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LackWiz edited this page Dec 9, 2022 · 108 revisions

Definitions can be found in the glossary here

The Criteria here is strict, so your map should match everything listed

R1. General

a. Map must be setup correctly

  • i. Match one of the BPMs of the song or a multiples of one of the BPMs of the song

  • ii. Correct Audio Offset to match beat as best as possible

  • iii. Appropriate JD, NJS for each difficulty.

b. No Mismaps, mistakes, or other unintentional mapping

c. No external mods or programs required

d. Notes must be correctly timed to a musical element

  • i. Overmapping is not allowed. There cannot be notes where there is no musical element e.g. an extra note between drum kicks

e. No hot starts, at least 1.33 sec of time before any interactable-objects*

f. No cold ends, at least 2 sec of time after the last interactable-objects*

  • If your map needs no changes from both strict and subjective criteria, 0.75sec is fine. We still strongly recommend you make the changes in audacity if you plan on updating the map file

g. Minimum map duration is 45sec (from first note to last note)

*all notes, all bombs, or walls in the middle 2 lanes

R2. Patterns

[Object interactions at different times]

a. Swing speed should be consistent throughout the map.

  • i. Pauls and other similar patterns that involve the use of excessive notes to prolong a swing are not rankable

  • ii. Sliders of 3 or more notes must have equal spacing between notes

b. Notes must be placed in a way that gives the player acceptable time to react to the note

  • i. 250ms or more of reaction time if the vision blocked note follows parity and is predictable from previous pattern information

  • ii. 500ms or more if the vision blocked note doesn't follow parity or is not predictable from previous pattern information

  • iii. 150ms or less if the note that would be vision blocked is in the outer columns

c. Resets must be backed up by musical elements and stay consistent throughout the map; They must be intentional and not just a byproduct of another pattern

  • i. Resets must have visual aid through the use of bombs unless they are introduced early on.

    • Early on implies they are used before the 1/3 mark of a song, or within 30 seconds of the map, whichever is longer
  • ii. Resets caused by triangles must be accompanied by the same musical elements that was used for the notes of the triangle

d. During alternating handplay, the saber's final position after hitting a block(s) must not be in the same position as the next opposing coloured block within X meters

R3. Notes

[Object Interactions at the same time]

a. Notes cannot be placed inside other notes, walls, or bombs. Example

b. Notes cannot be hidden behind walls or bombs. Example

c. Multiple notes of the same colour on the same swings cannot be parallel to each other. Example

d Patterns must not encourage “Hand Clapping

  • i. Where 1 of 2 or more notes of different colour are facing away from their home position (blue note facing the left or red note facing the right) and angled towards each other with an angles greater or equal to 90° UNLESS the average direction is the same as it's position

  • ii. When 2 or more notes of different colour on the same horizontal row are facing away from their home position or towards each other at an angle greater or equal to 90°, has an average angle of up or down, and are beside each other horizontally

  • iii. When 2 or more notes are facing away from their home side and are angled towards or away from each other at 180° and are aligned positionally to each other

e. Notes cannot be placed in the path of a bomb or in the pre-swing path of another note. Example

f. Multiple notes of the same colour on the same swing cannot differ in cut direction from each other by more than 45°. Example.

  • i. If the cut direction changes mid swing AND there's only two notes in the swing, the notes must be spaced apart by at least one full grid space

  • ii. If the cut direction changes mid swing AND there's 3 or more notes, any cut direction change must have the next note placed diagonally from the last.

  • iii. The post-swing of last note in a slider/window should lead into the next note and it's cut direction if it exists

    • This includes improperly aligned windows

g. Hitbox abusive patterns are not allowed, things like

  • i. The top of the one note's good hitbox overlaps the top of the other note's bad hitbox by more than 20% Example

  • ii. In a slider, the swing-path of one hand cannot overlap the badcut hitbox of the other hand's notes by more than 20% if the note would still exist before it was hit by the correct hand Example

R4. Walls

a. Walls must not be placed in such a way that force the player to move to the outer lanes or to take damage Example

b. Dodge walls must not force the players head to move more than 3 times per second Example

c. Walls must have a positive width

d. Walls must have a positive duration

e. Walls shorter than 13.8ms (based on 1/72th of a second) in the middle 2 lanes must

  • trail behind legal walls (walls with duration of more than 13.8ms) by no more than 250ms or

  • trail behind other walls in the same lane by no more than 100ms upto a maximum of 500ms from the original >13.8ms wall

R5. Bombs

a. Cannot be placed in the swing path of another note. Example

b. There must be sufficient lighting wherever bombs are present

c. Cannot be placed in such a way that forces the sabers outside the 4x3 grid

d. Cannot collide with other notes, walls or within 30ms of other bombs in the same line

e. Bombs must be place in such a way that gives the player acceptable time to react to the bomb. A bomb following parity means it stays out of the way without the player having to accommodate

  • i. 200ms or more of reaction time if the vision blocked bomb follows parity and is predictable from previous pattern information

  • ii. 400ms or more if the vision blocked bomb doesn't follow parity or is not predictable from previous pattern information

  • iii. 150ms or less if the bomb that would be vision blocked is in the outer columns

R6. Lighting

a. Maps should have sufficient lightning throughout the song

b. The usage of tools such as lolighter is allowed

R7. Metadata criteria

a. Song name is the name of the song from the official metadata

  • Nuclear Star

  • Up and Down

  • ChouChouKouSokuDeMaeSaiSoku!!! SpeedStar*Kanade

b. If the song name of the official metadata is not searchable (does not use Latin characters), use official translations or romanization if available

  • "カワキヲアメク" would become "Kawaki wo Ameku" (romanization) OR "Crying for Rain" (translation)

  • "君の知らない物語" would become "Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari" (romanization) OR "The Story You Don't Know" (translation)

c. Sub-name contains the following relevant tags from the official (or unofficial) metadata.

  • i. Remixes

    • (Camellia remix)

    • (Fvrwvrd remix)

  • ii. Speed/Duration Modifications

    • If it's an official duration change made by the music artist or music label, use Ver. Otherwise use Edit

    • (Short Ver.)

    • (Long Edit)

    • (Sped up Edit)

  • iii. Featured Artists or collaboration

    • May be written with or without parentheses, it is preferred to follow the official metadata

    • feat. Nanahira OR (feat. Nanahira)

    • feat. Hatsune Miku OR (feat. Hatsune Miku)

  • iv. Covers

    • (Nanahira Cover)
  • v. A completed subname with many tags could look like these

    • (Camellia remix) (Short Edit) feat. Nanahira

    • (P*Light Remix)

    • (Nanahira Cover) (Long Edit)

d. Correct Song info (author’s name, mapper(s) name, song name)

e. Difficulty names cannot overlap other difficulty names or extend past the difficulty name box

f. Maps cannot contain obscene content in the map metadata (description, thumbnail) or in the map itself through the use of bombs, walls, or notes.

  • i. Slurs in Official Published songs is usually allowed only in the song itself.

  • ii. Obscene content includes NSFW artwork, drug abuse, violence, sexual references, ect.

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