours is " ,len(contours))
img2 = Image.copy()
index = -1
thickness = 10
colour = (255 , 0 , 255)

cv2.drawContours(img2,contours , index , colour , thickness)

return contours, img2

def plot_centre_line(column_list, img):
'''Function that takes a list of the top and bottom coordinates of each column, and an image,
and plots a centreline down the given column'''
point_1 = tuple(column_list[0]) #convert to tuple as opencv function only takes in tuple
point_2 = tuple(column_list[1])
color = (0,0,255)
cv2.line(img, point_1,point_2,color,5)

def ContourInfo(contours ,minArea):
'''Takes in a set of contours returns the cordinate for the centre of the the ones above a certain size'''
output = []
for c in contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(c)
if area > minArea:
M = cv2.moments(c)
cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])
cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])
output.append([[cX ,cY],[area]])
except ZeroDivisionError:
return output

def list_connector(list1, list2):
'''Function to merge lists of coordinates. Used to join yellow and blue disk coords'''
output = list1+list2
return output

def CordinatesSorter(Cordinates):
'''Takes in the cordinates and orders by the first two varibles'''
CordinatesWithIndex = sorted(zip([i for i in range(4)] , Cordinates, [0 for i in range(4)]) , key=lambda Cordinate: Cordinate[1][0])
CordinatesWithIndex = list(CordinatesWithIndex)
for i in range(2):
CordinatesWithIndex[i] = list(CordinatesWithIndex[i])
CordinatesWithIndex[i][2] += 1
CordinatesWithIndex.sort(key=lambda Cordinate: Cordinate[1][1])
for i in range(2):
CordinatesWithIndex[i] = list(CordinatesWithIndex[i])
CordinatesWithIndex[i][2] += 2
CordinatesWithIndex.sort(key=lambda Cordinate: Cordinate[2])
output = [x[1] for x in CordinatesWithIndex]
return output

def TransformTheImage(img,Extension):
'''Takes the image and transforms it, the extension is added to see above the grid. '''
#Red Contours
lower_red1 = np.array([0,110,39])
upper_red1 = np.array([10,255,255])

lower_red2 = np.array([159,39,139])
upper_red2 = np.array([179,255,255])

RedContours, __ = ConvectionFunction(img,[lower_red1,lower_red2], [upper_red1,upper_red2])
Red_cordinates = ContourInfo(RedContours , 100)
Red_cordinates = [x[0] for x in Red_cordinates]
if len(Red_cordinates) != 4:
print("cant locate red dots")
Red_cordinates = CordinatesSorter(Red_cordinates)

pts_dst = np.array([[700 , 600 + Extension], [0,600 + Extension],[700,Extension] ,[0,Extension] ] ,np.float32)
Red_cordinates = np.array(Red_cordinates,np.float32)
h, _ = cv2.findHomography(Red_cordinates,pts_dst)
SquareImage = cv2.warpPerspective(img, h,(700,600 + Extension))

return SquareImage

def ArrayfromCordinates(Cordinates1, Cordinates2 = None):
'''Takes in one or two sets of cordninates , and returns a combined array.'''
output = np.zeros((7,6))
for co in Cordinates1:
y,x = co
output[y][x] = 1
if Cordinates2 == None:
return output
for co in Cordinates2:
y,x = co
output[y][x] = 2
return output

def GetPossitions(img, Location = True):

'''It reads an image from the given Image Location, flattens it, finds the yellow and the blue disks,
and returns the rows and columns of each of the disks.'''
if Location:
img = cv2.imread(img)

SquareImage = TransformTheImage(img,200)
#If the Extra space at the top starts causing problems.

#The Blue mask
lower_blue = np.array([90,130,80])
upper_blue = np.array([115,255,255])

blueContours, __ = ConvectionFunction(SquareImage,[lower_blue] , [upper_blue])
blue_coordinates = ContourInfo(blueContours , 800)

#The Yellow Mask
lower_yellow = np.array([20,55,70])
upper_yellow = np.array([45,191,200])

yellowContours, __ = ConvectionFunction(SquareImage,[lower_yellow], [upper_yellow])
yellow_coordinates = ContourInfo(yellowContours , 800)

mergedy = get_row_and_col(get_x_and_y_coord_from_contours(yellow_coordinates))
mergedb = get_row_and_col(get_x_and_y_coord_from_contours(blue_coordinates))
Board = ArrayfromCordinates(mergedb,mergedy)
return disks_to_array(Board)

def SnapShotAndPossition():
'''Takes an image with the webcam and then puts it through the position finding algorithm.'''
camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
for i in range(10):
__, frame =
frame = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(frame,None,10,10,7,21)
Board = GetPossitions(frame , Location = False)
return Board

if __name__ == "__main__":
'''Functional Test Code'''
board2 = np.zeros((7,6))
while True:
board1 = (SnapShotAndPossition())
Attempt2 = (SnapShotAndPossition())
if board1 == Attempt2:
i , j = where_is_the_new_disk(board1,board2)
print("the col is", j)
k = input()
if k == "q":
board2 = board1

#GetPossitions('/Users/aidam/Desktop/Robotics Coursework /Images/WithRedDot/Grid1.jpg')
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions docs/ConnectFourAlgorithm.rst
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
Connect 4 Algorithm

In order for the robot to play competitively against a human, a minimax game algorithm is used to choose the best move in response to the human player. The algorithm's 'game loop' is implemented inside the main file, but for general tidiness we store all of the functions in a separate file.
In order for the robot to play competitively against a human, a minimax game algorithm is used to choose the best move in response to the human player.
The algorithm's 'game loop' is implemented inside the main file, but for general tidiness all of the algorithm functions are stored in a separate file.

Setup Functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +103,6 @@ In the following function, horizontal, vertical, positive (upward sloping) and n
This evaluation is performed separately by the ``evaluate_window`` function, which is called within the ``score_position`` function, and explained in further detail below.

.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 14, 22, 29, 36
def score_position(board, piece):
score = 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,5 +314,5 @@ This would not be particuarly difficult to fix, but would require a different, m

2. Incomplete win structure

During stress testing, we noticed that the algorithm would not make a winning move if there were two or more possible winning moves available. This is presumably because it could not decide between equally weighted branches, and therefore made the 'next best' move.
This problem did not impact the algorithm's success rate, however, because as soon as the human player filled one of the possible winning spaces, the algorithm would win using the other.
During stress testing, it became clear that the algorithm would not make a winning move if there were two or more possible winning moves available. This is presumably because it could not decide between equally weighted branches, and therefore made the 'next best' move.
This problem did not impact the algorithm's success rate, however, because as soon as the human player filled one of the possible winning spaces, the algorithm would win the game using the other.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/Open_Cv.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ And then by taking multiple snapshots and performing this procedure twice the ne
i, j = np.where(result != 0)
return i, j #i is row, j is col
By running this code twice and ensuring that on both instances the disk position found is the same we can verify that the board has been updated to the correct state.
By running this code twice and ensuring that on both instances the disk position found is the same, it can then be verified that the board has been updated to the correct state.

2. Another method that was developed for error recovery but never implemented was to draw a centre line on the column that the robot was about to place the disk in, and using a red marker on the centre of
2. Another method that was developed for error recovery but never implemented, was to draw a centre line on the column that the robot was about to place the disk in, and using a red marker on the centre of
the robot gripper, check that the coordinate of the marker on the gripper is aligned with the target column.

First the top and the bottom coordinates of the disks in each column are found:
Expand Down

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