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A PHP client library for the UPS REST API, generated from the official OpenAPI spec.


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A PHP SDK for the UPS REST API, brought to you by BeSmartAnd.Pro forked from ShipStream.


composer require besmartand-pro/ups-api

Basic Usage

Create a UPS Client instance using a configuration object:

$config = new \BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Config([
    // Whether to send the requests to the UPS Customer Integration Environment instead of the production environment.
    // Optional, defaults to false.
    'use_testing_environment' => true,
    // Your Client ID obtained from UPS Developer portal.
    'client_id' => 'your_client_id',
    // Your Client Secret obtained from UPS Developer portal.
    'client_secret' => 'your_client_secret',
    // The URL to redirect to after authenticating with UPS using Authorization Code flow.
    // Required only when using Authorization Code flow, defaults to an empty string.
    'redirect_uri' => '',
    // Merchant identifier sent with OAuth authentication requests.
    // Optional, defaults to null.
    'merchant_id' => 'your_unique_merchant_id'

$client = \BesmartandPro\UpsApi\ClientFactory::create($config);

The Client object contains methods for every endpoint available in the UPS OpenAPI definition files with PHPDoc comments that describe the parameters and return types, as well as any thrown exceptions. Method names for each endpoint is based on the operationId property of the OpenAPI specification.

Here's an example using the Tracking API:

try {
    $response = $client->getSingleTrackResponseUsingGET('1ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', $queryParams = [], $headers = [
        'transId' => 'Track-1ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-'.time(),
        'transactionSrc' => 'testing'
    // Do something with the response
} catch (
    \BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Generated\Exception\GetSingleTrackResponseUsingGETNotFoundException |
    \BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Exception\GetSingleTrackResponseUsingGETBadRequestException |
    \BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Exception\GetSingleTrackResponseUsingGETInternalServerErrorException |
    \BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Exception\GetSingleTrackResponseUsingGETServiceUnavailableException $e
) {
    $errors = $e->getErrorResponse()->getResponse()->getErrors();
    $errors = array_map(fn ($error) => $error->getMessage(), $errors);
    echo 'Error: '.implode(' - ', $errors)."\n";
} catch (\BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Exception\UnexpectedStatusCodeException $e) {
    echo "Unexpected response received from UPS: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
} catch (\BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Exception\AuthenticationException $e) {
    echo "Authentication error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";


Client Credentials

Using Client Credentials flow works out of the box and requires no additional steps as the access token generation and refresh is handled internally.

Authorization Code


Caching Access Tokens

The library uses an in-memory cache for access tokens by default which is useful when doing quick tests, but for a production environment you'd want to use something like Redis or a filesystem cache to avoid doing round trips to generate an access token on every request. To achieve this, the Client factory accepts a second parameter which can be any object that implements the AccessTokenCache interface. For example, a Redis implementation could look like this:

class RedisAccessTokenCache implements \BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Authentication\AccessTokenCacheInterface
    private $predis;

    public function __construct(\Predis\Client $predis)
        $this->predis = $predis;
    public function save(\BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Authentication\AccessToken $accessToken)
        $clientId = $accessToken->getClientId();
        $accessTokenKey = "access_token:$clientId";
        $this->predis->set($accessTokenKey, serialize($accessToken));
    public function retrieve(string $clientId): ?\BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Authentication\AccessToken
        $accessTokenKey = "access_token:$clientId";
        $cachedAccessToken = $this->predis->get($accessTokenKey);
        if ($cachedAccessToken !== false) {
            return unserialize($cachedAccessToken, ['allowed_classes' => [\BesmartandPro\UpsApi\Authentication\AccessToken::class]]);
        return null;
$client = \BesmartandPro\UpsApi\ClientFactory::create($config, new RedisAccessTokenCache(new \Predis\Client()));

Using a custom HTTP Client

If you wish to customize how HTTP requests are made, perhaps for logging or to add additional headers, the Client factory supports a third parameter that can be any HTTP Client that implements the PSR-18 standard. E.g.:

$client = \BesmartandPro\UpsApi\ClientFactory::create($config, null, new \GuzzleHttp\Client());

Note that the HTTP Client must not throw exceptions for 4xx and 5xx responses, as those should be handled by the SDK.


The classes under the BesmartandPro\UpsApi namespace are all generated using janephp.

Run the script to regenerate the classes when needed.


A PHP client library for the UPS REST API, generated from the official OpenAPI spec.







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