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BeansGalaxy edited this page May 15, 2024 · 29 revisions


Maximum Stacks

Edit the maximum stacks of each backpack-like container. Note that there isn't a field for Iron, Gold, or Netherite since Gold and Netherite Backpacks are both variants of the Iron Backpack & data driven through data-packs. Changing metal_max_stacks will alter the size of all metal backpacks if they are not defined in their data ae. Gold Backpacks.

name value range default
leather_max_stacks 1 -> 64 4
ender_max_stacks 1 -> 8 4
winged_max_stacks 1 -> 64 4
metal_max_stacks 1 -> 64 7
pot_max_stacks 1 -> 128 128
cauldron_max_buckets 1 -> 128 24


If a backpack is added through data (Netherite & Gold Backpacks) you can alter their max size using this setting. In your config file there should already be an example that you can enable by removing the // before their entry. If you have any other backpacks added through data, in game enable Advanced Tooltips (F3 + H) to see a backpack item's backpack_id at the bottom of their tooltip.

If I wanted Gold Backpacks to have a max_stacks of 12, my config would look like this:

  "data_driven_overrides": {         // If a backpack is Data-Driven, find it's 'backpack_id' with F3 + H
    "gold": 12
    //"netherite": 11

Comma's mark the ends and beginnings of new entries so make sure you have a comma when there is another entry and no comma when there isn't.

Item Whitelists

Use F3 + H to enable Advanced Tooltips to get the id of an item. If they are a vanilla item then they do not need the minecraft: before but it wont hurt. Each entry should be separated with a comma ,. If the item is not found when loading the config it will be moved to the end of the list.

name description
disable_chestplate Items can be worn on the back & not as equipment. Item does not keep functioning or rendering on the back.
disables_back_slot If any items are in armor/trinkets/curios slots then back equipment is not rendered.
elytra_items Cannot be worn with Winged Backpack & other backpacks will be positioned off the player's back
blacklist_items Cannot be stored in any backpack-like inventory


name default description
always_disables_back_slot false The backpack will never render on the player's back & cannot be accessed when equipped by other players


Altering these values will change the defaults of their respective gamerule but can still be changed on a per-world basis.

name default description
lockBackpackOffline false If a player is logged out of the server all except their Ender Backpacks will become locked
lockEnderOffline false If a player is logged out of the server all of their Ender Backpacks will become locked
unbindEnderOnDeath false When a player dies with a ender backpack equipped, that backpack will forget it's owner
lockBackpackNotOwner false Players cannot access backpacks that they are not the owner of
keepBackSlot false Players dying will keep their backpack when respawning


name default description
instant_place false Pressing the key to place your backpack will instantly place it with out the need to right click.
menu_visibility HIDE_ABLE DISABLE: Hides the backpack help icon from the inventory
HIDE_ABLE: Includes an Icon in the bottom right of the menu to hide the menu until a new backpack is discovered
SHOWN: Menu cannot be hidden and will always be present in the inventory
hidden_tabs "" For internal use to save what screens were last present when the player hid the help menu
tooltip_style COMPACT Changes the appearance of the tooltip shown when hovering over an equipped backpack
VANILLA: Simmilar to the bundle's graphic but altered to support more items.
COMPACT: Default tooltip. Shows as many items as possible without getting too large
INTEGRATED: Displays the backpack's inventory over the minecraft's inventory


This mod is fully translatable, but I only took 3 years of Spanish and failed one of those. If you wanted to help, leave a pull request (or just an issue if you are un-familiar with github) with your lang file and the language translated to and I will add your translations to the mod.

Here is the lang file for the English translation of the mod. Translations are added through resource packs, if you need any help creating one read Creating a Resource Pack on the minecraft wiki. If you're unsure what to name your lang file, use the in-game locale code according to this chart.

Looking through the lang file of my mod you might see symbols like §7 and %d. §7 is the color translation code used to turn the color of minecraft text a light gray. %d is a reference determined by the code, in this case it references the key binds for the Backpack Action hotkey and the Use key.

Data Configurations

All Data Config except for Creating Backpacks has been moved to the beansbackpacks-common.json5 Config. This method will be removed in a update soon but switching over is very straight forward. Make sure you join any world once to generate the new config.

Joining a world using this outdated method should automatically copy any lists you have and you'll just have to remove the Data-Pack from the world manually. If that didn't work, The Config Item Lists are formatted the same as they were through Data-Packs so copying all the entries in a pack then pasting them into the config should work just fine. Load a world and double check the item lists to see if your items were written correctly.

You should be all set!

All of the mod's configuration is handled by vanilla data packs. You can start by using the Modify Data If you're curious about more on data packs, read through the minecraft wiki's Tutorials/Creating a data pack

Item Lists

Once you have your data pack created, add the folders so the structure looks like this.

└── [folder named anything but 'beansbackpacks']
    └── modify
        ├── blacklist_items
        ├── disable_chestplate
        ├── disables_back_slot
        ├── elytra_items
        └── remove_backpack_keys

For an example, check data/beansbackpacks/modify. You'll find these four files,

Enables item to be worn in the Back Slot, and disables it from the Chestplate, However, items with any special attributes do not keep their functionality nor support their custom models.
If this item is worn in the Chestplate, it disables anything from being worn in the Back Slot. Good for mods that add larger custom armor models.
Any items written into this file will no longer be able to be stored in any backpack inventory. This is useful to stop other mod's portable storage to be kept in backpack.
All items in this file will grant the player elytra flight and will be allowed to be worn in the backslot. Also while any of these items are equipped, it disables the backslot and backpacks cannot be worn with them.

Note if an Item is listed in both disable_chestplate and disables_back_slot, it will be removed from disable_chestplate.

These 3 text files are only a written list of items. Simply add any items, modded or vanilla, by their in-game item id. For example if I wanted Iron and Golden Chestplates to not be stored in the backpack I would write in blacklist_items

minecraft:iron_chestplate, minecraft:golden_chestplate

Using ! in front of an item, such as !minecraft:shulker_box, removes that item from the list and overrides all other modifications. If you would like to allow shulker boxes to be carried in backpacks, add each variant of the boxes to the blacklist_items list, or !minecraft:elytra to return the elytra back to it's vanilla functionality.

Additional Lists

This file works differently than all the other ones. Remove any backpacks by adding their `key` into this folder. This only removes their functionality and recipe, it will not remove any from your world. Here's an example of all the key's in the game now, it should be obvious which key relates to which backpack.
leather, gold, iron, netherite, winged, ender

Adding Modded Elytra (WIP)

Add the in-game item id to elytra_items to allow any item, modded or vanilla, to be equipped in the Back Slot and grant the player elytra flight.