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Firsts steps for a fresh new installation of some Linux distros


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Bitcoin Basecamp

Bitcoin Basecamp is a GitHub repository that provides a comprehensive set of packages specifically tailored for Bitcoin-related software and services on a fresh Linux instance. Our repository is regularly updated to ensure that you have access to the latest versions of all the software packages you need to run a Bitcoin node, including Bitcoin Core, Electrs, and many other popular Bitcoin related tools.

Our repository is designed to make it easy for you to set up and maintain a reliable Bitcoin node on Linux. Whether you're a seasoned Bitcoin user or just getting started, Bitcoin Basecamp provides a solid foundation for your Bitcoin-related activities. We also provide detailed documentation and guides to help you get started with your Bitcoin node, including tips on security, performance, and optimization.

With Bitcoin Basecamp, you can be confident that you're using the best tools and packages available to run your Bitcoin node. Our team of experts is always available to provide support and guidance whenever you need it. So why wait? Check out Bitcoin Basecamp on GitHub today and start exploring the exciting world of Bitcoin on Linux!

Table of Contents

Getting Started


To use Bitcoin Basecamp, you'll need the following:

  • A fresh Linux instance installed on your machine. Specifically, our repository is designed to work with Debian-based distributions, such as Debian 10 or later (amd64 architecture), Ubuntu, and Linux Mint.
  • A basic understanding of how to use the command line interface (CLI), as many of the tools and packages in Bitcoin Basecamp are accessed via the command line.
  • Linux system administration basics, including knowledge of package management, network configuration, and security best practices.
  • Minimal computing resources, including disk space, memory, and processing power. Running a Bitcoin node requires a minimum of 100GB of disk space, 4GB of RAM, and a multi-core processor.

Before installing Bitcoin Basecamp, be sure to review the hardware requirements for running a Bitcoin node and ensure that your machine meets these requirements. Additionally, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basics of Bitcoin and related software, as this will help you get the most out of our repository.


To install Bitcoin Basecamp and run the scripts inside the scripts/ directory, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window and run the following command to update your system's package index:

sudo apt update

  1. Once the update is complete, run the following command to upgrade your system's packages:

sudo apt upgrade

  1. Next, follow the script files instructions or run the following command to install Git on your system:

sudo apt install git

  1. Once Git is installed, navigate to the directory where you want to store the repository and run the following command to clone the repository to your local system:

git clone

  1. Navigate to the scripts/ directory within the cloned repository:

cd Bitcoin-Basecamp/scripts/

  1. Review the scripts in the scripts/ directory to ensure that they're appropriate for your use case.

  2. Run the scripts in the order that you'd like them to be executed, using the following command:

sudo ./

You may need to modify the script's permissions to make it executable using the chmod command. For example, if you want to make the script executable, you would run the following command:

chmod +x

That's it! You should now have a fully functional Bitcoin node running on your Linux instance using the software and packages provided by Bitcoin Basecamp.



Configuration files


Troubleshooting guide

  1. If the script is not executing, ensure that it has the necessary permissions to be run as an executable. You can do this by running chmod +x

  2. If you are receiving a "This script must be run as root" error, ensure that you are running the script as a superuser. You can do this by running sudo ./

  3. If the system update and upgrade commands are not running, ensure that the system has an active internet connection and that the package repository URLs are correct. You can check this by running ping or ping

  4. If the hostname is not being set, ensure that the hostnamectl command is supported by the system and that the user has permissions to run it. You can check this by running hostnamectl set-hostname test-hostname and verifying that the hostname has been updated.

  5. If the ufw firewall is not being installed or configured properly, ensure that the apt package manager is functioning correctly and that the package repository URLs are correct. You can check this by running sudo apt update and sudo apt install ufw.

  6. If the non-root users are not being created properly, ensure that the useradd command is supported by the system and that the user has permissions to run it. You can check this by running sudo useradd test-user and verifying that the user has been created.

  7. If the Nginx, Certbot, and Fail2ban packages are not being installed, ensure that the apt package manager is functioning correctly and that the package repository URLs are correct. You can check this by running sudo apt update and sudo apt install nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx python3-certbot-dns-cloudflare fail2ban.

  8. If the Cloudflare credentials file is not being created or the certbot command is not functioning correctly, ensure that the Cloudflare email and API key are correct and that the DNS records have been configured properly. You can check this by logging in to your Cloudflare account and verifying that the email and API key are correct, and that the DNS records for your domain have been configured correctly.

  9. If the Bitcoin Core repository is not being cloned or the dependencies are not being installed, ensure that the git command is installed and that the system has an active internet connection. You can check this by running sudo apt install git and ping

Contributing guide

Contributing Guide for Bitcoin Basecamp

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Bitcoin Basecamp! Our repository is designed to provide a comprehensive set of packages specifically tailored for Bitcoin-related software and services on a fresh Linux instance. We welcome contributions from the community that will help us improve our repository and provide a better experience for all users.

Getting Started

Before contributing, please take a moment to review our code of conduct to ensure that your contributions align with our values and guidelines. We also recommend that you join our community on Discord to connect with other contributors and get support from our team.

Contributing to Bitcoin Basecamp can take many forms, including:

  1. Bug fixes and feature improvements
  2. Documentation updates and improvements
  3. Testing and quality assurance
  4. Translation of documentation or software
  5. New package suggestions

Submitting Changes

To submit changes to Bitcoin Basecamp, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork our repository on GitHub and create a new branch for your changes.
  2. Make your changes and ensure that they adhere to our coding standards.
  3. Test your changes thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.
  4. Create a pull request and describe your changes in detail.
  5. Wait for feedback from our team and address any comments or issues that are raised.

Code of Conduct

Our community values respect, inclusivity, and collaboration. We ask that all contributors to Bitcoin Basecamp follow our code of conduct, which includes:

  • Treating all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or identity.
  • Being open to feedback and willing to collaborate with others.
  • Avoiding discriminatory language or behavior.
  • Contributing to a positive and welcoming environment for all community members.

Thank you for your contributions to Bitcoin Basecamp! We appreciate your support in helping us build a better Bitcoin ecosystem on Linux.


Bitcoin Basecamp is open-source software licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. This means that you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software under the terms of this license.

A copy of the full license text can be found in the LICENSE file.

If you have any questions about the license or how it applies to your use of Bitcoin Basecamp, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Firsts steps for a fresh new installation of some Linux distros







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