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A state manager in MoonScript

Importing with Neon:

Store = NEON:github('belkworks', 'clerk')



  • Mutation: A function that can affect a state. Must be synchronous.

    • Receives the parameters (state, payload)
    • Can read or write to state
    • May trigger getters to be recalculated
  • Action: A function that runs mutations. May be asynchronous.

    • Receives the parameters (store, payload)
    • Can run other mutations with store:commit
  • Getter: A function that computes a value based on the state.

    • Receives the parameters (state, getters)
    • Result is cached and not recalculated until the state changes
    • Can return a function
    • getters is a table containing the store's other getters
    • Note: A getter can not modify state or getters!

Creating a store

To create a Store, call Store with an options table.
Store(scheme) -> Store
The scheme table has the following keys:
state: The starting state table of the Store (defaults to {})
mutations: A table containing named functions
actions: Like mutations, a table containing named functions
getters: Like mutations, a table containing named functions

store = Store({
    state = { counter = 1 },
    mutations = {
        increment = function(state, payload)
            state.counter = state.counter + payload.amount or 1

Store Operations

commit: store:commit(mutation, payload) -> value?
Alternative call: store:commit({type = [mutation], ...}) -> value?
Runs the mutation specified by mutation with the parameter payload

store:commit('increment', {
    amount = 1

-- same as
    type = 'increment',
    amount = 1

dispatch: store:dispatch(action, payload) -> nil
Alternative call: store:dispatch({type = [action], ...}) -> value?
Runs the action specified by action with the parameter payload

store:dispatch('doSomething', {
    amount = 1

Reading the state/getters

To read the state, use the state property of the Store.


To read a getter, index the getters table of the Store.


Modifying the state

All state modifications should be done through a mutation.
While it is possible to modify the state manually, this will not recalculate getters.

store.state.test = 123 -- don't do this

Understanding Getters

When a getter indexes the state or getters parameters, it is tracked internally.
Getters are only recalculated when a dependency of theirs is changed.
This means that a getter defined as such would not behave as expected:

store = Store({
    getters = {
        time = function() return os.time() end

earlier = state.getters.time
-- some time later
later = state.getters.time
print(earlier == later) -- true, because time was not recalculated

To indicate that a getter should always be recalculated, use the alwaysUpdate function.
NOTE: Instead of always updating, you can return a function! See an example below.
alwaysUpdate: store:alwaysUpdate(name) -> nil

state:alwaysUpdate('time') -- time will always be recalculated
-- this is not recommended (getters should return a function instead)

To force recalculation of a getter once, use the runGetter function.
runGetter: store:runGetter(name) -> value?

now = state:runGetter('time') -- returns and caches the current time

To force recalculation of all getters that depend on a key, use the updateKey function. updateKey: store:updateKey(name) -> nil

state:updateKey('counter') -- recalculates all getters that depend on counter

A getter can take user input by returning a function.

canAfford = function(state)
    return function(amount)
        return state.amount >= amount

Full Example

store = Store({
    state = {
        counter = 0
    mutations = {
        increment = function(state, payload)
            state.counter = state.counter + payload.amount or 1
        set = function(state, payload)
            state.commit = payload.value
    actions = {
        doSomething = function(store, payload)
            -- do some asynchronous work
            store:commit('increment', {amount = 2})
    getters = {
        doubled = function(state) return state.counter * 2 end,
        nextDoubled = function(state, getters) return getters.doubled + 1 end

store:commit('increment', {
    amount = 1

-- same as
    type = 'increment',
    amount = 1

print(store.state.counter) -- 2
print(store.getters.nextDoubled) -- 5