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Use axios to fetch data, but configure every api with 4 levels of configurations.

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Use axios to fetch data, but configure every api with 4 levels of configurations. And It will handle the most important and frequently-used configurations of axios properly (merge, join or replace). Additionally, seperating remote apis to diffirent modules is the recommended way to use Maxios.


npm install @awey/maxios --save

# Yarn
yarn add @awey/maxios


A basic example of maxios usage is like below:

import { modulize } from '@awey/maxios'

// get modulized request function
const request = modulize({
  axiosConfig: {
    baseURL: '/order'

// use request function to access the /order api
request().success(res => {
  // do anything

But the recommended way to use Maxios is modulize your apis as a model. you can create a file named src/models/user.ts:

/* src/models/user.ts */
interface User {
  id: number
  name: string
  age: number
  gender: 'male' | 'female'

type UserInfo = Pick<User, 'name', 'age', 'gender'>

interface ResponseData<T> {
  code: number
  msg: string
  data: T

// get modulized request function
const request = modulize({
  axiosConfig: {
    baseURL: '/user'

// modulize your apis as an object
export default Object.freeze({
  getUsers (condition: Patial<UserInfo>) {
    return request<void, ResponseData<User[]>>({
      axiosConfig: {
        params: condition

  getUserById (id: number) {
    return request<void, ResponseData<User>>({
      axiosConfig: {
        url: `/${id}`

// or just export model apis one by one
export const createUser = (userInfo: UserInfo) => {
  return request<UserInfo, ResponseData<User>>({
    axiosConfig: {
      method: 'POST',
      data: userInfo

export const deleteUserById = (id: number) => {
  return request<void, ResponseData<void>>({
    axiosConfig: {
      url: `/${id}`,
      method: 'DELETE'

export const updateUser = (user: User) => {
  return request<user, ResponseData<void>>({
    axiosConfig: {
      url: `/${}`,
      method: 'PUT'

And you can use those model apis like below:

import userModel, { deleteUserById } from 'src/model/user'

userModel.getUsers({ name: 'Tony'})
  .success(res => console.log(

  .success(res => console.log(res))


All places that accept this config object also accept a function that returns it

A Maxios config object is like below:

interface IMaxiosConfig {
  axiosConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig<Payload>
  indicator?: TIndicator<OriginResult>
  extractor?: TExtractor<Payload, OriginResult, FinalResult>
  request?: TRequest
  cache?: {
    type: TCacheType
    key: string
  loading?: TLoading
  error?: TRequestError<Payload, OriginResult>
  bizError?: TBizError<OriginResult>
  success?: TSuccess<FinalResult>
  anyway?: TAnyway
  • axiosConfig: any configuration that Axios.request() accept. If the corresponding api configuration has axiosConfig too, they will be merged before request send
  • indicator: a function which is used to indicate if the response data is correct. It accepts the origin response data as the only argument, and if it returns true, then the success handler will be executed otherwise the bizError handler will be executed. The default indicator is () => true
  • extractor: a function which is used to extract data from origin axios response data and the result will be pass to success handler. The default extractor is (res: AxiosResponse<OriginResult, Payload>) =>
  • request: a custome request fucntion. Maxios use axios.request() to send request to remote service by default, but if request is defined here it will use it instead. It accepts an axios request config object as the only argument and should return a promise instance
  • cache: specifies should maxios use caching for the response data
    • cache.type: specifies which type of caching should maxios use to store the response data. It should be one of the memory, session(session storage) or local(local storage)
    • cache.key: a key which is used to store the response data in cache
  • loading: a callback function which will be executed when fetch loading status changed. It recieves an argument status to indecate if it is loading right now
  • error: a callback function which will be executed when response status code is not right. It recieves an argument axiosError. And it can return true to use next error callbacks from upper layers
  • bizError: a callback function which will be executed when indicator returns false. It recieves an argument data as the origin response data. And it can return true to executed next bizError callbacks from upper layers
  • success: a callback function which will be executed when indicator returns true. It recieves an argument data as the final response data (the data has been handled by extractor).
  • anyway: a callback function which will be always executed.

Configuration priorities

There are 3 layers configuration that you can provide to a request with Maxios:

- global
  - module
    - api-definition

In general, lower-level configurations take precedence over higher-level configurations. But some of it still has there own priorities or strategies.

  • axiosConfig.baseURL: all the baseURLs will join from low-level into high level. if baseURL from api config is /get-sth, and from module config is /module-a, and from global config is /api, then the final baseURL will be /api/module-a/get-sth
  • axiosConfig.headers: headers object will merge from low-level into high level. The final headers object is just like the result of Object.assign({}, globalConfig.axiosConfig.headers, moduleConfig.axiosConfig.headers, apiConfig.axiosConfig.headers)
  • axiosConfig.params: params object will merge from low-level into high level, the final params object is just like the result of Object.assign({}, globalConfig.axiosConfig.params, moduleConfig.axiosConfig.params, apiConfig.axiosConfig.params)
  • the data property in axios config could be string, plain object, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, URLSearchParams, FormData, File, Blob, Stream or Buffer. Maxios will merge it from low-level to high level only when they are all plain objects, otherwise the high-level data will be replaced by the low-level data.
  • loading: all loading callbacks will executed from high level to low level(executing order is not that important).
  • error: error callbacks will executed from low level to high level. And if any of the callbacks do not return true, then the upper level callbacks will not be executed.
  • bizError: bizError callbacks will executed from low level to high level. And if any of the callbacks do not return true, then the upper level callbacks will not be executed.
  • success: all sucecss callback will executed from high level to low level.
  • anyway: all anyway callbacks will executed from high level to low level.

Callback Chain

request() function from modulize() will return a chain object which contains loading,error,bizError,success and anyway functions. And all those functions will still return the chain object so that you can call those functions chainly.

They are the same as the callbacks in configuration object. And the latter-called function has a higher level. They all follow the same priorities above.

Race and All

You can handle multiple requests with race() or all() function. Just like bellow:

all<[User[], Group[], Room[]]>([
 userModel.getUsers({ gender: 'female' }),
 roomModel.getRooms({ lang: 'zh' })
 .success((res) => {
   console.log('---all success', res)
 .anyway(() => {
   console.log('---all anyway')

race<User[] | Group[] | Room[]>([
 userModel.getUsers({ gender: 'female' }),
 roomModel.getRooms({ lang: 'zh' })
 .success((res) => {
   console.log('---race success', res)
 .anyway(() => {
   console.log('---race anyway')


Sometimes you will need to convert a request chain object to a standard promise instance, then toPromise() function will be a handy util for you.

toPromise(userModel.getUsers({ gender: 'female' }))
  .then(res => console.log('to promise res', res))
  .catch(error => console.log('to promise error', error))
  .finally(() => console.log('to promise finally'))

ATTENTION: the request chain object should return true in it's error or bizError handler if it will wrapped by toPromise(), otherwise the promise instance will not work.

Maxios API

  • global(config: IMaxiosConfig | () => IMaxiosConfig) => void: global configuration function
  • modulize(config: IMaxiosConfig | () => IMaxiosConfig) => ModulizedReqFunc: a function that can set a module configuration and return a modulized request function
  • race(requests: IProcessChain[]) => IProcessChain: a function that can race all giving requests and return a chain object that you can call loading,error,bizError,success and anyway functions with it
  • all(requests: IProcessChain[]) => IProcessChain: a function that can get all giving requests's result and return a chain object that you can call loading,error,bizError,success and anyway functions with it


Use axios to fetch data, but configure every api with 4 levels of configurations.






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