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Repository files navigation

This is a hack - need to investigate using Sourcekit possibly entire code base is a bin job.

For now - the translation requires user to specify workspace / project inside Chime project this uses the clang parser.

I will simplify this so a single header / implementation file can be specified to help automate batch processing.

scheduledTask / MRWorker schema > trawler - IN PROGRESS.

TODO / Task Tracker

Intention of project

This attached sourcecode is a stop gap until Xcode has a button to convert an objective-c project over to swift. There are potential commercial opportunities worth exploring. To discuss.

Conversion Process from Objective-C syntax to Swift

The most important first step is to run Apple's "Convert to Modern Objective-C Syntax" refactoring, so that you're using array/dictionary literals and bracket-accesses; these will then be usable in Swift.

Detected pattern Will be Replaced by this STATUS
@interface newType : superType <protocol1, protocol2> class newType : superType, protocol1, protocol2 OK
@implementation OR @synthesize OR @end Delete OK
property(…) TypeName * varName; var varName:TypeName OK
property (readonly...) TypeName * varName; let varName:TypeName OK
property(…) TypeName * IBOutlet varName; @IBOutlet var varName:TypeName TODO
Compiler Directives
#import module.h Obj-C modules: Include in ...-Bridging-Header.h Project modules: DeleteFrameworks: import module OK
#define macroName value let macroName = value TODO
More complex#define / #ifdef / #ifndef N/A OK
#elif value #elseif value OK
#pragma mark sectionName // MARK: sectionName (not implemented yet) OK
NSAssert(conditon,description) assert(condition, description) TODO
NSString * String TODO
NSArray * arrayName = arrayValue let arrayName = arrayValue ORlet arrayName: Array = arrayValue OR let arrayName: TypeName[] = arrayValue DRAFTED
NSDictionary * Dictionary TODO
NSMutableArray OR NSMutableDictionary ... var arrayName... OK
id AnyObject OK
TypeName * TypeName OK
c types, e.g. uint32 OR float Titlecase , e.g. UInt32 or Float OK
NSInteger OR NSUInteger Int OR UInt OK
Method Definitions OK
-(void) methodName func methodName() OK
-(TypeName) methodName func methodName() -> TypeName OK
-(IBAction) methodName @IBAction func methodName TODO
#ERROR! class func methodName() -> TypeName OK
...methodName: (Type1) param1 b: (Type2) param2 ...methodName(param: Type1 b param2: Typ2) DRAFTED
method overriden from superclass add override TODO
TypeName varName = value var (OR let) name = value OR var (OR let) name: TypeName if necessary OK
Object Creation
TypeName * varName = [[TypeName alloc] init] varName = TypeName() OK
[[TypeName alloc] initWithA: value1 B: value2] TypeName(a: value1, b: value2) DRAFTED
[TypeName TypeNameWithA: value] TypeName(a: value) OK
break in switch statements not necessary, except for empty cases,but add fallthrough where needed
if/while (expr) if/while expr, parentheses optional,but expr must now be a boolean
for ( ... ) for ..., optional TODO
Method Calls
[object method] object.method() OK
[object method: param1 b: param2 …] object.method(param1, b: param2, …) DRAFTED
(TypeName) value to recast value as TypeName OR TypeName(value) TODO
stringName.length stringName.utf16 ORstringName.countElements TODO
stringName isEqualToString: string2Name stringName == string2Name TODO
NSString stringWithFormat@"...%@..%d",obj,int) ...(obj)...(int) TODO
semicolons at end of line Optionally delete OK
@ for literals Delete OK


Jens Alfke crafted this ruby hack with regex code Be sure to point it to a wildcard /project/*.m files and watch it fly.

Here's a more refined hack. It's leveraging clang + and an objective-c wrapper called chime. fire it up app - point it to an existing workspace / or project and it will start processing.

Any .m files a Currently it's creating swift files -> and ripping out every comment from objective-c file. It knows your classes / methods / functions / globals. The entire sourcecode file is being parsed - and I have all the variables / methods / types at disposal thanks to sourcecodekit + clang introspection.

You can step into more detail inside SCKSyntaxHighlighter

  • (NSString*)convertToSwiftSource:(SCKClangSourceFile *)file; // inside your .m file -> be sure to step through the attributes

NSLog(@"attrs:%@",attrs); NSLog(@"attributedSubstringFromRange:%@",[source attributedSubstringFromRange:range] );

There's two directions this project can take -

  1. Regex pattern matching / ruby hack method in combitation with SourceCodeKit attributed string conversion

  2. ChimeTranslationUnit / clang parser

Inside IndexDocument


BOOL useClangParser = NO;
  SCKSourceFile *implementation = [sourceCollection sourceFileForPath: fileURL.path]; //.m files
  NSMutableString *headerFile = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"%@",fileURL.path];
  [headerFile replaceOccurrencesOfString:@".m" withString:@".h" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, headerFile.length)];
  SCKSourceFile *hFile = [sourceCollection sourceFileForPath: headerFile]; //.h files - 
    ChimeTranslationUnit *tu = [[ChimeTranslationUnit alloc] initWithFileURL:fileURL arguments:arguments index:self.index];
    if (tu == nil) {
        // TODO: provide error
        NSLog(@"Couldn't create translation unit for file \"%@\"", [fileURL path]);
    } else {
        [result addObject:tu];

[sourceCollection.files enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *key, SCKClangSourceFile *file, BOOL * __nonnull stop) {

    if ([file isKindOfClass:[SCKClangSourceFile class]]) {

        DDFileReader *reader = [[DDFileReader alloc]initWithFilePath:file.fileName];


        [reader createSwiftFileFrom:file];



C wrappers in clang ->

Obectivej-C to Swift Syntax Translation