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Deal Rooms

The purpose of Deal Rooms is to allow the safe exchange of fungible tokens for non-fungible tokens (NFT) which represent real-world assets.

Deal Room

A Deal Room is a set of contracts configured to handle one or more deals between a specific buyer, seller, and (optionally) other signatories.

Deals involve the exchange of a set of tokens from a specific asset contract (ERC-721) for an amount of tokens from a specific coin contract (ERC-20).

To settle the deal, signatories must sign it. By default, there are 5 possible signatories arranged in two groups:

  • Agents (any 2 must sign)

    • Buyer: the agent wishing to obtain the assets
    • Seller: the agent wishing to obtain ERC-20 tokens
    • Arbitrator: a third party who can sign on behalf of the Buyer or Seller
  • Approvers (both must sign)

    • Documentation Approver: their signature attests that paperwork was in order
    • Sensor Approver: their signature attests that the condition of the asset is acceptible


import { DealRoomController } from "dealrooms"

Create a Hub to manage your Deal Rooms:

const hubAddress = await DealRoomController.deployHub(signer)

Deploy a new Deal Room:

const dealRoomCreateParams: DealRoomCreateParams = {
    hubAddress: "0x...",
    buyer: "0x...",
    seller: "0x...",
    arbitrator: "0x...",
    docApprover: "0x...",
    sensorApprover: "0x..."
roomAddress = await DealRoomController.deployRoom(dealRoomCreateParams, signer)

Set up a new Deal:

// Make an instance of a DealRoomController
const dealRoomController = new DealRoomController(dealRoomHubAddress, roomAddress, signer)
await dealRoomController.init()

// Make a deal     
const myDeal = await dealRoomController.makeDeal({
    erc20: "0x...",
    erc721: "0x...",
    price: new BigNumber(100), //Number of ERC-20 tokens (coins) requested
    assetItems: [ 20100123, 20100124, 20100125, 20100126] // Identifiers of ERC-721 tokens offered in exchange (assets)

Seller deposits assets into the escrow contract:

dealRoomController = new DealRoomController(dealRoomHubAddress, roomAddress, sellerSigner)
await dealRoomController.init()
await dealRoomController.depositDealAssets(, [20100123, 20100124, 20100125, 20100126])

Buyer deposits coins into the escrow contract:

dealRoomController = new DealRoomController(dealRoomHubAddress, roomAddress, buyerSigner)
await dealRoomController.init()
await dealRoomController.depositDealCoins(, 100)

Buyer/Seller signs to settle the deal:

dealRoomController = new DealRoomController(dealRoomHubAddress, roomAddress, agentSigner))
await dealRoomController.init()
await dealRoomController.proposeAgentsSettleDeal(

Approver signs to settle the deal:

dealRoomController = new DealRoomController(dealRoomHubAddress, roomAddress, approverSigner)
await dealRoomController.init()
await dealRoomController.proposeMainSettleDeal(

Until the deal has settled, the buyer and seller may withdraw their tokens freely. Once the deal has settled, the assets and coins can only be withdrawn by the new owners; the buyer can withdraw assets, the seller can withdraw coins.

dealRoomController = new DealRoomController(dealRoomHubAddress, roomAddress, sellerSigner)
await dealRoomController.init()
await dealRoomController.withdrawDealCoins(

dealRoomController = new DealRoomController(dealRoomHubAddress, roomAddress, buyerSigner)
await dealRoomController.init()
await dealRoomController.withdrawDealAssets(

DealRoomController methods


constructor(hubAddress: string, dealRoomAddress: string, signer: Signer)

To complete the initialisation, call init() after calling the constructor. Once instantiated, instance methods will operate with the supplied hub, deal room and signer.


[static] deployHub(signer: Signer): Promise<DealRoomHub>

Deploy a Hub contract. This is responsible for maintaining a collection of DealRooms.

[static] deployRoom(params: Deployer.DealRoomCreateParams, signer: Signer): Promise<string>

Deploy the contracts for a new DealRoom.

type DealRoomCreateParams = {
    dealRoomHubAddress: string //Address of Hub contract
    buyer: string //Address of signatory
    seller: string //Address of signatory
    arbitrator: string //Address of signatory
    docApprover: string //Address of signatory
    sensorApprover: string //Address of signatory

getAddress(): Promise<string>

Return the Ethereum address of the DealRoom contract.

getBuyer(): Promise<string>

Get the Ethereum address of the Buyer agent

getSeller(): Promise<string>

Get the Ethereum address of the Seller agent

getRooms(hubAddress: string, signer: Signer):Promise<string[]>

Return a list of Ethereum address for Deal Room contracts.


makeDeal(deal: Deal): Promise<Deal>

Create a new Deal in the Deal Room. Pass in a Deal struct with the following properties set:

erc20: string // Ethereum address of coin contract
erc721: string // Ethereum address of token contract
assetItems: BigNumberish[] // Identifiers of asset items for sale
price: BigNumber // Requested price

getDeal(dealId: BigNumberish): Promise<Deal>

Get a Deal struct, containing information about the Deal:

    id: BigNumberish
    erc20: string
    erc721: string
    price: BigNumber
    assetItems: BigNumberish[]
    agentConfirmations: number
    dealConfirmations: number
    dealTransaction: MultiSigTransaction
    agentTransaction: MultiSigTransaction
    status: number

getDeals(): Promise<Deal[]>

Get an array of Deals in the current Room.

getDealCount(): Promise<number>

Return the number of Deals in the current Room.

Assets and Coins

getDealMissingAssets(id: BigNumberish): Promise<number>

Return an array of Asset tokens specified in a deal but not yet deposited in the escrow contract.

getDealMissingCoins(id: BigNumberish): Promise<number>

Return the number of Coin tokens specified in a deal but not yet deposited in the escrow contract.

getDealAssetStatus(dealId: BigNumberish): Promise<AssetStatus[]>

Return an array of objects indicating the owner of each asset specified in the Deal.

assetId: BigNumber,
owner: string

depositDealCoins(id: BigNumberish, amount: BigNumberish): Promise<ContractReceipt>

Deposit an amount of Coin tokens into the escrow contract.

depositDealAssets(id: BigNumberish, items: BigNumberish[]): Promise<ContractReceipt[]>

Deposit the specified Asset tokens into the escrow contract.

withdrawDealCoins(dealId: BigNumberish): Promise

Withdraw all Coins associated with a given deal.

withdrawDealAssets(dealId: BigNumberish): Promise

Withdraw all Assets associated with a given deal.

getMyTokenBalance(id: BigNumberish): Promise<BigNumberish>

Return the amount of Coin tokens owned by the current Signer.

getMyAssetBalance(id: BigNumberish): Promise<BigNumberish>

Return a list of Asset tokens owned by the current Signer.

getAssetOwner(dealId: BigNumberish, assetId: BigNumberish): Promise<string>

Return the current owner of a given Asset token.


proposeSettleDeal(dealId: BigNumberish): Promise<string>

Sign the Deal as the current Signer, requesting that it be settled.


Trade ERC-721 tokens for ERC-20 tokens safely






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