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Better AI -

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@Amechwarrior Amechwarrior released this 17 Jun 05:55
· 263 commits to master since this release


Requires ModTek 0.7.2

For older versions - Delete old Better AI folder in BATTLETECH\Mods
Copy BetterAI- in to the BATTLETECH\Mods folder.

Major New Feature:

ECM/AP tweaks to AI. Biggest change is allowing the AI to fire from inside the ECM bubble, at the cost of losing their single stealth charge. APC escorts will also do this, but due to some bugs I can't exclude them from this action yet. I've also enabled Bool_EnableUrbanBiomeNavigationEverywhere to let the AI solve moving around dead end platforms. This needs a lot of testing, let me know if the AI still gets stuck on things.

Changelog for

Float_SprintPreferInsideMeleeRangeFactorWeight -1.0 from -1.5 eagerness to close increased
Float_SprintExclusionRadius 120.0 from 200.0 eagerness to close increased
Float_PreferHostileECMFields 5.0 from 1.5 eagerness to pop ECM bubble greatly increased
Float_SprintPreferHostileECMFields 5.0 from 0.5 eagerness to pop ECM bubble greatly increased when sprinting
Int_MinimumECMGhostedPipsToFire 1 from 2 allows firing from inside ECM bubble
Bool_EnableUrbanBiomeNavigationEverywhere true from false to allow better pathfinding

Float_PreferFriendlyECMFields 1.75 added
Float_SprintPreferFriendlyECMFields 1.0 added
Float_PreferHostileECMFields 0.0 added to null out wanting to stay in hostile bubble while defensive
Float_SprintPreferHostileECMFields 0.0 added to null out wanting to stay in hostile bubble while defensive
Int_MinimumECMGhostedPipsToFire 2 added and set to stock value to keep stealth when defensive

Reordered listing to flow in global.json order

Int_MinimumECMGhostedPipsToFire 2 added and set to stock value to keep stealth when defensive
Reordered listing to flow in global.json order

Int_MinimumECMGhostedPipsToFire 2 added and set to stock value to keep stealth when defensive
Reordered listing to flow in global.json order

role_noncombatant.json - FILE ADDED
Int_MinimumECMGhostedPipsToFire 2 added and set to stock value to keep stealth when defensive

Float_SprintExclusionRadius 196.0 from 244.0 eagerness to close increased

Int_MinimumECMGhostedPipsToFire 2 added and set to stock value to keep stealth when defensive

Better AI Permanent Evasion Add On - No update of Add-On required, will work with automatically.