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Backend serverless function for the codeshift hackathon


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Solution Pattern: The Backend

Knative Function on NodeJS Setup

  1. Installation of the OpenShift CLI Client (oc) and Knative CLI Client (kn): Ensure that you have the OpenShift CLI (oc) and Knative CLI (kn) installed on your local machine. You can download them from the official OpenShift website.

  2. Authentication and Login: Authenticate and log in to your OpenShift cluster using the following command from this link:

    oc login --token=sha256~xxx --server=
  3. Create a Serverless Function Instance: Use the Knative CLI to create a serverless function instance:

    kn func create -c

    This command will guide you through the creation process, allowing you to specify details such as the runtime (NodeJS) and the function's entry point.

Language Model (LLM) - ChatGPT Setup

  1. Create an Account with OpenAI: To use ChatGPT, create an account on the OpenAI platform and obtain your secret API key.

  2. AstraDB Database Creation:

    • Create an account with AstraDB.
    • Obtain the following details:
      • ASTRA_DB_ID

Github Integration

  1. Create a GitHub App:

    • Create a GitHub App in your GitHub account settings.
    • Configure the app to listen to relevant events such as installation_repositories and push.
    • Set up necessary permissions for the app to access repositories.
  2. Obtain Personal Access Token:

    • Generate a personal access token for the Octokit library. This token will be used to authenticate GitHub API requests made by your application.

Now, your AutoDocs AI application is set up with a backend powered by Knative Functions, leveraging ChatGPT for natural language processing, AstraDB for data storage, and GitHub for version control. The frontend is seamlessly served using Knative Serving, creating a cohesive and responsive documentation platform.

AutoDocs Architectual Diagram

Node.js Cloud Events Function

Welcome to your new Node.js function project! The boilerplate function code can be found in index.js. This function is meant to respond to Cloud Events.

Local execution

After executing npm install, you can run this function locally by executing npm run local.

The runtime will expose three endpoints.

  • / The endpoint for your function.
  • /health/readiness The endpoint for a readiness health check
  • /health/liveness The endpoint for a liveness health check

The health checks can be accessed in your browser at http://localhost:8080/health/readiness and http://localhost:8080/health/liveness. You can use curl to POST an event to the function endpoint:

curl -X POST -d '{"name": "Tiger", "customerId": "0123456789"}' \
  -H'Content-type: application/json' \
  -H'Ce-id: 1' \
  -H'Ce-source: cloud-event-example' \
  -H'Ce-type: dev.knative.example' \
  -H'Ce-specversion: 1.0' \

The readiness and liveness endpoints use overload-protection and will respond with HTTP 503 Service Unavailable with a Client-Retry header if your function is determined to be overloaded, based on the memory usage and event loop delay.

The Function Interface

The index.js file may export a single function or a Function object. The Function object allows developers to add lifecycle hooks for initialization and shutdown, as well as providing a way to implement custom health checks.

The Function interface is defined as:

export interface Function {
  // The initialization function, called before the server is started
  // This function is optional and should be synchronous.
  init?: () => any;

  // The shutdown function, called after the server is stopped
  // This function is optional and should be synchronous.
  shutdown?: () => any;

  // The liveness function, called to check if the server is alive
  // This function is optional and should return 200/OK if the server is alive.
  liveness?: HealthCheck;

  // The readiness function, called to check if the server is ready to accept requests
  // This function is optional and should return 200/OK if the server is ready.
  readiness?: HealthCheck;

  logLevel?: LogLevel;

  // The function to handle HTTP requests
  handle: CloudEventFunction | HTTPFunction;

Handle Signature

CloudEvent functions are used in environments where the incoming HTTP request is a CloudEvent. The function signature is:

interface CloudEventFunction {
  (context: Context, event: CloudEvent): CloudEventFunctionReturn;

Where the return type is defined as:

type CloudEventFunctionReturn = Promise<CloudEvent> | CloudEvent | HTTPFunctionReturn;
type HTTPFunctionReturn = Promise<StructuredReturn> | StructuredReturn | ResponseBody | void;

The function return type can be anything that a simple HTTP function can return or a CloudEvent. Whatever is returned, it will be sent back to the caller as a response.

Where the StructuredReturn is a JavaScript object with the following properties:

interface StructuredReturn {
  statusCode?: number;
  headers?: Record<string, string>;
  body?: ResponseBody;

If the function returns a StructuredReturn object, then the statusCode and headers properties are used to construct the HTTP response. If the body property is present, it is used as the response body. If the function returns void or undefined, then the response body is empty.

The ResponseBody is either a string, a JavaScript object, or a Buffer. JavaScript objects will be serialized as JSON. Buffers will be sent as binary data.

Health Checks

The Function interface also allows for the addition of a liveness and readiness function. These functions are used to implement health checks for the function. The liveness function is called to check if the function is alive. The readiness function is called to check if the function is ready to accept requests. If either of these functions returns a non-200 status code, then the function is considered unhealthy.

A health check function is defined as:

 * The HealthCheck interface describes a health check function,
 * including the optional path to which it should be bound.
export interface HealthCheck {
  (request: Http2ServerRequest, reply: Http2ServerResponse): any;
  path?: string;

By default, the health checks are bound to the /health/liveness and /health/readiness paths. You can override this by setting the path property on the HealthCheck object, or by setting the LIVENESS_URL and READINESS_URL environment variables.


This function project includes a unit test and an integration test. All .js files in the test directory are run.

npm test


Backend serverless function for the codeshift hackathon







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