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tglman edited this page Jul 15, 2014 · 22 revisions

OrientDB supports several types natively. Below is the complete table.

#id Type Description Java type Minimum
Auto-conversion from/to
0 Boolean Handles only the values True or False java.lang.Boolean or boolean 0
1 Integer 32-bit signed Integers java.lang.Integer or int -2,147,483,648
Any Number, String
2 Short Small 16-bit signed integers java.lang.Short or short -32,768
Any Number, String
3 Long Big 64-bit signed integers java.lang.Long or long -263
Any Number, String
4 Float Decimal numbers java.lang.Float or float 2-149
Any Number, String
5 Double Decimal numbers with high precision java.lang.Double or double 2-1074
Any Number, String
6 Datetime Any date with the precision up to milliseconds java.util.Date -
Date, Long, String
7 String Any string as alphanumeric sequence of chars java.lang.String -
8 Binary Can contain any value as byte array byte[] 0
9 Embedded The Record is contained inside the owner. The contained Record has no [[RecordId Concepts#recordid]] ORecord -
10 Embedded list The Records are contained inside the owner. The contained records have no [[RecordIds Concepts#recordid]] and are reachable only by navigating the owner record List<Object> 0
41,000,000 items
11 Embedded set The Records are contained inside the owner. The contained Records have no [[RecordId Concepts#recordid]] and are reachable only by navigating the owner record Set<Object> 0
41,000,000 items
12 Embedded map The Records are contained inside the owner as values of the entries, while the keys can only be Strings. The contained ords e no [[RecordId Concepts#recordid]]s and are reachable only by navigating the owner Record Map<String, ORecord> 0
41,000,000 items
13 Link Link to another Record. It's a common [[one-to-one relationship Concepts#1-1-and-n-1-referenced-relationships]] ORID, <? extends ORecord> -
14 Link list Links to other Records. It's a common [[one-to-many relationship Concepts#1-n-and-n-m-embedded-relationships]] where only the [[RecordId Concepts#recordid]]s are stored List<? extends ORecord
15 Link set Links to other Records. It's a common [[one-to-many relationship Concepts#1-n-and-n-m-embedded-relationships]] Set<? extends ORecord> 0
41,000,000 items
16 Link map Links to other Records as value of the entries, while keys can only be Strings. It's a common [[One-to-Many Relationship Concepts#1-n-and-n-m-embedded-relationships]]. Only the [[RecordId Concepts#recordid]]s are stored Map<String,
    ? extends Record>
17 Byte Single byte. Useful to store small 8-bit signed integers java.lang.Byte or byte -128
Any Number, String
18 Transient Any value not stored on database
19 Date Any date as year, month and day java.util.Date -- Date, Long, String
20 Custom used to store a custom type providing the marshall and unmarshall methods OSerializableStream 0
21 Decimal Decimal numbers without rounding java.math.BigDecimal ?
Any Number, String
22 LinkBag List of [[RecordId Concepts#recordid]]s as spec [[RidBag RidBag]] ORidBag
23 Any Not determinated type, used to specify Collections of mixed type, and null - - -
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