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BellCube Dev edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 5 revisions

Linear Spell Progression

Linear Spell Progression (LSP) is a framework developed by BellCube Dev for easily adding spell prerequisites. You can read about how it works, the technical details or creating a plugin here on this wiki.


tl;dr: This is probably the most compatible mod with a plugin in your entire load order

Linear Spell Progression is designed in every aspect to be as compatible as possible. It makes a grand total of zero record overrides (in laymen's terms, it does not edit anything), it does not require any DLC, and it only takes action when directed to by plugins.

Creating LSP Plugins

Designed with modularity in mind, LSP plugins are as simple to create as the engine allows, and can easily be done entirely through xEdit. See the full guide for the full run-down.