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# maze_navigation
A text-based maze navigation game with randomly selected mazes from a collection of three

NOTE: Originally coded in PyCharm using a Conda environment (Python 3.6)

Game consists of two files: 1. and 2.
1. contains all functions and UI output required to run the main game loop
2. is imported as a module to and includes all required classes to create mazes and player object

The game consists of easy to read console output and prompts that guide the user through several phases:
1. Maze Instantiation
	a. This phase is completed "behind the scenes" with no input from the player
	b. First every possible room object is created
		- i.e. a room with each combination of compas direction doors
	c. Mazes are created as a list with numerical indexes for room types
		- mazes were hand drawn and transcribed to room indexes
	d. A maze is randomly generated and visualized for inspection (not used in game yet)
		- maze is created with no impossible rooms, however, quality not ensured and therefore not playable
	e. Next, one of three mazes are chosen at random for the game instance
	f. Finally, a nested for loop converts the chosen map from indexes to room objects

2. Player instantiation
	a. Name input is verified to be a string before continuing, however, any string input will be accepted
	b. Once a name is accepted, the palyer object is instantiated at location (0, 0)
3. Main game loop
	a. Command input
		- Possible commands are: [M]ove, [L]ook around, [C]heck map, or E[x]it
		- Commands are made thrugh hinted character input
		- Sring input is processed using lower() and strip() methods to simplify selection
		- A blank input yields a no input message before looping
		- Invalid string input tields a message stating the string is not recognized before looping
	b. Move
		- This commands attempts to move the palyer in the selected compas direction
		- Input is verified both to exist (or error message) and be a compass direction (or error message)
		- When a compass direction is selected, the room is checked to have a coresponding open door
		- If the door exists, the player is moved into the next room accordingly and the move loop breaks
		- If the door does not exist, the player walks into a wall and must choose another direction
		- Loops until a valid selection is made
	c. Look Around
		- This command lists the directions with an open door in the current room
	d. Check Map
		- This command lists the current player coordinates as well as the current maze being navigated
	e. Exit
		- This command simply exits the game with a "Thanks for playing" message
	- NOTE: If the player reaches the end of the maze, the main loop will end printing a congratulatory message and exiting the game


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